Chapter 288

Wei Lanyan hid her doubts deep in her heart, and when she faced Zhenjun Yaoji who turned around to look at him, he didn't show it at all.

Tingyao Zhenjun responded to Zhenjun Fengshi with surprises. In his words, he seemed to have a plaintive look as if he had an old relationship with Liu Yuyin.

Wei Lanyan couldn't help it and shook her shoulders slightly.

Two boats.

Isn’t the female leader of the Lingxian Sect playing too fancy?

This style is quite like that of a demon girl.

But the man in my memory was clearly calm and had no reaction to male lust.

It's such a pity that he accidentally fell into the trick of the Demon Lord, so that he was possessed by three souls and was completely confused.

Even now that he was searching hard, he still couldn't remember the appearance of the female cultivator who saved his life.

However, he remembered her surname Liu and Yuyin very seriously.

True Lord Fengshi and True Lord Yaogong didn’t know that the onlookers, Wei Lanyan, also had some relationship with Liu Yuyin.

The two of them watched Liu Yuyin, who became more and more courageous as they fought, completely overwhelming the Hanyuan Sect disciples, and their excited hearts finally calmed down a little.

The difference between the cultivation levels of Huashen and Nascent Soul is like a chasm in the sky.

In the past, Liu Yuyin's cultivation level was on par with the two of them.

They can't compare to her, and now Liu Yuyin has advanced to become a god, and is known as the Linglong Zhenzun.

True Lord Yaogong and True Lord Fengshi were even more afraid to look directly at the woman's face.

Listening to the surrounding monks' voices of admiration for Liu Yuyin, and their growing admiration for her.

True Lord Yaogang and True Lord Fengshi were only discovered belatedly.

It seems that they are no longer worthy of the idea of ​​renewing their relationship.

"Yaozong, shall we go up and help Yinyin?"

Seeing Liu Yuyin being besieged by several Nascent Souls, Zhenjun Fengshi, who was born in the Xishan Sword Sect, immediately geared up and was eager to give it a try.

Faced with his excited expression of a militant, the relatively calm Zhenjun Yaoji shook his head slightly.


"Have you forgotten the past when you got to know me and Yin'er?"

"Just because you rashly joined the war, even though it was to help Yin'er."

"But Yin'er, who is stunned by the demon, regards you and the enemy as one."

"So much so that she showed off her power and tried her best to kill you, but she also wanted to kill you with her sword."

"Don't you want to experience the despair of having your Dantian pierced again?"

Yao Zhenjun reminded him with a half-smile, not concealing his teasing towards Zhenjun Fengshi.

At this time, Zhenjun Fengshi also saw in front of his eyes the whole process of his first acquaintance with Liu Yuyin.

He remembered the cold look on his face and the cold sword of chaos thrust straight at the woman. She didn't listen to his loud explanation at all, she just went her own way and took half of his life.

Zhenjun Fengshi, who originally wanted to rush into the battle circle, immediately calmed down.

His eyebrows moved, and he suddenly remembered the tabloid information distributed by Tingfeng Pavilion, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"Eh, it's a waste of medicine."

"Tell me, are the messages emitted by the flowers in Tingfeng Pavilion's paintings true?"

"That guy said that the reason why Yinyin advanced to become a god was that he came to the Han Yuan Sect and fought with the Shuanghan Sword Lord."

"What he did was just to complain about the three disciples under his name."

"Have you taken the time to look at the image of the Imprinting Stone?"

"When I look at that image, it seems like a real person, the upright and aboveboard leader of the swordsmanship of the Han Yuan Sect."

"He really bullied the small ones and robbed Yin Yin's disciple's treasure."

"It's a pity that the image is only half-segmented. I still don't know what the condition of those three brats is."

"Fighting Shuanghan, an ice cube, the lives of those three little guys are at risk."

Zhenjun Fengshi spoke matter-of-factly, with a hint of regret in his tone. Song Zhi, who has the best water spirit root, and Feng Ye, who has cultivated the sword heart.

And Zhao Muyang, a genius alchemy cultivator who is responsible for the Earth Flame.

He had interactions with all three of them.

In his impression, these three children are the future of the Qianhu cultivation world.

But Fu Boshan was cruel to the three of them.

"Don't worry."

"It should be safe."

"Let's wait until Yin'er finishes fighting."

"If there is any place where you and I can be used, we will actively participate."

Discussions similar to those of True Lord Yaogong and True Lord Fengshi also echoed among the rest of the onlookers.

This time they were able to arrive at the Han Yuan Sect in such timely manner to watch this peerless battle between the gods and the Yuanying.

It is because Tingfeng Pavilion disseminates information promptly and quickly.

The second-in-command of the Tingfeng Pavilion, Bi Xihua, not only informed the various circles of cultivation about this battle.

He also provided an image of the photographic stone that could prove the cause of the incident.

In this way, everyone rationally felt that Liu Yuyin, the True God Transformation Master, was bullying Hanyuan Sect and Fu Boshan.

On the emotional and moral level, they felt that Han Yuanzong and Xie Fu Boshan deserved their punishment.

Just when they were far apart and eating melon rationally.

The battle that gathered in the sky above Hanyuan Sect was coming to an end.

After crushing the Dantian of a male Nascent Soul cultivator with one kick, Liu Yuyin, who had always stood firm, passed through the group of dead or injured Nascent Soul cultivators like a whirlwind.

Her eyes were sharp, and her jade hands wrapped in the energy of chaos, with lightning speed, grabbed Fu Boshan who was outside the battle.

The irresistible force knocked He Qingzong away who tried to resist, causing him to hit deep into the ground like a falling meteor.

Although Fu Boshan reacted in time and drew his sword to resist, Liu Yuyin was still floating in front of him and strangled his neck with one hand.

"My Ye'er's sword heart is still here."

"My Xiaoyang's alchemy furnace, mustard seed vase, many high-grade elixirs, and his family's earthly fire are back!"

"My little apprentice had a golden elixir cultivation, but he was pierced by your sword."

"Fu Boshan, each of these items is too numerous to write down."

"I will get angry and kill you, but no one else can say anything."

"Zhenzun Yinyang, am I right?"

Liu Yuyin was originally criticizing Fu Boshan, but when she came to the last words.

She held Fu Boshan's long neck with one hand, suddenly disappeared on the spot, and quickly dodged the violent attack of He Jingzhang, the ancestor of the Hanyuan Sect.

He looked at the mid-air where the void was shattered and the realm was distorted by this blow.

Liu Yuyin looked accurately at an unobtrusive hilltop of Hanyuan Sect.

Her eyes traveled back and forth, and what was reflected in her eyes was clearly He Jingzhang's aging face.

"Fellow Taoist Linglong."

"Please calm down for now."

"The fight between you and me may lead to heaven's punishment and continuous thunder and punishment."

"Then, if the True Lord is willing, I am willing to reconcile with the True Lord."

"Please, my true lord, spare the life of my sect disciple!"

He Jingzhang opened his eyes and gave Fu Boshan a vague look.

There was no sadness or joy on his face, as if he was not interested in anything in the world. He was as pure and stoic as a stone in the mire.

But the coercion of the middle stage of divine transformation radiated from his body in the blink of an eye, suddenly knocking down the malicious onlookers and traitors to the ground.

This act of killing a chicken to scare a monkey made Liu Yuyin couldn't help but sneer.

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