Chapter 281, Demon King Senior Brother
Song Zhi asked in an erratic tone.

At this moment, she seemed to be unable to feel the existence of her body.

The power of Fu Boshan's sword and body is comparable to the nuclear weapons of the earth.

Song Zhi thought that her spirit body might have been wiped out long ago and ceased to exist.

Now she is just a lonely and helpless soul.

She couldn't help but feel melancholy, and her heart was full of unwillingness.

She has not yet lived her own life, and has not yet gained freedom.

It was such a sad departure.

This ending is really unsatisfactory.

[The host is at ease. 】

[You and I merge into one, I am here, that is, the host is here. 】

[Host, just be patient and be prepared to return. 】

[Things have turned around. 】

The 2.0 female supporting system comforted her with a gentle tone, showing her rare popularity.

Hearing the determination in its words, Song Zhi's mind immediately came to life.

[Tongzi, what’s the turning point? 】

Song Zhi asked eagerly. In the darkness, she subconsciously made a motion to sit up.

The system looked out from her soul.

After a moment, it faintly replied: "Host, do you still remember the ninth-grade first furnace that was forcibly taken away by Fu Boshan?"

"While Fu Boshan was concentrating on dealing with you, the weapon spirit of the First Furnace took the opportunity to break free."

"It took out Zhao Muyang's disciple token and crushed it."

"Now, the rescue backup stored in the disciple's token by Lord Linglong has arrived in the realm of Fu Boshan's sword intention."

"Host, please rest assured that your journey to the fairy world is still going on."

The system said softly.

The anthropomorphic tone made Song Zhi almost think it was a real person.

"The first batch of it..."

Loyal, brave and fearless, it really makes people cry to death.

Hearing this, Song Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

It was just the system's next words that caused Song Zhi's soul consciousness to shut down for a moment.

"Although the host and the two senior brothers were saved."

"But unfortunately, the Alchemy Furnace Spirit cannot withstand the sword power of the Sword Master."

"Now it has been reduced to ashes."

In this world, there will never be another Dan Furnace Spirit called her Jian Yatou.

Song Zhi opened his mouth dumbly, and tears instantly flowed out.

at the same time.

Within Fu Boshan's sword domain.

The vast sacred aura of the ancient immortal beast fell from the sky and directly enveloped this world.

Fu Boshan's aura of sword intent had long been suppressed and dissipated.

Fu Boshan had previously used the power of Nascent Soul to suppress Song Zhi in place, unable to move.

Now, this kind of involuntary thing also happened to him.

The strong pressure, which was almost as strong as the law of heaven, made it difficult for Fu Boshan to move even an inch, and he frowned in discomfort.

Su Zhi on the side was even more unable to hold on, her facial features were being squeezed and bleeding.

Only then did Fu Boshan suddenly understand that the Lingxian Sect had declined.

It is not something that his little Nascent Soul can bully at will.


"Please forgive me!"

Feeling the growing pressure, Su Zhi desperately called for help.

Fu Boshan could no longer hold back his face as a true king.

He bowed with great effort, finally lowered his head, and spoke begging for mercy to the Supreme Power, whose face was not even revealed.

However, this powerful man did not stop this unilateral crushing and torture.

Fu Boshan watched as the unknown force lifted Feng Ye, who had a weak breath, and Zhao Muyang, who had only a trace of soul left, into the cracks in the void.

As for Song Zhi, who was beheaded by him and whose skin and flesh were no longer preserved in the huge sword force, he was also rebuilt bit by bit by the powerful immortal cultivation method.

There was a soft bang.

Song Zhi, who was supposed to disappear without a trace, actually appeared intact in the ripples of spiritual energy.

However, she only had her flesh, flesh and spirit body intact. The golden elixir that was broken by him was still in a state of fragmentation.

This mighty one.

There seems to be some scruples.

Realizing this, Fu Boshan immediately realized that there was an opportunity.

He straightened up little by little, and the frosty sword flew into his hand in the blink of an eye.

And just when Fu Boshan was about to fight back, the sudden huge pressure swept Song Zhi's spirit body.

Just as he came, he suddenly disappeared into the sword field.


"My pot lid is gone!"

Su Zhi, who had escaped from death, didn't even bother to breathe.

She looked at the cracks in the void that quickly closed, and let out a scream of collapse.

What on earth is Master doing?

Didn't she say that?

The lid of the pot is related to the perfection of the body of the Tuntian pot.

If the Sky-Swallowing Pot cannot be perfected as soon as possible, her life as the contract owner will be in danger! !

Master shouldn't have shown off his skills before.

He directly killed Song Zhi and took her and Zhenyuan Pagoda away from here.

Song Zhi and the others would not be given a chance to escape.

Alas, it was another failure in the end.

"Fourth Junior Brother, Master will transform into a spirit and come out of seclusion in the near future."

"It's all thanks to my two junior brothers to protect Tianji Nu this time."

"Now the souls of the two junior brothers are in turmoil, and their spiritual bodies are not safe."

"I hope Fourth Junior Brother will take a lot of trouble. When I go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate, I may be able to find some life-saving treasures."

"My little junior sister has become a demon and is now possessed by inner demons. Fourth junior brother, please be more vigilant when facing her."


When Song Zhi woke up from the long darkness.

Just then, I heard a male voice as clear and pleasant as the gurgling stream, giving instructions earnestly.

Song Zhi pricked up his ears and was about to listen carefully, but the sound stopped suddenly, as if it had never appeared.

Song Zhi shook his head and raised his ears again unconvinced, but was shocked to find that this time.

Not only could she not hear the man's voice.

As a Golden Elixir Dzogchen cultivator, she could not even hear the most basic sounds outside the cave.

At this point, Song Zhi was still a little dazed, but he suddenly woke up.


She was rescued.

When she left the Sword Domain battlefield, not a single bone was left of her being killed by her former master.

It was the person who saved her who gathered her spirit body and allowed her to be reborn.

Is this powerful person her senior brother in the Lingxian Sect, His Excellency the Demon King?

Her golden elixir was broken and could not be restored.

The golden elixir was shattered, and her current cultivation level had fallen to the Qi training stage.

The qi orifices in the body were also destroyed to some extent.

There is no difference between her and a useless person.

【Host. 】

[Why don't you go out and see your two senior brothers? 】

[If the situation is not right, the host may be able to help a lot! 】

Just when Song Zhi was stroking his heart and worrying about the future, System, who never took the initiative to speak, suddenly spoke up.

Song Zhi's mind immediately shifted to the system.

It was at this time that Song Zhi also thought of Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye, whose lives were in danger.

The man who was suspected of being the demon king's senior brother could not guarantee that he would be able to save the two senior brothers even in his words.

From this we can see how bad the situation of Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang is.


"They are helpless, but I can save the two senior brothers!"

The system's words successfully reminded Song Zhi and inspired her fighting spirit.

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