Chapter 282


"Uncle Song, are you awake so soon?"

"As expected..."

"Well, he is indeed the most talented disciple in the Lingxian Sect!"

Sang Yu, who almost spilled the beans, snorted and quickly made amends for himself.

He came in uninvited and pushed the door open, making Song Zhi jump.

This resulted in Song Zhi, who was usually sensitive and wise, not noticing his unnatural pause at all.


"Is this the Devil's Palace?"

"Senior Brother, is your Senior Uncle still here?"

"Quickly go out and call him, just say, "I cough, cough, cough," and just say that I have a way to save the fifth and sixth brothers!"

"I beg him to stay here and protect the two senior brothers!"

Song Zhi kept talking and gesticulating, choking with excitement.

Looking at the bed, it looked pale and breathless, not like the bright and flamboyant Song Zhi before.

Then I thought of Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang, who were lying in the health formation, now lifeless.

Sang Yu pursed his lower lip, and his mood became even heavier.

This time, the three people from the Lingxian Sect were killed and severely injured by the True Lord Yuanying of the Hanyuan Sect.

My father said that this move was not only the immorality of Fu Boshan, the sword master, but also the opposition between Han Yuan Sect and other righteous sects.

Between destiny and destiny, people in the Qianhu cultivation world always have to make a choice.

The mother said that Master Song and the others survived this disaster, which showed that they had a bright future.

Maybe he can usher in the day when he ascends to the demon realm!
Thinking of this, Sang Yu felt a little more fiery in his heart.

Facing Song Zhi's anxious eyes, Sang Yu didn't dare to delay, but he still stood there without moving.

"Little uncle."

"Well, it's not that I won't call someone for you."

"Mainly, my great uncle whom I have never met before."

"When the old man sent you to Zhuangjiabao, he didn't show up at all."

"I don't even know how to find him."

"But without further ado, I can take my junior uncle to find my father first."

Sang Yu said eagerly, as if he was ready to step forward to help Song Zhi.

Song Zhi felt heavy and was too lazy to watch him play tricks.

She used her thin spiritual power to take out a low-level teleportation talisman from her storage bag. After injecting a spiritual power into it, the teleportation talisman took effect immediately.

Sang Yu saw a flash of icy blue light before his eyes, and Song Zhi disappeared.

The next moment, his mother Sang Yan's call rang in his ears.

"Yu'er, come to Xianfeng Hall."

"Work with my mother to protect your two uncles!"

Here, Song Zhi, who was teleported to Xianfeng Hall with the help of teleportation talisman, has successfully reunited with fourth senior brother Zhuang Fei and third senior sister Sang Yan.

Zhuang Fei couldn't bear it when he saw Song Zhi, whose golden elixir was broken, his cultivation plummeted, and even his spiritual source was missing.

Sang Yan on the side gritted her teeth and shed a tear from her eyes.

Her eyes were full of heartache, and she held Song Zhi's hand and didn't know how to comfort her.

Senior brother said that Song Zhi's Qi orifice has been destroyed.

If there is no turning point, her path to immortality will be ruined.

And this turning point surprisingly existed in Song Zhi himself.

The elder brother's words really troubled her and Zhuang Fei.

"Third Senior Sister, Fourth Senior Brother, please stop talking."

"I have two top-quality elixirs here that flowed from the fairy world."

"This elixir can revive bones and the dead."

"Fifth Senior Brother and Sixth Senior Brother suffered this catastrophe, and I was ultimately implicated."

"I feel guilty and uneasy."

"But I can't protect myself at this time. All I can do is contribute these two pills and ask my brothers and sisters to do their best to help save them both!"

"So, Song Zhi, thank you both very much!" Song Zhi said weakly with a white face.

As she spoke, she exchanged two top-quality elixirs from the system.

When this elixir first appeared in the world, Zhuang Pi and Sang Yan had red hearts, and they couldn't help but salivate.

Fortunately, they both came to their senses soon.

"What an evil elixir!"

"It can actually arouse people's desires and lead them to fight and kill each other."

Sang Yan reached out and pressed her forehead. She was more wary of the two pills in Song Zhi's palm than coveted them.

Zhuang Fei on the side saw that this was Song Zhi's intention.

His little junior sister seems to be born with a cold heart and does not trust others.

It was Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye who were in danger.

She still had to put him and Sang Yan to the final test.

With such caution, it is no wonder that the Demon Lord regarded him as a chance to break through the Immortal Emperor's restrictions.

"Junior sister, don't worry."

"Senior sister and I will never be greedy for anything."

"We will send these two elixirs intact to the mouths of the two junior brothers."

"If junior sister is worried, you can sit aside and supervise."

Zhuang Fei stretched out his hand to open the formation, revealing the broken spirit bodies of Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang.

Looking at the dying Feng Ye, and then looking at the breathless Zhao Muyang.

Rao Shi Song Zhi has always walked in the world with the mentality of an outsider, only treating people in the world of cultivation as passers-by.

At this time, her eyes were still red.

In her previous life, she resented Fu Boshan and Gu Zichen all the time.

She hated them for repaying kindness with hatred, and also hated their white-eyed wolf behavior.

She hated them even more for not throwing their lives and blood for her, risking their lives for her, and protecting her.

And now, there are two fellow seniors who have just met each other not long ago.

One flew forward and used his spirit body to block the fatal sword for her.

The other, in order to let her escape unscathed, did not hesitate to voluntarily cut off his own heart and cut off his own path ruthlessly.

Except for herself.

In this world, only these two people regard her as a treasure and spend everything they have for her.

This kind of friendship made Song Zhi's heart as hard as iron, but it was also melted at this time.

"Fifth senior brother."

"I promise you the sword heart you lost."

"I will definitely get it back for you with my own hands!"

"Sixth Brother, you have to cheer up."

"In order to save us, the first furnace spirit was shattered and dissipated by that bitch Fu Boshan."

"Only if you wake up as soon as possible, the first furnace spirit can get a chance to survive and rebuild!"

"The three of us must repay this insult today with our own hands!"

Therefore, Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye, you must wake up!
Song Zhi handed two elixirs to Zhuang Fei.

There were tears in her eyes, but she stubbornly refused to let them fall.

She took a deep look at the miserable faces of Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang, then turned around and strode out.

Now is not the time to be sad.

The most important thing she should do now is to find ways to repair the Qi orifice, expand the spiritual source, and make adequate preparations for rebuilding the golden elixir.


And while Song Zhi was practicing hard, Zhuang Fei and Sang Yan exhausted their cultivation and made their last efforts to revive Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye.

Far away from the Desert Continent, deep in the Lost Forest of the Demon Realm, a dazzling white light suddenly rose into the sky.

The clouds of tribulation, which represented the thunder tribulation of transforming into gods, also roared and swept in.

The entire demon world trembled, and then it was boiling for a long time.

Because all the monsters understand.

This natural phenomenon is clearly that of their demon clan, and it also shows the birth of a great demon in the form of a god!

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