Chapter 285

In the territory of Hanyuan Sect, at the top of Hanjian Peak.

Located in the outer hall of Gu Zichen's independent cave, currently sitting are the head master He Qingzong, the sword master Fu Boshan, and the daughter of destiny Su Zhi.

Seeing Lord Bai Zian walking out of the inner hall, the three people present were all refreshed and stood up to greet him.

"Junior sister Bai Qian, how is Zichen?"

"Is the soul still intact?"

The person who asked the question was the head He Qingzong.

It's not the fault of him being nervous, the main reason is that Gu Zichen has a natural sword bone that is rare to see in thousands of years.

A group of them wanted to break the ban imposed by the Immortal Emperor on the Qianhu cultivation world.

Those who are born with sword bones must first cultivate the sword heart, and then practice the sword techniques left by Venerable Canglan.

As long as you successfully cultivate to the point where man and sword become one.

There is a fifty-five percent chance that the Immortal Emperor's ban will be lifted.

Therefore, Gu Zichen's safety is very important!

Seeing the nervous and cautious eyes of He Qingzong and Fu Boshan, Zhenjun Baiqian, who tried his best to help regulate his breathing, couldn't help but exhale softly and nodded slightly to them, indicating that it was okay.

"There are indeed foreign souls in the sea of ​​consciousness of little Gu, trying to seize his body."

"However, fortunately, Xiao Gu was determined and kept resisting."

"And Junior Brother Shuanghan rescued him in time, so the soul did not invade successfully."

"The foreign soul has been forced out of the body by Xiao Gu and crushed into pieces."

"It's just that Xiao Gu was seriously injured and his spiritual energy was exhausted."

"He must recuperate first before he can accept the transfer of the sword's heart."

When talking about the fresh sword heart that is all white and full of vitality.

Zhenjun Bai Zian's eyes couldn't help but wander for a moment.

She didn't need to think too much about that Kenshin, she knew that it was forcibly taken out from the body of the original owner of Kenshin.

But taking things by force like this is against the laws of Heaven and those evil cultivators.

What's the difference?
"Senior Brother Head."

"Are we really going to stain our hands with blood and do things that are outrageous and resentful just for the sake of an illusory possibility?"

At this moment, Zhenjun Baiqian, who had always been gentle and just, felt confused in his heart.

She did not avoid Fu Boshan and Su Zhi on this topic.

She raised her head and stared at He Qingzong, asking hoarsely, with pure confusion and intolerance on her face.

He Qingzong's eyelids twitched quickly, and the scolding that came to his mouth turned into a sad sigh automatically.

"Junior sister."

"If possible, senior brother doesn't want to be a hypocrite and associate with evil cultivators."

"But the ancestor can't wait any longer."

"The creatures in this huge Qianhu cultivation world can't wait any longer."

"If we don't break the restrictions imposed by the Immortal Emperor."

"All of us will die here due to exhaustion of spiritual energy!!"

"Junior sister, our cultivation is ultimately to cultivate immortality for ourselves and achieve enlightenment and ascend to heaven."

"If you look forward and backward, and are obsessed with the life and death of kittens and puppies, then you will not practice cultivation."

"Tell me, is this true?"

"For the life and death of everyone, a few people have to make some sacrifices when necessary."

"I know that junior sister cultivates the way of benevolence, but she can't stand what I'm doing."

"But Junior Sister, you can't just watch most of the living beings in the Qianhu Cultivation World die just because you pity a few people!"

He Qingzong was worthy of being the head of the sect. With just a few words, he calmed down the questioning Zhenjun Baizhen.

True Lord Bai Qian sighed softly, with a somewhat complicated look on his beautiful face.

She turned to Fu Boshan and Su Zhi, nodded, explained a few words, and then turned and left.

In order to protect the interests of the many, the lives and paths of a few must be sacrificed.

Is it fair?
This is unfair.

But since ancient times, the minority has obeyed the majority. If the selected sacrifices want to survive, they can only resist desperately and swim upstream.

Cultivation of immortality, in the final analysis, is still a world where humans cannibalize humans!
"Your Majesty, go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and put up a sign."

"Just say that I am physically tired and need to retreat to regulate my breathing."

"Except for something going on at Hanjian Peak, others are not allowed to go to Dan Peak to disturb me."


"Master, great, senior brother has finally woken up!"

As soon as the figure of Zhenjun Baiqian disappeared, Su Zhi on the side immediately broke the peace of the outer hall with joy.

To her, she was innocent and lively, with almond-shaped eyes that seemed ignorant of the world.

Fu Boshan couldn't help but sigh.

Zhi'er knew everything, but she was so obedient that she didn't say anything.

They chose to protect Su Zhi and selected Su Zhi as a necessary figure to break the Immortal Emperor's restrictions.

Isn't this the persecution and plunder of Su Zhi?
In that small town, she could obviously live a simple and happy life like other mortal women.

But because of their selfish plans, her peace was broken by them.

"Zhi'er, I can't stand you as a teacher after all."

"Don't worry, my teacher will personally find the missing pot lid for you!"

"Xing Feng has tracked Song Zhi's whereabouts. Once the master is ready to go, he will immediately go to arrest the evildoer."

In order to ascend to immortality, to ascend the great road.

He first killed the woman he loved, and then the master whom he regarded as his own father.

Now, it doesn't seem to be too difficult for him to kill his rebels.

He has already completed more than half of this difficult path to immortality.

There is no reason for him to give up halfway after putting in so much effort...

Su Zhishang didn't know what Fu Boshan was planning.

She saw Fu Boshan smiling at her, gentle and approachable.

Her uneasy heart finally relaxed a little.

But the seeds of doubt were planted in Su Zhi's heart.

Su Zhi suddenly felt that in Han Yuan Sect, she seemed to be more than just a disciple of Jian Zun.

Did the sect leader and master really not see the secret of the Sky Swallowing Pot?
"Zhi'er, your senior brother has just woken up and is still weak."

"If you have nothing to do, you can spend more time with him."

Fu Boshan didn't know what Su Zhi was thinking.

Seeing her carrying herself like a deer, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pity in his heart, and he gave her gentle instructions.

For a moment, master and disciple respected each other, and the scene was harmonious and beautiful.

At this moment, a clear female voice suddenly sounded throughout the entire sect, breaking the calm of Hanjian Peak.

"Han Yuan Zong, Fu Bo Shan!"

"Injure my disciple and steal my disciple's treasure. Today, I must compete with you."

"Get out of here and die!!"

Accompanied by the clear female voice, there was also the swaying and swaying sound of the Han Yuan Sect's sect-protecting barrier.

A woman in white robe is holding a jade sword and her feet are floating in the air.

She stood on the protective barrier, her eyes lowered and looking precisely at Fu Boshan at the top of Hanjian Peak. Her beautiful face was full of bloodthirsty ferocity and anger.

The protective sect barrier is said to be able to withstand three full blows from the god-transformation monk.

It's worthy of its name.

But Liu Yuyin, who came to take revenge, did more than just strike three times.

After she raised her foot and stepped hard, the sect-protecting barrier that was barely holding up instantly shattered into pieces.

There was a loud "clang" sound.

Within the Han Yuan Sect, an early warning sound representing the invasion of a powerful enemy resounded through the sky at the same time.

"Head of the Lingxian Sect, Liu Yuyin?"

"In less than eighty years, you have advanced to become a god?!"

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