Chapter 286

He Qingzong led all Yuanying Jindan disciples and flew to the opposite side of Liu Yuyin in an instant.

Looking at Ulala, a group of people were approaching fiercely, with angry expressions on their faces, as if they wanted to tear her into pieces immediately.

Liu Yuyin felt disdainful and couldn't help but raise her head and laugh wildly.

She is a rare chaotic heavenly spirit root in the world.

She has just advanced to become a god, and her heritage and strength are comparable to those of the ancestor of the Han Yuan Sect, He Jingzhang.

Just with the group of Nascent Soul Golden Pills in front of him, did He Qingzong want to stop her? !

Hahaha, he is simply daydreaming!
"Congratulations, Master, I am here to visit today."

"The one I'm looking for is Fu Boshan from Zonghan Sword Peak."

"What he did to my three disciples really makes my heart uneasy."

"Let Fu Boshan come out and let's fight openly and honestly."

"If he wins, my path will be cut off and I will die willingly."

"If he loses..."

Huh, if Fu Boshan loses, he will definitely die!
Liu Yuyin said coldly.

Her voice contained the expansion of spiritual power, which instantly spread to every corner of the Han Yuan Sect.

Seeing that He Qingzong was still talking nonsense, Liu Yuyin, who was already full of anger, was not used to it at all.

She snorted angrily and opened a door in the air.

He Qingzong and others who were standing in front of Hanjian Peak were simply pushed aside by an irresistible force.

When He Qingzong and others reacted, they wanted to rush forward to confront Liu Yuyin again.

A pure energy of the five spirits had drawn a vacuum around them, directly blocking them from the battlefield.

Liu Yuyin only wanted to find Fu Boshan, and did not want to cause trouble and make things difficult for others.

Of course, if someone is willing to die, she won't stop him.

"Master, who is she?!"

"What a strong momentum!"

Su Zhi looked at the beautiful Xiu standing in the sky and let out a timid scream.

Fu Boshan was shocked, and he already knew the identity of the visitor.

He threw several golden armor talismans and two heaven-level protection formations towards Hanjian Peak.

At this critical moment when they were being attacked, Fu Boshan kept in mind the mission of protecting Su Zhi and Gu Zichen.

It's not that he can't be a qualified master.

He was just sorry for Song Zhi, his former apprentice.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yuyin's heart ached, and she suddenly felt a little bit sympathetic to Song Zhi's anger and grievance.

"That person is the leader of the Lingxian Sect, Liu Yuyin."

"She is also your senior sister, and she is also the evil new master."

"Zhi'er, go and guard your senior brother."

"When my master comes back victorious, I will personally retrieve the pot lid."

Fu Boshan gave Su Zhi a reassuring smile, and his handsome, cold face twitched abnormally.

Su Zhi was so frightened that her heart trembled, but Fu Boshan turned around, summoned the Frost Frost Sword, and faced Liu Yuyin without hesitation.

Now that Liu Yuyin has knocked on the door, let's fight!
I had long heard that in Wentian Mountain, there was a young female cultivator with chaotic spiritual roots. Her chaotic spiritual power was mysterious and unpredictable, and she was hard to beat.

He had long had the idea of ​​competing.

Now, he finally got his wish.

Liu Yuyin has just advanced to become a god.

As a Yuanying Dzogchen sword cultivator, his sword intention has reached the eighth level.

Against Liu Yuyin, you may not necessarily be at a disadvantage.

With this in mind, Fu Boshan rushed towards Liu Yuyin with his sword in hand. His frost-cold sword was frozen every inch, and it was freezing for a moment.

The huge frost-colored sword body rose from behind Fu Boshan and slashed angrily towards Liu Yuyin.

The icy sword intent spread all over the sky and spread to this area in an instant. It belonged to Fu Boshan's unique sword domain and accurately trapped Liu Yuyin in the center.

Looking at the powerful Sword Master, Liu Yuyin flicked her fingers first, and the dull sword power suppressed was easily resolved by her.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Fu Boshan charging towards him with murderous intent, and the spiritual power in his body was already operating to the extreme.

Liu Yuyin didn't panic either.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and with a slight stir in her hand, ripples appeared in the surrounding sword field.

Before Fu Boshan could react, an overwhelming amount of essence spiritual energy was absorbed into Liu Yuyin's palm.

As the spiritual energy continued to gather and compress, a gray spiritual sword of heaven and earth gathered together in an instant.

This spiritual sword was held by Liu Yuyin in one hand.

Her eyes were sharp, she picked up the forged spirit sword and slashed at Fu Boshan with awe-inspiring moves!
After two puffs.

A dazzling sword light suddenly erupted in mid-air with Liu Yuyin and Fu Boshan as the center.

Everyone saw their clothes flipping around, and a black figure suddenly flew out.

"Yes, it's True Lord Shuanghan!"

A member of the Hanyuan Sect, who was standing in the distance and watching the war, suddenly shouted.

And this is just the beginning.

Before Fu Boshan, who was slightly inferior, could stand firm, Liu Yuyin was already chasing after him reluctantly.

She fell from the sky and stepped on Fu Boshan's belly.

When she stepped on him with all her strength, even though Fu Boshan was already a Nascent Soul Vajra Indestructible Spirit, his five internal organs and heart vessels were shattered on the spot.

In the past, Fu Boshan didn't understand the arrogance of the Chaos Heavenly Spiritual Root. He only thought that this kind of monks just absorbed a special spiritual energy, and they were no different from the single-spiritual root monks like them.

During this battle with Liu Yuyin, Fu Boshan realized that his previous understanding was completely wrong.

He never expected that Liu Yuyin with the Chaos Sky Spiritual Root could unilaterally extract and control the water attribute spiritual power in his body.

With her gentle touch, he could no longer mobilize his spiritual power.

This was not a fair duel at all, but Liu Yuyin's unilateral killing of him.

But in Fu Boshan's life dictionary, there are never two words: admit defeat and beg for mercy.

As a sword cultivator, only by facing up to difficulties can you find the right solution.

Thinking of this, Fu Boshan, who was kicked into the mountain wall by Liu Yuyin, quickly took out several talisman disks from his storage bag, preparing to change his mind to defend against the enemy.

He described himself as in a state of embarrassment, with blood pouring from his mouth, but facing the menacing Liu Yuyin, he was not afraid at all and had no intention of backing down.

Facing the white-haired male cultivator's eyes that were as dazzling as stars, Liu Yuyin, who had already gained the upper hand, also gave him a smile that she was sure to win.

Today, Fu Boshan will definitely die!

"The bright moon is in the sky, and the immortals are here to help!"

"Five spiritual senses, dominate one side, Brahma Sword, come out!"

Liu Yuyin chanted in a low voice, and the spiritual energy behind him surged crazily.

A series of gray swords quickly gathered together.

Fu Boshan once used the Thousand Swords Killing move against Song Zhi. Now, Liu Yuyin was following the same example and was determined to take revenge on the three disciples one by one.

At this point, it was Fu Boshan's straight man nature, and he understood Liu Yuyin's intention.

In front of the mountain wall, Fu Boshan struggled to get up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The light in his eyes dimmed. At this moment, he also had a real fire.

Liu Yuyin wants to avenge Song Zhi and the others?
Oh, no problem.

The problem is that as the person involved, he is unwilling to cooperate!

Now that Liu Yuyin is here, don't leave.

It just so happens that Zhi'er's round pot is now at a critical period when she is hungry and thirsty and in urgent need of spiritual nourishment.

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