Chapter 283

But soon, the knowledgeable demon clan discovered that their previous guesses were wrong.

The tribulation-transcending powerhouse who was in the direction of the Lost Forest.

He is not the great demon of their demon clan at all!

It’s about human cultivation! !
"Could it be that she is the one who attained enlightenment by becoming a god?"

Among the boiling group of monsters, an eight-tailed white fox whispered softly.

A moment later, a handsome man in an elegant white robe boldly walked into the forbidden area holding a jade pendant.

at the same time.

I saw thick thunder striking down on the previously mysterious and unpredictable forbidden area.

The thunderous light illuminated the surrounding area as if it were eternal daylight.

A female cultivator with long flowing hair and elegant clothes in white was holding a green jade sword and rushed forward to face the thunder.

The gray spiritual energy swept towards the female cultivator as if being pulled by an invisible big hand.

Then, this overwhelming gray spiritual energy quickly transformed into the strong spiritual power of the female cultivator to overcome the tribulation.

Just when these people refused to give in to each other and were in a stalemate.

The young female cultivator, who was covered with a protective barrier, suddenly summoned a pointed treasure with her left hand.

As soon as the treasure appeared in the world, it spontaneously flew towards the thunder.

After that, the monsters who tried their best to watch were horrified to find that the treasure thrown by the human female cultivator actually sucked Lei Jie and Jie Yun into their stomachs.

This, this situation is simply unheard of and unseen!
The demon clan were collectively shocked.

Another knowledgeable demon clan murmured in confusion.

"Hiss, by the way, that female cultivator just swallowed the calamity cloud and was shocked."

"Wouldn't her thunder catastrophe of becoming a god not count?"

"Had she not faced the thunder tribulation directly or passed through the thunder tribulation, Heaven would not have recognized her cultivation of becoming a god!"

This does not only exist in human cultivation, but also in the advancement of monsters.

This monster clan is very knowledgeable, and the objections raised can be said to be to the point.

However, soon, the spire treasure that collected all the calamity clouds and thunder showed its magic to the onlookers with practical actions.

When the last thunder that gathered in the sky was about to fall with great force.

Liu Yuyin, who had stolen a few moments to breathe, showed sharp eyes. She suddenly raised the pointed treasure and struck a furious blow at the thunder that was coming towards her.

On the top of the treasure's spire, there was a thick thunder light that was no less than the 81st thunder, and it was as fast as lightning.

Just like this, he bared his teeth and claws and struck the last thunderbolt struck by the Heavenly Dao fiercely.


Accompanied by a earth-shaking sound, the two competing thunders suddenly merged into one and were grabbed by a plain white jade hand.

This hand seems to have some kind of magic power.

All the monsters watched from a distance as the female cultivator stretched out her hand to grab it, and then wrapped it around her.

The earth-shattering thunder catastrophe that made all the great demons tremble with fear turned into a purple-gold string and wrapped neatly around the female cultivator's wrist.

As the thunderstorm dissipated, a sweet fairy sound suddenly sounded in the sky where the female cultivator was, and fairy petals representing baptism and blessing were scattered out of thin air.

The sun rose behind her, coating her with a dazzling golden light.

At this moment, Liu Yuyin, who had successfully advanced to become a god, was as powerful and majestic in the eyes of the demons as if she were a goddess descending to earth.

"Congratulations to the head of Lingxian Sect, Linglong Zhenjun, who has become a god and is now called Linglong Zhenzun."

An ethereal and sweet male voice suddenly sounded in every corner of the demon world, announcing Liu Yuyin's advancement to god transformation with great fanfare.

The big demon who recognized the identity of this male voice wanted to take advantage of the situation, but suddenly stopped.

They don't dare to go against the king of the demon world.

The goddess-incarnation female cultivator was clearly covered by that person.

How could Liu Yuyin not understand the protection of the demon clan saint?

But when she thought of the other person's identity and appearance, she couldn't feel any relative awe.


"Congratulations, Master! Congratulations, Master!"

"Master has now become a god. Xiaobai and I can finally play with confidence and boldness." "By the way, Master, Xiaobai let me tell you."

"That's right, when you were practicing in seclusion, we, the three younger brothers and sisters of Lingxian Sect."

"Well, they were just severely beaten by the sword master of the Han Yuan Sect."

"The consequences are a bit serious. If Master is free, you can ask Xiaobai to check the situation at that time."

"Cough cough."

A little girl with a ponytail and animal skin armor suddenly flew close to Liu Yuyin.

After meeting Liu Yuyin's gaze, the little girl immediately bowed and saluted respectfully.

She has a childish face and looks to be at most five or six years old.

She is so cute and charming that people can't help but feel soft at first sight.

But Liu Yuyin was not only unable to soften her heart, she was also very wary of this person.

Just because the other party's identity is powerful and mysterious.

If it is leaked rashly, it will probably cause turmoil in this world.

Looking at the little girl named her second disciple Xiao Ling'er in front of her, she was actually the reincarnation of a certain spirit fairy.

Even Liu Yuyin couldn't help but show a difficult look.

But soon, Liu Yuyin's attention was focused on what Xiao Ling'er said.

If she remembers correctly, the sword master of the Han Yuan Sect is the sword master Fu Boshan, right?
He seems to be the former master of her closed disciple...


Thinking about it this way, the cause and effect cycle is right.


"Let's go find Lord Shengzun now."

Liu Yuyin lowered her head and straightened her sleeves.

Xiao Ling'er only heard her whisper.

Then, a gray spiritual energy rushed in instantly.

The spiritual energy swept over Xiao Ling'er and followed Liu Yuyin.

Soon, the two masters and disciples flashed into the cave of Bai Ze, the holy master of the demon clan.

"Please don't be upset, Holy Master, and forgive Liu for coming uninvited."

"Liu came here this time just to see the process and final outcome of Song Zhi, Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye after they encountered Fu Boshan."

Liu Yuyin is not a mindless person.

In her impression, Fu Boshan was not a hypocritical and rotten person.

Therefore, Liu Yuyin decided to find out the whole story of Song Zhi, his former apprentice.

And Saint Bai Ze, who has the ability to listen to heaven and reach the river of Hades, can be said to be omniscient and born with the power of prophecy, is Liu Yuyin's best recaller.

"I have sealed that memory in the original stone."

"Master, just watch by yourself."

"Things went much better than I expected."

"At least, my little junior sister fought to the death and took back the main body of Zhenyuan Tower."

"The evil weapon Sky-Swallowing Pot has lost its lid and cannot perfect its body. Its power to reach the sky can only be changed from seven points to four points."

"Think again about our original partition plan."

"Master, don't worry, the Evil Immortal Hao Po can't cause trouble."

A young boy who looked like a boy was stuffing kiwi fruit into his mouth while swearing.

He strives to be unpredictable and full of force.

But Liu Yuyin didn't have the courage to look directly at him.

I'm really sorry.

When I saw His Majesty the Holy Lord, he looked like an innocent child to the outside world.

She couldn't help but want to laugh!

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