Chapter 295

Liu Yuyin said with a chuckle, stroking the soft white fur of the little white fox.

She squinted her eyes slightly, showing a satisfied expression, obviously extremely satisfied with the feel of the fox fur.

But Song Zhi clearly noticed that the white fox demon lying on Liu Yuyin's lap had deep dissatisfaction and unwillingness in his eyes.

But facing Liu Yuyin who was in the early stages of becoming a god, he didn't dare to make the slightest move of resistance.

In fact, Liu Yuyin did not completely tell the truth to Song Zhi.

Bai Yao, the last nine-tailed white fox in the Qianhu cultivation world, had taken a fancy to her spirit body and tried to forcefully cultivate with her to achieve the goal of nurturing the next generation.

He was directly banned by the Holy Lord of the Demon Realm, the divine beast Bai Ze.

As long as Bai Yao and Liu Yuyin collide face to face.

Then, the powerful and evil nine-tailed white fox cannot take on human form and can only appear in its animal form.

In this way, even if Bai Yao's evil intentions persist, he can only helplessly accept his fate, aggrieved himself, and act as Liu Yuyin's little fingertip pet.


Bai Yao, who became more and more angry as he thought about it, suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily at Liu Yuyin.

He was filled with anger and felt that the female cultivator in front of him was extremely evil.

Unfortunately, his animal form was too small and cute, so his angry scream not only failed to attract Liu Yuyin's attention, but instead caused her to rub him even more vigorously.


Bai Yao rolled his eyes, turned around and pointed his butt at Liu Yuyin.

He blinked and looked at Song Zhi, who was already stunned. Apart from being embarrassed and annoyed, he became curious about the human female cultivator named Song Zhi.

Song Zhi...

He had heard this name from the Holy Lord.

It is said that this woman is the secret to breaking the Immortal Emperor's restrictions, repairing the ladder to heaven, and killing the evil Immortal Hao Po.

They called her Tian Ji Nu.

Many years ago, the Holy Lord did not hesitate to exhaust his spiritual energy and risk being reincarnated, but he also wanted to reverse the situation and figure out the cause and effect.

The purpose is to find Tianji Nu and protect her.

But after Bai Yao looked at Song Zhi carefully, he only felt that it was boring.

This mysterious Tianji girl looks almost like an ordinary female cultivator.

Not as spiritual as Liu Yuyin.

That’s all.

It would be better to choose Liu Yuyin to be the mother of his next generation.

Neither Liu Yuyin nor Song Zhi knew that the little white fox had so much inner drama.

After describing in detail the process of getting acquainted with Zhenjun Fengshi and Wei Lanyan, Song Zhi rubbed her hands and finally mentioned the two classmates she had been curious about for a long time.

"Master, I heard from Sixth Senior Brother that the person who saved the lives of the three of us this time was our senior senior brother."

"Sixth Senior Brother once said that Eldest Brother was the back-up man left to us by Master before he went into seclusion. He has a noble status and is the king of the demon clan."

"I don't know, will the young disciple have the opportunity to meet the senior brother in person?"

Song Zhi smiled obediently, his face full of yearning for the demon clan's senior brother.

Liu Yuyin didn't know what Xiao Jiujiu was feeling in her heart.

But Song Zhi's request to see Bai Ze was more than just a simple meeting, but Liu Yuyin could see it at a glance.

She didn't expose it, she just corrected Song Zhi's misunderstanding with a smile.

"Xiao Qi, Mu Yang, tell you, is your senior brother the king of the demon clan?"

"Haha, Mu Yang said it wrong."

"Your senior brother is not the Demon King. His name is Bai Ze. His status in the demon world is thousands of times more respected than the so-called Demon King."

"Bai Ze is the only prophecy beast that escaped from the fairy world."

"The reason why the demons in Qianhu Cultivation World are able to cultivate demon cores, transform into human forms, and compete with human-cultivated demons."

"It depends on the seed of the demon race sown by Bai Ze."

"In the demon clan, Bai Ze is revered as the Holy Lord by the demons." "His status in the demon world is just like the Taoist ancestor's status in the hearts of us cultivators."

"Xiao Qi, it's not because the teacher is blocking you from seeing him."

"But the Holy Lord said that now is not the time to meet. When the time is right, you will meet."

Liu Yuyin blinked lightly, her expression indifferent.

Complex and unspeakable emotions welled up in her eyes, and disappeared in an instant.

Song Zhi was shocked and muttering in his heart, but finally he responded to Liu Yuyin's words in a deep voice.

She never expected that her senior brother in this life would have such a powerful background.

However, as a holy master of the demon clan, why did Bai Ze choose a female cultivator from the selected clan as his master?
This, this is unreasonable.

There was deep doubt in Song Zhi's eyes.

Liu Yuyin ignored it and did not take the initiative to answer questions.

"Then Master, my second senior sister, what kind of lofty status does it have?"

Song Zhi hesitated, and finally decided to follow his heart and pour out all his curiosity about his fellow disciples of the Lingxian Sect.

Liu Yuyin's eyebrows beat very quickly.

She knew clearly that Song Zhi would mention his second disciple Ling'er, but she still felt frightened.

Thinking of the so-called second disciples who stood behind Bai Ze, strategizing, manipulating many things from a distance, and controlling the fate of others.

Complex and difficult to distinguish emotions arose in Liu Yuyin's heart.

"Your second senior sister's name is Ling'er."

"Her true identity is the reincarnation of Wei Han, the spiritual immortal who sacrificed her life thousands of years ago to seal the evil fairy Hao Po."

"Ling'er said that this is her last reincarnation in the human world."

If her plan fails again.

Then, not only her, but also the entire Qianhu cultivation world will return to the wilderness in the near future, and the orthodoxy will be completely cut off.

Everyone in the Qianhu cultivation world...

Everyone will die!
And the culprit that caused all this.

In addition to the evil fairy Hao Po who was the cause of the incident, the spiritual fairy Wei Han was also the direct cause of this move.

If Wei Han didn't use the sealing formation given by the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Realm.

In the world of Qianhu Cultivation, there is no way to fight trapped beasts, they can only wait for death.

What's more, Wei Han cut off the ladder to heaven in this world while fighting Hao Po.

Compared to Hao Po, many veteran monks in the Qianhu cultivation world hate Wei Han even more.

This is also the fundamental reason why those people have been searching hard for Hao Po's reincarnation, and even conspired with Hao Po to plan to break the ban.

Before, Wei Han didn't understand, so she tried her best to stop him.

This time, Wei Han understood the situation clearly and made a final effort.

Liu Yuyin cast her cold and gentle gaze on Song Zhi.

When she saw Song Zhi's shocked face but a thoughtful look in his eyes, Liu Yuyin felt something in her heart. She just felt that things would not develop as they expected.

This ominous premonition made Liu Yuyin break into a cold sweat.

what happened?

She couldn't see through her little apprentice's numerology?

It was clearly obvious before!
Liu Yuyin straightened her back and looked at Song Zhi sharply.

She had an inquiring look on her face, and Song Zhicai suddenly felt clear.

She is still the Song Zhi who traveled through time in the 21st century.

It's just that the current situation is almost the same as in the previous life.

She is still trapped in the body of "Song Zhi" who exists as a chess piece.

If you want to gain freedom, perhaps the final battle with the heroine Su Zhi is your chance!

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