Chapter 287

A cold light flashed in Fu Boshan's eyes, and he was determined to kill Liu Yuyin.

I saw him exerting force on his waist and abdomen, and his slender spirit body jumped up instantly.

He kicked off the mountain wall and used the force of the rebound to rush towards Liu Yuyin.

In front of him, attack talismans and protective formations were spread out as if they were free of charge, clearing a feasible way for him in advance.

This sword intention field was obviously created by him, but now it is occupied by Liu Yuyinjiu.

Although she is a sword cultivator, she has made no achievements in the ruthless swordsmanship, and her understanding of sword intention is zero.

Why should she occupy his sword domain?
He wants her to die!

Liu Yuyin was nakedly humiliating him.

It was precisely because he realized this that Fu Boshan acted so angry.

With so many emotions intertwined, Fu Boshan unleashed an astonishing attack power.

In the Sword Intent Domain, which everyone saw in mid-air, sword light flashed four times, and thousands of swords were launched in unison.

The group of swords that made people's scalp numb were stabbing Liu Yuyin like raindrops.

The huge sword force blocked Liu Yuyin from all directions.

In this regard, Liu Yuyin did not panic at all.

She even felt so relaxed that she wanted to laugh.

She knows Fu Boshan.

Sword Master, he is very famous in the world of Qianhu cultivation. Everyone knows that he is the leader of the righteous path.

It is said that this leader is a genius in swordsmanship, and no one dares to compete with him once the Frost Frost Sword is out.

It turned out that Liu Yuyin believed this praise to be true.

Now I'm fighting in person.

Only then did Liu Yuyin realize that the rumors were exaggerated.

Let’s not talk about the sword master’s character for now.

Liu Yuyin looked down upon his ruthless swordsmanship, which reached the eighth level.

It's just because Fu Boshan's sword is extremely ruthless and vicious, but some of his moves are mixed with a bit of indecision.

He cultivates the ruthless path, but his six roots are not pure, so when he takes action, he always hesitates.

It is true that Liu Yuyin does not practice swordsmanship, but as the true master of the transformation of gods, Liu Yuyin can easily see Fu Boshan's shortcomings.

Looking at the male cultivator in white escaping, Liu Yuyin gently closed her eyes.

The five chaotic spiritual roots in her body were running wildly.

With her operation, the energy of the five spirits in the Sword Intention Domain began to restlessly reorganize.

The change in aura directly disrupted Fu Boshan's carefully crafted sword array attack.

The gray chaotic energy is growing and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These chaotic energy directly covered Fu Boshan's Wan Jian. With a gentle and clever wrap, the connection between Fu Boshan and Wan Jian was completely blocked.


Before the frost sword in Fu Boshan's hand could be pushed into Liu Yuyin's protective barrier, he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body fell suddenly as if he had lost all strength.

A monk with excellent eyesight looked at it carefully and saw the secret.


"Zhenjun Shuanghan is only afraid of danger!"

"The true god-transforming master of the Lingxian Sect has split the natal sword of the Frost Frost Sword Master through the air!!"

"Oh no!"

"Linglong Zhenzun sent thousands of swords to chase the sword master!!"

In the distance, a real Lord Nascent Soul, who came to watch the battle, let out a scream.

Everyone hurriedly looked up and saw Liu Yuyin, a dignified woman in a white dress, waving her hand.

The ten-thousand-hand spiritual sword covered by the gray chaotic energy obediently turned its direction and stabbed towards the falling Fu Boshan.

Although Fu Boshan is a Yuanying Dzogchen practitioner, he is only a single person.

Facing this overwhelming mass of thousands of flying swords, Fu Boshan's figure was particularly small and fragile.

An arc-shaped barrier spread from Fu Boshan's fingertips, barely protecting him and slowing down his fall.

However, facing the murderous Ten Thousand-Handed Spirit Sword, as a sword master, Fu Boshan wanted to fight back, but he could only take the wrong side and sacrifice the sword spirit with his heart and blood, thus stimulating the sword to fight with him again.

At this moment, several figures flew in front of him in an instant. Fu Boshan looked carefully and saw that the leader, He Qingzong, was leading the sect's Yuanying to resist Liu Yuyin's attack.

"Junior Brother Shuanghan!"

"A good man won't suffer the immediate consequences, so it's best for me to retreat for the time being."

He Qingzong stretched out his hand to hold Fu Boshan and persuaded him softly.

Fu Boshan is not stupid, so how can he not know this truth?
But the problem is that in this situation, he no longer has the right to speak.

Whether it's war or peace, Liu Yuyin has the final say.

"Senior Brother Head..."

"Ancestor, he might..."

Maybe he showed up and used his mid-level cultivation to fight off Liu Yuyin who came to the door?

He Qingzong understood Fu Boshan's unfinished words instantly.

But when the two people looked at each other, this solution was agreed upon by both parties.

No way.

Unless the Hanyuan Sect is really at the point of life and death.

Otherwise, their ancestor who transformed into a god would never be able to come out of the mountain at will.

The ancestor has lived for too long.

It's been so long that if he doesn't advance to Dzogchen quickly, he might ascend to the upper realm.

He will live, grow old and die in this Qianhu cultivation world.

Every move he makes is supervised by Heaven.

Once the ancestor is about to make a mistake, it will be a disaster for the entire Hanyuan Sect.

"Senior brother, I finally got the impulse."

"It's me who has caused so much trouble for the sect."

Fu Boshan covered his heart with his hand, and while resisting the severe pain caused by the surge of spiritual power in his body, he raised his head and looked at Liu Yuyin, who was attacked by a group of people and was completely unfazed.

He finally felt the regret he deserved.

But soon, Fu Boshan's rare regretful look was directly changed by He Qingzong's words.

"How can Junior Brother Shuanghan blame himself?"

"If I say, the disaster caused by the Hanyuan Sect today is clearly due to the rebellious Song Zhi."

"If she hadn't betrayed her master's sect, turned around and joined the Lingxian Sect, and repeatedly confronted us, she would have blocked our way."

"Today, our Hanyuan Sect will not suffer such a disaster."



"It's really Yin Yin!"

"Yaozong, Yinyin has really transformed into a spirit and come out of seclusion!"

In the sky above the Hanyuan Sect, Liu Yuyin fought against the heroes alone.

Holding swords in both hands, she fought back and forth with numerous Nascent Souls of the Han Yuan Sect.

Seeing her defeat all the Nascent Souls, she has a good chance of winning.

Through the real-time tabloid of Tingfeng Pavilion, we learned about the war between Lingxian Sect and Hanyuan Sect, such as Zhenjun Fengshi, Zhenjun Yaoji, and the leader of Qingfeng Escort Bureau, Wei Lanyan, and other Zhenyu Nascent Soul.

He also rushed to Hanyuan Sect as soon as possible to watch.

Compared to other Nascent Soul Golden Core cultivators, Xiao Jiujiu is worried about the war.

Liu Yuyin's two friends, Yao Zhenjun and Fengshi Zhenjun, have different concerns.

After hearing the excited low voice of Lord Fongshi, Wei Lanyan, who followed him to watch the battle, couldn't help but raise a long eyebrow.

Yin Yin? Yin Yin? ? !
Call it so affectionate...

Is it possible that this steel swordsman who can dance with swords and fight with evil had a relationship with the head of the Lingxian Sect? ?

Liu Yuyin, this name sounds familiar.

As if deep in his memory, there seemed to be such a female cultivator who had helped him in the hands of demons in the Nine Nether Demon Palace a hundred years ago.

But he clearly remembered that the female cultivator was honored as master by the saint of the demon world.

But this Liu Yuyin is clearly a cultivating spirit and has nothing to do with the demon clan.

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