Chapter 276

It's Fu Boshan's hand!

Song Zhi saw the flash of a big hand very clearly.

There is a white scar shaped like a bamboo leaf on the back of Gein's hand.

This scar was caused by Song Zhi accidentally stabbing it when he first came in to practice his sword.

Fu Boshan could have resolved the situation and returned to his original state.

But as a new teacher, he felt that this scar was quite memorable.

So it remains today.

When Song Zhi realized this, his whole heart lifted.

She only heard her heart beating faster and faster, and the blood all over her body froze at this moment.

Thinking that Fu Boshan robbed the Zhenyuan Pagoda, it was probably to perfect the evil weapon of the Sky-Swallowing Pot in Su Zhi's hand.

Song Zhi suppressed his instinct to escape.

Song Zhi still remembers the episode where the Evil Immortal Hao Po used the Sky-Swallowing Pot to harm the creatures in Qianhu Cultivation World.

No matter what others do or think.

Song Zhidu would never allow anyone to try to restore the Tiantian Pot and use it.

Therefore, she must take back Zhenyuan Tower from Fu Boshan!
Thinking of this, Song Zhi immediately turned around and rushed towards the sword array.


"Wrong! Wrong direction!"

"Da Mozhou, over there!"

Seeing Song Zhi holding the spirit binding rope with one hand, dragging Feng Ye behind him, while holding half of his body firmly with the other hand, he turned around and rushed back.

Zhao Muyang took two deep breaths and quickly reminded him.

Song Zhi listened, but kept moving.

After hearing that Zhao Muyang had the potential to collapse his spiritual source, Song Zhi hesitated for a moment.

She gritted her teeth and finally took out two high-level teleportation talismans given by the system and pasted them on Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye respectively.

When Zhao Muyang showed a horrified expression and wanted to say something.

Song Zhi had activated these two teleportation talismans without hesitation.

As the Golden Elixir Dzogchen, she rashly faced Fu Boshan, the sword master of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Apart from death, Song Zhi really couldn't think of any other ending.

Since they were fighting against the odds and risking their lives, there was no need for Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye, who were both disabled and injured, to get involved.

"The system has determined the location of the teleportation talisman to be Zhuangjia Fort in Desert Continent."

"Exchange all the golden armor talismans, amulets and other talismans in the novice gift pack to make the stack full."

"This time, I'm going to take it seriously!"

Song Zhi ignored Zhao Muyang's whimpering objections.

When he saw the two senior brothers disappearing from the sky in the teleportation light of the teleportation talisman, they quickly disappeared into the horizon.

Song Zhi immediately summoned the water-covering mandarin duck double swords.

She mobilized all her spiritual power and activated the Inviting Heaven Supreme Sword Technique in advance.

When he saw Fu Boshan standing under a huge boulder, Song Zhi immediately dived towards the white-haired male cultivator like an unsheathed sword.

"Fu Boshan, return the artifact to me!"

"Zhenyuan, release the fire of purgatory and burn Su Zhi!"

Seeing Fu Boshan's big hands turned into claws, he wanted to forcefully remove the tower cover that was integrated with the tower body.

Song Zhi immediately gave an order regardless of the so-called morality.

Hearing this, Fu Boshan subconsciously stopped moving his hands.

When he raised his eyes and glanced at Su Zhi nervously, a sea of ​​​​fire instantly swept out from the Zhenyuan Tower and burned towards Fu Boshan's face.

The trick used by Song Zhi was a typical one of attacking in the east and attacking in the west.

The purgatory fire in Zhenyuan Tower can burn out the souls of several Jindan monks in an instant.

She originally thought that this unexpected move would lead to a successful sneak attack and disrupt Fu Boshan's moves.

But to Song Zhi's disappointment, Fu Boshan remained completely unscathed under the fire of purgatory.

I saw his eyes stern, and a frosty sword intent spread silently from his body. This frost energy and the fire of purgatory first offset each other, and then the frost overwhelmingly extinguished the fire of purgatory.

Fortunately, Song Zhi's sword move had already reached Fu Boshan.

"Xie Linglong's swordsmanship?"

Fu Boshan looked at Song Zhi, who was approaching fiercely, holding two swords to take the head from his neck. A clear wave finally appeared on his extremely indifferent handsome face.

He murmured first.

Then, a sense of anger at being betrayed quickly surged into his heart.

The disciple he had taught so hard for many years actually completely abandoned his inheritance after betraying his master and joining another sect.

Song Zhi!

Does she hate him as a master so much? ?

Or was it someone with ulterior motives who was talking sweet words into her ears, thus alienating their master-disciple relationship?
"evil creature……"

"I would like to ask you, are you really determined to kill your master today?!"

Fu Boshan launched a frosty sword intention with one hand and easily defused Song Zhi's sword move.

He raised his hand and slapped Song Zhi away violently, with a complicated and difficult-to-discern glint in his eyes, and a sad question in his mouth.

Song Zhi could tell that her former master seemed to have a unique master-disciple relationship with her.

It's just a shame.

She has no feelings for Fu Boshan!
In her previous life, it was Fu Boshan's nod that led to her tragic ending. Song Zhi will never forget it and will never forgive her!
"Sword Lord is joking."

"Song is not that kind of rebellious person."

"Please, Lord Sword, please don't throw dirty water on my head."

"Song respects his teacher the most. I admire and respect my master Liu Yuyin very much."

"I have absolutely no intention of killing my master."

"I am taking action now just for self-defense and to get back what belongs to me!"

Song Zhi snorted coldly and used the Middle Three Techniques of the Supreme Sword Technique without hesitation.

With the blessing of the Three Zhong Jue, Song Zhi, who was originally suppressed and beaten by Fu Boshan, slowly inspired a counterattack.

Watching Song Zhi becoming more and more courageous as he fought.

Fu Boshan was very pleased, but at the same time he hated Song Zhi for being so ruthless towards him.

Fu Boshan's brows subconsciously frowned when he saw Song Zhi's endless moves and moves, which once defused his Frost Sword.

Today's trip to Hengtian Island was completely unexpected.

Shangguan Tianci said.

On this trip, he and Su Zhi wanted to return smoothly and get what they wanted.

All obstacles must be removed.

This so-called elimination naturally means death.

But now, it is his former apprentice Song Zhi who is blocking the way.

Rao is for the future of the entire cultivation world, Rao is for their plan to ascend.

He couldn't really kill Song Zhi cruelly.

"evil creature."

"I give you one last chance."

"You, kill this man."

"Tear out the heart of his sword and give it to me."

"I will forget all the things you have done in the past and take you under my wing."

"I hope you will think twice before doing this."

As he spoke, Fu Boshan frowned, and in the middle area between him and Song Zhi, Feng Ye, who was bound by a spiritual rope, and Zhao Muyang, who was seriously injured, appeared out of thin air.

He met Zhao Muyang's frightened peach blossom eyes, and Feng Ye's dim eyes that slowly opened.

Song Zhi, whose life was stuck, finally showed his first fragile expression after seeing Fu Boshan.

"W-what did you do?"

"I obviously sent my senior brothers away..."

(End of this chapter)

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