Chapter 289


If He Jingzhang did not come forward, Liu Yuyin would never agree to reconciliation.

She wished she could cut Fu Boshan into pieces as a warning to others.

However, He Jingzhang, the veteran god-incarnation true master, has already appeared.

For the sake of each other's path and the stability of the Qianhu cultivation world.

After Liu Yuyin pondered for a while, she finally let go of Fu Boshan.

But at this time, Fu Boshan did not dare to move at all.

Therefore, just now, Liu Yuyin took advantage of the opportunity to talk to He Jingzhang and planted a wisp of chaotic energy mixed with the origin of the evil spirit into his Nascent Soul.

The wisp of ashes contained a black aura, and it was like a chain, binding his Nascent Soul.

Fu Boshan believed that once he acted a little messily, Liu Yuyin would crush his Nascent Soul without hesitation.

He has been practicing for thousands of years and is an accomplished swordsman genius.

He would never allow himself to fall into the mud and become a useless person!

"Disciple knows he is wrong."

Fu Boshan struggled to spit out two breaths, and his meaning was very clear, that is, he wanted He Jingzhang to save his life.

It's a humiliation.

But the stubborn Sword Master has now understood that strength is easy to break, and people need to bend back to survive.

"Fellow Taoist Linglong."

"Would you like to have a chat with me?"

"Today's matter must be discussed in detail between you and me."

He Jingzhang ignored Fu Boshan.

He just looked at Liu Yuyin, who was young and energetic and had a bright future. He felt sighs and self-pity taking turns in his heart, which made his desire to change his life and ascend stronger.

If the ban on the Qianhu cultivation world is not broken again.

Then, when a proud person like Liu Yuyin quickly grows to the middle stage of divine transformation.

He is an old antique who is nearing his end of life.

He can only sit in the cave until he dies, and return this giant to this world, and become the training nourishment for Liu Yuyin and others.

Just thinking about it made He Jingzhang feel extremely unwilling.

Fu Boshan cannot die.

He needed to use this sword cultivator disciple to stabilize their appointed daughter of destiny.

He Jingzhang had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but there was no sadness or joy on his face.

Liu Yuyin didn't know what he was thinking. After thinking about it for a while, she finally nodded and agreed to He Jingzhang's proposal.

The so-called hand-to-hand talk meant that it was impossible for Liu Yuyin to go to He Jingzhang's cave alone to play chess.

After all, they are now enemies.

And to reach a settlement plan, there must be some bargaining.

With Liu Yuyin's nod.

A white gauze handkerchief suddenly floated over the Hanyuan Sect, which had been tense just now.

The veil grew bigger and bigger in the wind, and finally became a soft carpet.

On the carpet, a white-haired old man sat quietly cross-legged, with a freshly baked sapphire chessboard next to him.

The huge, strong pressure that people dare not face directly, especially when the law of heaven is personally coming, spreads thousands of miles away in an instant.

The closer the monks were, the stronger the oppression they suffered.

The Nascent Soul Lords resorted to various means one after another and fled away from the Han Yuan Sect in panic.

But those Golden Core Foundation-Building monks were unscathed and only felt slightly uncomfortable.

Obviously, the Yuan Ying monks from other sects came to watch and watch the Han Yuan sect's jokes.

He Jingzhang felt worried.

Regarding his intimidating behavior, Liu Yuyin just pretended not to know.

Her figure flashed, and the next moment, she appeared on the other side of the chessboard.

Looking at the beautiful Xiu Xiu who was slowly sitting down, He Jingzhang's heart became more and more sour.

Back then, when the Wentian Mountain Lingxian Sect was persecuted by the Xiao family in Baihu City.

He also knew it. Although they had some friendship with the Lingxian Sect during the great disaster more than 800 years ago, this friendship ended there with the death of the founder of the Lingxian Sect, Xie Linglong.

He Jingzhang did not protect his former friend.

He believes that everything depends on fate and everything has its own fate.

I thought that the Lingxian Sect would be destroyed.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuyin, the female disciple who was being persecuted, would burst into flames and awaken the Chaos Heavenly Spiritual Root.

It was a peerless battle in which Jin Dan counterattacked Nascent Soul.

After the war, the ancestor of the Xiao family dragged his body and fled without fighting.

The Lingxian Sect closed its entire sect and officially disappeared from the public.

Time passes.

The Lingxian Sect, which was almost extinct at the time, actually gave birth to a female god.

This development is really disappointing.

The past flashed through He Jingzhang's mind. He raised his eyes and looked at Liu Yuyin. A white chess piece with a sapphire texture fell onto the chessboard calmly and automatically without any wind.

"Fellow Taoist Linglong."

"What happened today is Boshan's fault."

"I promise you."

"In addition to ordering Boshan to return the looted things, I will also order the head of our sect to give additional compensation to the Lingxian Sect."

"Lingmai Kung Fu, fairy grass and elixir, as long as Taoist friend Linglong mentions them, our sect will try our best to satisfy them."

"I wonder what your Taoist friend Linglong thinks?"

He Jingzhang said softly, with a faint smile on his face.

He didn't take the compensation conditions offered seriously at all.

Liu Yuyin knew this very well.

She sat upright on the straw mat, twirling a black chess piece between her long white fingers, and after thinking for a moment, she placed the chess piece behind He Jingzhang's white piece.

Liu Yuyin directly cut off He Jingzhang's path.

He Jingzhang was not angry and pressed down a white stone on the other side with his backhand.

Liu Yuyin raised her lips and smiled, then raised her penis again and blocked He Jingzhang's white penis again.

He didn't even save any face for He Jingzhang.

But facing the aggressive Liu Yuyin, He Jingzhang remained calm and calm as a clay figure.

Liu Yuyin rubbed the jade chess piece in her hand and suddenly lost interest in continuing to play chess.

She threw the chess pieces back into the chess box, stared straight at Fu Boshan with a pair of cold black eyes, and asked softly: "Zhenzun Yinyang."

"As for Fu Boshan who injured my three disciples, am I really not allowed to kill him?"

Liu Yuyin was still not willing to let Fu Boshan go like this.

As a master, if you cannot avenge your disciple.

She is a teacher in vain!
Facing Liu Yuyin's sharp and unwilling eyes, He Jingzhang slowly lowered his gaze, and his interest in talking with his hands did not seem to be interrupted.

"Fellow Taoist Linglong."

"That boy from Boshan is really a bit radical in his actions."

"But he is a famous Righteous Sword Master in Qianhu Continent."

"My fellow Taoist has just become a god. If you commit murder rashly, you may develop inner demons."

"How about, for the sake of the old man, let him live and let him run errands for me?"

He Jingzhang raised his eyes and looked at Liu Yuyin seriously. A trace of power and majesty appeared on his old face.

Liu Yuyin knew immediately that He Jingzhang was determined to protect Fu Boshan.

Thinking of the evil spirit that she sent into Fu Boshan's body beforehand.

Liu Yuyin couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

That evil spirit comes from the Blood Nightmare Demon Lord in Jiuyou City.

Even the true god of transformation cannot be completely eradicated.

She wanted to see what the Immortal Yinyang, who was about to live for a long time, could do for Fu Boshan?
“Senior Yinyang’s face must be given to Linglong.”

"Since Senior Yinyang has spoken before me, please forgive me for being rude in making up for this compensation."

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