Chapter 294

Song Zhi does not need to participate in the internal affairs of the sect.

After returning to Lingxian Sect, Liu Yuyin summoned her to the main peak of the sect.

The first is to check the condition of her spiritual body.

The second is to have more contact with Song Zhi, the youngest apprentice, and cultivate the relationship between master and apprentice.

And Zhenjun Yaozong, who came with him, took over this responsibility as a matter of course.

Song Zhi was in a cave, being inspected by Zhenjun Yaozong.

She showed great cooperation, and Zhenjun Yao Zhen was extremely satisfied with this.

After half a stick of incense, Yao Zhenzhenjun and Song Zhi returned to the crowd.

"True respect and grace."

"Except for the slight loss of spiritual source, your noble disciple's spiritual body and apertures are not damaged."

"How well she recovered in just a few days is truly beyond compare."

Lord Yao Zhen said with a look of amazement.

He didn't know that Song Zhi was practicing in the secret place of the prison.

Therefore, I was really shocked by her recovery ability.

In response, Liu Yuyin nodded slightly, showing an expression of relief.

But she avoided the probing look from True Lord Yao Zong.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Yao Zong."

"It's very hard for fellow Taoists to come all the way."

"In the future, I may have other things that will trouble fellow Taoists."

"If fellow Taoist don't dislike it, why not stay in our sect for a few days?"

Liu Yuyin said politely.

This was not only an attempt to retain True Lord Yao Zong, but also a hint that True Lord Yao Zong should leave.

True Lord Yaogong is not as brainless and impulsive as True Lord Fengshi.

He had a delicate mind and immediately understood what Liu Yuyin meant.

After glancing at Song Zhi, who was a little restless, Yao Zhenzhen said goodbye knowingly.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Muyang, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, immediately walked in with a bright smile and led Yao Gong to leave.

"Xiao Qi is curious about being a teacher?"

"If there's anything you want to know, Xiaoqi just ask."

"As a teacher, you must know everything you know and tell it to your heart's content."

Seeing Song Zhi's eyes finally turning away from the departing Lord Yao Zhen, Liu Yuyin, who was sitting on the stone bench, couldn't help but chuckled.

Facing her gentle and calm black eyes, Song Zhi's slightly agitated and anxious mood was instantly soothed.

As an adult, Song Zhi certainly understood the purpose of Liu Yuyin's move.

And she embraced it.

She was indeed quite curious about Master.

However, she curiously asked, ahem, but it was somewhat biased.

Before formally asking the question, Song Zhi carefully made sure: "Master, do you care what I ask you?"

"You will tell me without reservation?"

"And you won't accuse me of being presumptuous?"

When she heard Song Zhi's meaningful inquiry, Liu Yuyin, who had always been calm and composed, suddenly felt a little uncertain in her heart.

But when I think about Song Zhi's behavior, he doesn't look like a person who does random things.

So Liu Yuyin pretended to be her master and nodded majestically and affirmatively.

Seeing this, Song Zhi, who had long been interested in Liu Yuyin's assemblage of high-quality peaches, immediately came to life visibly in his mind.

"Hey, Master, forgive me for being presumptuous."

"Can you please use your busy schedule to satisfy my apprentice's curiosity and tell me in detail about your relationship with people such as Zhenjun Yao Zong, Zhenjun Fengshi, and the chief helmsman of Azure Smoke..."

"Uh, and how did you get to know the nine-tailed white fox demon on your knee?"

Song Zhi was very curious. She just wanted to know how the gentle and rational Liu Yuyin managed to attract so many high-quality peach blossoms!
Take out a small notebook and take notes.

After gaining final freedom in the future, she will also practice it.

Song Zhi took out an accounting book in his heart and was serious about learning from experience.

Liu Yuyin, who heard Song Zhi's question, was so shocked that she almost couldn't maintain her majesty as a master.

She stretched out her hand and pulled the sleeves hanging down to the floor. After a little too much, Liu Yuyin opened her mouth and answered Song Zhi's question seriously.

"Xiao Qi, among the people you mentioned."

"I was the first to get acquainted with Zhenjun Yaozong."

"At that time, I was already at the golden elixir level, and Yao Zhenjun was just a little short of completing the foundation building process."

"In order to advance, I left the sect and traveled around to practice. I was passing through a secret place called Black Mountain Ya."

"I just happened to see him being robbed and killed by an unscrupulous monk."

"I didn't want to meddle in other people's affairs, for fear of causing unnecessary complications."

"But Yaogong shouted at me at the top of his lungs, saying that he was a sixth-grade alchemist from the Jishi Alchemy Sect."

"As long as I save his life, he will donate the elixir for free. Moreover, he also promised that in the next hundred years, he will help me refine the elixir for free."

"I immediately weighed the pros and cons and realized that this matter was very profitable, so I showed off my power and rushed out to kill those scum."

"After that, Yao Zong formed a team with me and started practicing and wandering around."

"For a long time, I was responsible for killing monster beasts and picking spiritual herbs, while Yao Zeng was responsible for refining elixirs and collecting the inner cores and fur of monster beasts."

"When we were short of spirit stones, Yao Zong would take these things and go to the market to sell them."

"In the eyes of some monks who don't know the truth, Yao Zeng and I are like a pair of gods and Taoists."

"But I really don't have this idea. In my eyes, Yao Zeng is just a combination of a medical practitioner and a cook."

"With Yao Zang, I can not only eat well and sleep well, but also get high-grade elixirs for free when I am injured or advance."

No matter how you look at this transaction, you won’t lose money.

When he saw Song Zhi's exaggerated expression of shock and speechlessness.

Liu Yuyin, who was speaking very enthusiastically, finally closed her mouth belatedly.

She is not usually a talkative person.

But when facing Song Zhi, there was a natural closeness that made her open her heart unconsciously.

After listening to these past events, Song Zhi only had one sentence echoing in his heart.

That is, her master is really beyond words, and the sea cannot be measured.

Who would have thought that with such a graceful and pure cold beauty, she completely adheres to the mentality of using the so-called peach blossoms, making use of them, and not using them in vain!
"What about True Lord Fengshi, Wei Lanyan and the others?"

"Master, do you have the same mentality towards them?"

Song Zhi asked somewhat awkwardly. She was just shocked and had no other emotions.

After all, Liu Yuyin's move had no intention of teasing or deceiving people's feelings.

There was always going on between them, even if they were lying, it was a bit forced.

After all, Yao Zhenjun and the others were very willing.

"Feng Shi and Wei Lanyan, well, getting to know them will be a lot more dramatic."

"I stabbed Fengshi through his pubic area and almost died on the spot."

"As for the chief helmsman of Azure Smoke, he almost became a piece of barbecue on my table."

"And this little white fox with nine long tails..."

"It was purely because he came to me on his own, when I accepted your senior brother as my disciple."

"Before this little thing could take shape, he ambitiously vowed to marry me and become my Taoist companion."

"He said that my spiritual body is superior and I have excellent qualifications. I will definitely be able to give birth to an heir with high intelligence and excellent qualifications for their white fox clan."

"In order to achieve this goal, Bai Yao even seduced me."

"But, in my eyes, he is not of my race. He will always be a little white fox demon."

"Just think about it, how could I, a person who cultivates selflessness, destroy my future and fall in love with a human being and a monster?"


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