Chapter 280

Song Zhi threw away Su Zhi as if she was throwing away rubbish, whose luck had been sucked away so that her skin and flesh were slightly shriveled.

She snorted coldly and summoned the two swords from her body.

A pagoda body filled with blue-purple spiritual fire slowly appeared from behind Song Zhi.

The huge Nascent Soul pressure spread to the entire sword domain in an instant, forming a rivalry with Fu Boshan's frosty sword intent.

Fu Boshan, who saw this major change in his eyes, his handsome face sank slightly and his heart was extremely shocked.

The Zhenyuan Tower Immortal Artifact that represents justice...

In the hands of Song Zhi, he actually possesses magical powers that are the same as the evil weapon of the Sky Swallowing Pot!
Is there something wrong with Song Zhi, the owner of the contract?
Or is there something wrong with Zhenyuan Tower?

Fu Boshan thought to himself, and when he saw Song Zhi abandoning Su Zhi, he rushed towards him, with a demonic attitude that would not stop fighting.

Fu Boshan immediately cheered up and mobilized all his spiritual power to the extreme.

Song Zhi has fallen into a demon.

With the blessing of the inner demon, her whole-body fake infant cultivation was forcibly improved and would dissipate in a moment.

But its power still made him dare not underestimate it.

Fu Boshan threw a protective formation at Su Zhi, and he raised his feet and rushed towards Song Zhi.

Since Song Zhi doesn't want to surrender, then let's fight!
A master-disciple scene.

Let all the grudges and hatreds dissipate in this shocking battle!
"Xiao Zhi, let me take a look."

"After you left me, what did you learn from your new master, Lingxian Sect!"

Fu Boshan shouted angrily, and the frost sword in his hand instantly transformed into thousands of swords.

These swords seemed to have their own consciousness and chased and intercepted Song Zhi.

The power is so shocking that people dare not face any direct resistance.

It was Song Zhi who broke the jar and used the instinct of Zhenyuan Pagoda to absorb Su Zhi's luck on the spot and forcibly improve his cultivation level.

At this time, facing Fu Boshan's fatal blow, she was still not up to par in terms of truly resisting.

However, Song Zhi's ultimate goal of confronting Fu Boshan was not really to kill him from the beginning.

She just wanted to shorten the distance between the two so that she could use the soul connection between the host and Zhenyuan Tower to recall Zhenyuan Tower into her body.

Then, the three brothers and sisters can find a way to escape!
Song Zhi looked menacing and murderous, as if he was possessed by inner demons and lost his mind.

In fact, her mind was clear and she was not affected by her inner demons at all.

The ninth-grade Qingxin Pill produced by the system firmly protects Song Zhi's spiritual consciousness with an ancient fresh air.

Even if the small inner demon wants to take advantage of the situation, it can't find the entrance.

"Sword Lord, don't worry."

"Song will never disappoint you!"

Song Zhi raised two fingers.

She muttered words, and after a moment, the Zhenyuan Tower Dharma Form behind her moved at will, and moved towards the Frost Frost Sword body that fired thousands of arrows.

When the body of the pagoda collided with Fu Boshan's natal spiritual sword, a huge impact shook the heaven and earth, setting off strong winds and waves in the sword domain, causing rocks to fly and sand to fly in an instant.

Song Zhi felt a pain in her heart, and then she opened her mouth and spurted out a mouthful of hot blood.

Even so, Song Zhi still turned around and threw two high-level golden armor talismans at Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye under the premise that he could not protect himself.

"Hahaha, cool!"

"Come again!"

Song Zhi turned around and boldly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

She bared her bloody teeth and shouted loudly, controlling the much weaker pagoda body, and rushed towards Fu Boshan again.

At this level of battle between them, the competition is no longer about showing off skills or magic weapons.

What they were comparing was simply the endurance of sword cultivators and the essence and reserves of spiritual power in their bodies.

Fu Boshan, as the veteran Nascent Soul Lord, is now at the Dzogchen level again.

Song Zhi was forcibly promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Facing the extremely powerful Fu Boshan, Song Zhi also fought and lost. It was rare that he forced Fu Boshan to retreat and suffered setbacks. Once again, Song Zhi was knocked away by Fu Boshan's sword and smashed into a mountain wall. He quickly fell from the mountain wall to the ground.

Looking at the white-haired young man walking slowly not far away, holding a long sword.

Song Zhi curled up on the ground, blood surging in his body, and his body was so miserable that not a single piece of intact skin could be found.

There was thick black and red blood around her mouth. She raised her head and stared stubbornly at Fu Boshan, who was getting closer and closer. A nasty, sinister smile appeared on her thin lips.

"Lord Sword Master."

"I'm really curious."

"After having a master who is as skilled as a father, and then a disciple who has been raised since childhood, what kind of ultimate experience is this?"

"Hahahahaha, Fu Boshan, you are right."

"I, Song Zhi, have not only learned the way of the sword, but I am also infinitely close to your ruthless sword."

"Even my character and temperament have gradually become the same as yours..."

"Hahahaha, the teacher is unfortunate, the teacher is really unfortunate, hahahaha!"

"Master Wen has a rebellious disciple like you, so it's fitting that a disciple as evil as me should appear."

"Sir Sword Master, I, Song Zhi, am your greatest retribution in this life!"

"Zhenyuan Tower, come back!!"

Song Zhi shook his head and said.

She appeared to be crazy, but in fact she had been closely monitoring Fu Boshan's every move with her spiritual consciousness.

She knew clearly that one of Fu Boshan's obsessions was his master Wen Liang, who was killed by him.

In order to distract Fu Boshan, Song Zhi deliberately mentioned Wen Liang.

The so-called defense against the enemy is to attack the mind.

When he saw Fu Boshan was slightly stunned, a look of pain and regret quickly flashed through his indifferent eyes.

Song Zhi immediately realized that her opportunity had come.

So, when Fu Boshan realized something was wrong and rushed towards Song Zhi with his sword, Song Zhi had already drawn three drops of his heart's blood and forcibly recalled the imprisoned Zhenyuan Tower body at the cost of burning the spiritual source.


"Song Zhi cannot be allowed to take back the Zhenyuan Tower!!"

In the distance, Su Zhi, who was in the protective formation, had just regained her consciousness when she saw this horrifying scene clearly.

Su Zhideng stopped pretending to be weak and opened her mouth to scream.

At the same time, Fu Boshan's all-out critical attack also landed on Song Zhi's head at this moment.

A huge frost sword fell from mid-air at a high speed and stabbed straight towards Song Zhi.

Song Zhi already felt the extremely dangerous atmosphere.

But her body was pinned to the spot by a powerful force.

Song Zhi was so shocked that his eyes widened.

Fu Boshan really wanted to kill her!
Her former master was more ruthless than she imagined.

The ice-white sword body penetrated Song Zhi from head to toe in an unstoppable manner.

The huge pain invaded all of Song Zhi's nerves in an instant.

Song Zhi only heard a soft bang.

When she looked up, her vision was pitch black.

She felt like she was like a balloon at this time.

The spiritual energy and demonic energy in her body, or her good luck, were all disintegrating and disappearing.

【system. 】

【I feel so light. 】

[Am I already dead? 】

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