Chapter 290

Liu Yuyin said you're welcome, but she really meant it.

In front of He Jingzhang and the leader He Qingzong, Liu Yuyin lightly opened her red lips and opened her mouth with a series of compensation lists.

She wanted many and miscellaneous things, and even a few spiritual veins, which shook the foundation of the Han Yuan Sect.

But with He Jingzhang's permission, the head He Qingzong could only hold his nose and admit it.

Give it to her, give it to her!

If those good spiritual things could send Liu Yuyin away, this gluttonous beast.

He Qingzong is even willing to pay more!
Thinking of being kicked deep into the ground, all the bones in his body were broken.

He Qingzong didn't dare to look directly at the smiling Liu Yuyin.

This woman is too vicious, they should be more tolerant and don't provoke her easily.

This time Junior Brother Shuanghan really hit the wall.

He Qingzong cursed in his heart, and with a smile on his face, he sent Liu Yuyin out of the Hanyuan Sect's gate respectfully.

Looking at Liu Yuyin who shrunk to an inch and disappeared instantly, He Qingzong closed his eyes slightly and his face became visibly pale.


When I think of the spiritual treasures poached by Liu Yuyin, etc.

He felt so uncomfortable! !

Those resources account for almost a quarter of the Han Yuan Sect's total reserves!

Just take it out and you can create a second-grade sect!

Wait, create a sect?
Could it be that Liu Yuyin came to the door with great force to rebuild the Lingxian Sect and deliberately came to defeat Qiu Feng? ?
Not to mention He Qingzong’s random thoughts.

At this time, Liu Yuyin was heading towards Zhuangjiabao in Desert Continent.

When I felt a burst of powerful pressure, it flashed in front of my eyes.

The three people, True Lord Yao Zong, True Lord Feng Shi, and Qingfeng Escort Bureau's Wei Lanyan, who had been waiting on this inevitable road for a long time, immediately used their magical powers to chase after him.

Liu Yuyin, who was halfway through the journey, accurately received the high-level communication talisman from Zhenjun Fengshi at this time.

"Hmm? Fengshi?"

"And Yao Zang, and Azure Smoke??"

Liu Yuyin crushed the communication talisman. Although she did not reply in time, she appeared in front of people and stopped over a mountain col.

When I came out of isolation and met an old friend, even though he was as cold and lonely as Liu Yuyin, I felt comfortable in my heart.

After she waited patiently for half a quarter of an hour, three male cultivators whose cultivation levels were lower than hers finally caught up.

As soon as they met, Zhenjun Fengshi, who was wearing black armor and carrying a broad heavy sword, was the first to burst out laughing, feeling a little overjoyed.

Liu Yuyin showed a faint smile and raised her eyes to scan the three of them.

"Long time no see, Yao Gong, Feng Shi."

"Wei Zhenjun, you are well."

Liu Yuyin did not hide the fact that she had interacted with Wei Lanyan, which shocked the three people present.

Just as they were looking at each other with different thoughts, Liu Yuyin whispered her request.

It turned out that the reason why she had sacrificed her precious time was to stop and wait for the three people to arrive.

Mainly because Liu Yuyin wanted to ask the eighth-grade alchemist Yao Zhenjun to go with her to Zhuangjiabao in Desert Continent to help save Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang.

Zhuang Pi sent a message claiming that Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang were saved by two top-quality elixirs donated by Song Zhi.

But the elixir is not completely omnipotent.

Now, both Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang are facing the problem of recasting their souls and waiting for their souls to return.

If Lord Yao Zhen can help them, the two of them may be able to wake up soon.

As soon as Liu Yuyin said these words, before the person being asked for help, Zhenjun Yaoji himself, could say anything, Zhenjun Fengshi, who was very familiar with him, was already patting his chest and agreeing confidently.

"Yin, uh, Linglong Zhenzhen, don't worry!"

"Yao Gang is the only eighth-grade alchemist in Qianhu Continent. Yao Gang will definitely be able to solve the problems faced by those two brats!"

Looking at Zhenjun Fengshi, Zhenjun Yaoji, who was wearing a light green shirt, who was guaranteeing the ticket for him, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly. "Don't worry, Zhenzun."

"Just for the sake of Zhao Muyang, a genius alchemy cultivator, I will try my best to help."


that's it.

The Linglong Zhenzun who has just emerged from seclusion as a god.

It was easy to abduct three Nascent Soul Lords who were famous in the world of cultivation.

What Liu Yuyin didn't know was that in the inner city of Zhuangjiabao in Desert Continent at this time, Linxian City Lord Qin Weizhong had an old relationship with the Lingxian Sect.

I have been waiting for her for a long time.

At this time, Song Zhi, who was rebuilding the golden elixir in a cage-locked secret place, didn't know yet about Liu Yuyin's revenge for her.

Although she was seriously injured.

But the fairy spirit in the secret place is rich and pure, which is a great tonic for her.

While Song Zhi was using elixirs to recuperate his spirit body and build up his Qi orifices, he raced against time to start practicing.

Soon, Song Zhi cultivated to the golden elixir again.

But the golden elixir was recast, but it was targeted by Tiandao.

Song Zhi faced a calamity that was a hundred times more severe than the previous Jin Dan.

This time, Song Zhi was lost in the inner demon tribulation and was unable to break free.

--who I am?

——Where am I?
——What should I do?
——Am I a human from Earth in the 21st century? Or is it the reincarnation of Zhenyuan Pagoda's body weapon spirit and Hao Po's clone?
——Or maybe I am one of the reincarnations of Wei Han?

Otherwise, why can I contract Zhenyuan Tower so easily?
Otherwise, why can I force Zhenyuan Pagoda to release its true nature and absorb Su Zhi's luck?

If I hadn't conflicted with Su Zhi in fate, why would I have been at odds with Su Zhi and unconsciously quarreled with her in my past and present lives?
All in all.

Everything has its source.

Thousands of years ago, the killing and resistance of the spiritual fairy Wei Han and the evil fairy Hao Po was the origin of everything.

Song Zhi thought to himself.

Reason told her that this was the truth.

But in the sea of ​​​​her consciousness, there was another voice, loudly and firmly retorting: She is Song Zhi, she is just Song Zhi.

She is neither the reincarnation of Hao Po's clone nor the reincarnation of Wei Han.

She is a brand new, completely independent individual!

The world she lives in is a real world of cultivation, and it is also a cultivation novel full of nonsense.

Her existence is to fight, to escape from this world and gain freedom!

She is not here to perfect the bloody plot of the novel world.

She is not a chess piece laid out by so and so earlier!
She is just Song Zhi, Song Zhi who lives for herself! !

In a dark red space, Song Zhi opened his eyes calmly.

She looked at the phantoms of many figures that filled the air in front of her, and felt that her brows were clear, and the spirit liquid in her dantian gathered into a fist-sized aqua blue bead.

This is her golden elixir.

Along with the formation of the golden elixir, Song Zhi's ears also heard the roar of rolling clouds and the impending thunder disaster.

Song Zhi summoned two swords from his dantian, stood up and pointed them at the sky.

Come on, her second Golden Core Thunder Tribulation!

As long as she survives it successfully, she, Song Zhi, can be a real Jin Dan again.

"In the bright sky, above the bright moon, mandarin ducks covering the water, help me break the law!"

"Invite the Heaven to the Supreme Middle Three Techniques, dance, and attract thunder!"

When the purple thunder struck down, the tiny Song Zhi waved her hands, and she aimed her water-covered mandarin duck swords at the rolling thunder without hesitation.

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