Chapter 291

To build the foundation and advance to the golden elixir, one must go through sixty-nine and fifty-four heavenly thunder tribulations.

Song Zhi had already experienced it once, so he faced this sweeping and powerful Jindan Thunder Tribulation.

She wasn't afraid at all.

A vision of great ambition came to his mind, making Song Zhi feel high-spirited and as if he was reborn.

She will never admit defeat or give up.

She will kill those who hurt her with her own hands after she returns to her peak!

"Come out of Zhenyuan Tower!"

"Come with me and use the lightning tribulation to refine your body."

When the first thunder struck down hard, Song Zhi immediately held the Zhenyuan Tower in his hand and flew forward.

She has spiritual power inside her body and a protective aura on the outside. She holds up the black dragon sword in her right hand, preparing to change the divine sword into a lightning rod to achieve the ultimate goal of refining the body with thunder.

If this scene is seen by those monks.

Young Master Song Zhi must not be criticized for being arrogant and making fun of the path to immortality.

After all, count the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Qianhu cultivation world.

I have never heard of anyone taking a different approach and using thunder tribulation to refine their body.

No matter how great his cultivation level is or how talented a monk is, he will face the advanced thunder calamity sent down by heaven.

Everyone is of the same mind and can hide as far as possible.

Pian Song Zhi is an outlier and a lunatic, and he actually wants to do the opposite at this time.


Feeling Song Zhi's desperate way of overcoming the tribulation in the secret place of the cage.

Zhuang Fei, the owner of the cage lock, couldn't help but frowned.

His strange expression soon attracted the attention of the person opposite him.

"Mu'er, is there anything difficult to do?"

Liu Yuyin counted carefully and found that he was about two hundred years older than Zhuang Fei.

But her master's style is firmly grasped.

She was sitting on the long-necked chair, patiently waiting for the results of Yao Zhenjun's diagnosis and treatment.

At this time, he first paid attention to the four disciples.

That's right, just when Song Zhi faced her second pill formation thunder disaster.

Liu Yuyin, who was in the early stage of becoming a god, also carried three Nascent Soul Lords with her, and used the great magical power of heaven and earth to shrink the ground to an inch and cross over to the inner city of Zhuangjiabao in a very short time.

She appeared directly in front of Zhuang Fei, which really shocked the head of the Zhuang family.

Zhuang Fei already knew about his master's advanced transformation into a god when he communicated with Liu Yuyin.

Therefore, after a brief congratulation, he stopped speaking in time and shifted the topic to the two junior brothers who were dying.

Zhuang Fei introduced the situation of Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang in detail, and apologized to Liu Yuyin, saying that his senior sister Sang Yan was urgently summoned by the Blood Nightmare Demon Lord.

Therefore, he had to interrupt the Dharma protection in advance and return to the demon world.

After doing this, Liu Yuyin quickly introduced Lord Yao Zhen, who gave him the final treatment plan.

While he was waiting anxiously, Liu Yuyin noticed the change in Zhuang Fei's expression.

Zhuang Fei's heart warmed as he looked into his master's gentle and caring black eyes.

He did not hide anything, and soon passed on what Song Zhi had done in the secret place to Liu Yuyin for personal inspection.

Seeing the continuous thunder, Song Zhi gritted his teeth and resisted desperately.

She was obviously beaten by the thunder and was completely covered in black, and not a single piece of her flesh was left intact.

But Song Zhi still refused to admit defeat, got up without believing in evil, raised his sword and flew straight towards Lei Jie.

Where is she from overcoming the tribulation?
She was clearly trying to save me.

【Holy Lord. 】

[She seems to know the truth. 】

The moment Liu Yuyin closed her eyes slightly, a sound transmission between the human cultivator and the Mahayana demon master was quickly completed.

Liu Yuyin nodded to Zhuang Wei to indicate that she already knew. Facing Zhuang Wei's slightly worried handsome face, Liu Yuyin smiled softly, with a ray of relief on his face.

"Mu'er doesn't have to worry about Xiao Qi."

"You are confused if you care."

"After all, Xiaoqi is a person who has survived the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation." "Whether it is the strength of the spirit body, flesh and blood, or her own resilience, they are all different."

"Don't worry, she is sure to win this time."

After Liu Yuyin finished speaking, she no longer paid attention to Song Zhi in the secret place.

Compared with the young apprentice who can fly and scold, the five and six disciples who are now lying in the cave room are the ones she should care about the most.

Thinking of the time when she left the demon world and announced that she would not be able to escape.

The sixth disciple she accepted, Zhao Muyang, was just a half-grown boy who was unhappy and full of hostility.

As for Feng Ye, he was just a foundation-building sword cultivator with an empty heart but low cultivation due to his mediocre qualifications.

Unexpectedly, in less than sixty years, her two apprentices with the weakest qualifications and their young age would actually grow into a golden elixir master.

Their own efforts are undeniable.

It is an indisputable fact that her master is absent and is not fulfilling her responsibilities.

It was precisely because of this guilt that as soon as Liu Yuyin announced her release from confinement, she became so angry that she went to Hanyuan Sect to demand justice.


For the sake of the entire Qianhu cultivation world, and for the sake of their grand plan.

She finally gave up the idea of ​​killing her to relieve her anger and chose to weigh the pros and cons.

People have learned how to cultivate immortality.

It cannot be completely meaningless.

"True respect and grace."

"As for the recovery of your two disciples, after careful inspection, I learned that I am still seventy percent sure."

"I have to thank the person who donated the elixir."

"The elixir she gave is full and pure in appearance, and contains rich spiritual resources."

"Even in the fairy interface, I think there are some very good elixirs."

"The reason why Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang can survive until now is entirely due to the effect of these two elixirs."

"If the True Lord has no other instructions, I can immediately make the necessary preparations to awaken them both."

"Our first priority is to put back the sword heart..."

Song Zhi didn't know that his master had rushed to Zhuangjiabao and made every effort to rescue Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang.

She wandered alone in the secret place, and it took her two and a half months before her second pill formation thunder tribulation came to an end.

He looked at the snow-skinned female weapon spirit lying on the ground with a burst of black smoke coming out of her mouth.

Song Zhi wiped his face, not wanting to lift a finger even though he was tired and painful.

But she stared at Ah Xue who appeared in front of the crowd, her eyes flashing with determination to win.


"Can we chat?"

Song Zhi reached out to recall Zhenyuan Tower, which was struck by lightning not far away.

She stared at the black and gold tower top and whispered.

The tone sounded like a request, but it was actually an order from the contract owner.

Ah Xue fluttered her eyelashes lightly, but she didn't dare to raise her eyes to meet Song Zhi at this moment.

She and Song Zhi were the only two people in this huge mysterious place.

The inner demons and illusions that Song Zhi experienced when he broke through the thunder tribulation, Axue saw clearly in the Zhenyuan Tower.

She knew what Song Zhi's inner demons and obsessions were.

She even learned Song Zhi's biggest secret by accident.

No, that's not right.

Perhaps, that was revealed by Song Zhi on purpose!
"Master, what do you want to talk about?"

Axue's heart trembled slightly. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Song Zhi, ready to be tortured by Song Zhi.

Her new owner was not a good person to begin with.

Before contracting the Zhenyuan Tower, the master had already contracted the heaven-defying artifact called the female matching system.

Thinking of the arrogant words that the artifact said to Song Zhi.

Ashue couldn't help but tremble.

The master didn’t take the monks on this interface seriously at all!

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