Chapter 277, choice
"I didn't do much."

"It's just that from the beginning, you have been within the scope of my sword."

"Xiao Zhi, my master mistakenly blamed you for the experience in the Demonic Beast Forest."

"You forgive me, my teacher."

"come back."

"Me and Zhi'er, Shen'er, we will treat you as before."

"The sect and our master will give you generous compensation for this matter to make up for our mistakes."

"Xiao Zhi, can you come back?"

"The four of us, master and disciple, are still living a lively life in Hanjian Peak as before."

"I promise you that as long as you return to Hanyuan Sect, I will pass on everything I have learned about swordsmanship to you."

"Frost Sword, you are more talented and more suitable than your senior brother."

Fu Boshan is not a talkative person.

But now facing Song Zhi, who finally stopped his fierce offensive, he became more talkative.

He had a very mysterious premonition.

He felt that after this time.

He and this disciple who ran away in anger because of his misjudgment will completely part ways and make a clean break.

This strong sense of uncertainty made Fu Boshan become cautious.

Deep in his heart, he never thought about truly driving Song Zhi away.

But he also resented Song Zhi's ruthlessness.

He learned from others that after Song Zhi left the Hanyuan Sect, in less than a month, she joined the Lingxian Sect without hesitation and became a close disciple of True Lord Linglong.


Xie Linglong...

Thinking of Song Zhi's superb swordsmanship when he fought with him, Fu Boshan, who was originally a little soft-hearted, suddenly hardened his heart.

He could accept Song Zhi's return.

He was even willing to spare the lives of the two Lingxian disciples for Song Zhi and let them go today.

However, Song Zhi must fulfill his request first.

She had to dig out the sword core of the male swordsman with her own hands and hand it to him as a surrender letter.

Then, he and the Han Yuan Sect could safely and boldly take her back to the sect.

This was Fu Boshan's test for Song Zhi, and it was also a special kindness to her.

Fu Boshan didn't think there was anything wrong with his approach at all.

When he saw Song Zhi first looking sullen and then showing a look of pensiveness, even the indifferent and calm Fu Boshan couldn't help but feel hopeful.

Song Zhi was his disciple whom he taught step by step. Compared with Gu Zichen, who was born with a sword, it was only through Song Zhi that Fu Boshan truly realized the sense of accomplishment of being a master.

He believed that he had a master-disciple relationship with Song Zhi.

"Xiao Zhi, time is limited, don't hesitate."

"My sword domain won't last long."

"Do it quickly."

"I don't mean to embarrass you, I just hope that you can return to the sect more smoothly."

"This disciple of the Lingxian Sect looks ordinary, but unexpectedly he has cultivated a sword heart that is rare to see in ten thousand years."

"It just so happens that your senior brother is born with a sword bone. If Shen'er can fit this sword heart."

"He can surpass the level and complete the immortal-killing sword technique left by Sword Master Canglan!"

"By then, not only will our Hanyuan Sect be on a higher level, we will also be restricted from ascending by the immortals from the upper world ten thousand years ago."

"You can also let your senior brother cut it directly..."

"At that time, not only will you become a teacher, but you, Xiao Zhi, can also benefit from it and follow the path to soar!"

"Xiao Zhi, don't hesitate, let's do it!"

Fu Boshan urged with excitement.

His handsome face was obviously indifferent and calm, but his words were as passionate as the fire of the earth.

Song Zhi's heart trembled. At this moment, she seemed to see her master Fu Boshan in her previous life, who agreed to He Qingzong to refine her into a top-level furnace in front of her.

"Xiao Zhi, this is the Hanxing dagger made by me myself."

"If you use it to dig out the heart, you can protect the sword's heart from damage and keep it uniquely fresh." Fu Boshan seemed not to notice Song Zhi's resistance and anger.

He said coldly, throwing away a seventh-grade dagger, as if he was sure that Song Zhi would turn around and stand on his side.

Fu Boshan put one hand behind his back, showing his unreserved trust in Song Zhi.

Meeting his expectant eyes, Song Zhi's eyes gradually shifted to Feng Ye.

He looked at Feng Ye, who was half leaning against the pile of rocks, covered in scars and bleeding.

Song Zhi slightly bent his palms and took the dagger suspended in the air into his hand.

Zhao Muyang fell not far away.

He was injured by the sword formation, and that sword formation was full of Fu Boshan's frosty sword intent.

Zhao Muyang is the golden elixir of perfection, and it is difficult to resist at this time.

Now, the injured half of his body was frozen stiff by the frosty air.

The other side of the body was not affected, and it was all thanks to the contracted spirit fire and earthly fire to resist hard.

When Fu Boshan said those words, he did not avoid Zhao Muyang.

Therefore, after seeing Song Zhi take the dagger thrown by Fu Boshan, he stared at Feng Ye with straight eyes.

Zhao Muyang was immediately frightened.

He desperately crawled forward, trying to save Feng Ye, while turning to look at Song Zhi with tears streaming down his face, he broke down and yelled: "Zhizhi, wake up!!"

"We are your fellow disciples, don't believe Fu Boshan's lies."

"If he and the Han Yuan Sect really valued you, why didn't they seriously investigate the truth when the incident occurred?"

"But you believe Su Zhi's words and convict you randomly?"

"If they really value you, Fu Boshan and the Han Yuan Sect should have sent someone to invite you back when the truth about the Monster Forest experience came to light!"

"But, they didn't do any of these normal operations..."

"Zhizhi, Fu Boshan definitely doesn't value you and love you as much as he said..."

"Please, don't attack senior brother!"

Zhao Muyang finally crawled to Feng Ye's side.

He straightened his upper body and stood stiffly in front of Feng Ye.

He was crying uncontrollably, but at this time he was still staring at Song Zhi eagerly.

Unspeakable sadness enveloped the three people of the Lingxian Sect.

What is more sad than separation in life and death is being forced to kill each other.

Song Zhi gritted his silver teeth.

She held the dagger and walked towards Feng Ye.

Every step was extremely slow and difficult.

But she still walked over firmly.

Seeing her getting closer and closer to the owner of the sword, her eyes became more and more firm and cold.

Fu Boshan, who was on top of the boulder, was in a happy mood that could be seen with the naked eye.

Right, that is it.

His disciples should be able to take things up and let them go, and know how to choose between them.

Just like he was back then.

Just like the original master who was gentle and gentle.

Thinking of all the things in the past, Fu Boshan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

And while he was distracted, Song Zhi, who had been staring at him with his consciousness, immediately found an opportunity to take advantage of.

Zhao Muyang saw Song Zhixian shoot out a cluster of blue-purple spiritual fire in his direction.

Then, holding a dagger in her hand, she turned around and turned into white light and shot at Fu Boshan.

At the same time, a circular formation stone was accurately ejected into Zhao Muyang's hands by Song Zhi.

Song Zhi's instructions immediately echoed in Zhao Muyang's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Sixth Brother, Fifth Senior Brother has been included in the Lost Formation by me."

"He is safe. Hurry up and take the formation stones, crush the disciple's token, and find Senior Brother for help!"

"I will try my best to hold Fu Boshan back and buy us time to escape!"

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