Chapter 297

On the side of Hanyuan Sect, Su Zhi and Ao Zhi, who appeared in human form, finally reached an agreement.

Su Zhi randomly found an excuse to practice, one person, one dragon and one pot, and then embarked on the journey to the demon world.

Yincai had a scandal where she was beaten up by the True Master of Transformation God, and the cause of the incident was directly related to her.

Therefore, nowadays Su Zhi has a tendency to be beaten by everyone.

As long as Su Zhi shows up, she will be criticized and scorned by the disciples in the sect and the monks from other sects.

The current situation was so bad that even the market vendors outside the sect were unwilling to sell anything to her.

Therefore, this time, I went to the demon world to steal the pot core.

Su Zhi and the others could only rely on low-level teleportation talismans or their own strength to travel.

And just when Su Zhi rushed to the demon world ambitiously.

Song Zhi, who was in the Lingxian Sect, lived the most carefree and happy life since his rebirth.

Liu Yuyin did not ask her to handle the sect's general affairs, but only asked Song Zhi to have a good rest and recuperate his mind.

Because Song Zhi had fallen into a demon before, he even cultivated a primary demon body.

Therefore, Liu Yuyin was worried that Song Zhi was eager for quick success, so he waved his hand and gave her complete freedom, letting her eat, drink and play well.

Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang, who returned together, did not receive such good treatment.

After a short period of breath adjustment, the fourth senior brother Zhuang Fei and his son Sang Yu approached the fifth and sixth brothers respectively.

In his words, he also expressed directly and simply that the sect has become so famous in the Qianhu cultivation world recently that it is extremely popular.

There are countless people who come from afar with their families and their families, crying and begging to join the Lingxian Sect.

As the head of the Zhuangjiabao family, Zhuang Fei is now the leader of both families.

He couldn't hold it anymore, so Xu's two junior brothers came forward to help share the burden.

Zhuang Fei had already opened his mouth, how could Feng Ye and Zhao Muyang refuse?

As a result, the two men were forced to work hard.

Song Zhi was already in the state of perfect golden elixir at this time.

The pills formed for the second time are actually more refined and powerful than those for the first time.

Just the aqua blue aura that is different from ordinary golden elixirs already shows how extraordinary Song Zhi's golden elixir is.

Liu Yuyin seemed to see something.

After Song Zhi spent a few days without any worries, she suddenly sent a message to Song Zhi from the sea of ​​knowledge, asking her to pack up and be ready to go to the Zhuang Pi prison cage to retreat and advance.

The rising sun was in the sky at this time.

Half an hour had passed since Song Zhi received the summons from his master.

Song Zhi tasted the product carefully and understood to some extent that Liu Yuyin saw that she had the call to advance to the Nascent Soul.

Hence the arrangement.

Song Zhi originally wanted to go back to the main peak of Lan Xinshui, so he wanted to sort out the unfinished things first so that he could have some peace of mind.

But Zhao Muyang, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, sent a message first, saying that he wanted to meet her.

Therefore, Song Zhi simply changed direction and rushed to the Baicao Garden, the main peak where Zhao Muyang was.

As soon as she stepped into the Baicao Garden, a ginseng spirit with shaking legs jumped up with a look on his face and greeted Song Zhi flatteringly.

"Hey, isn't this Master Song?"

"What kind of wind is it that brings such an imposing figure like you here today?"

"This is truly an honor for our Baicao Garden!"

"Hey, Master Song, please come with me. The peak master has arranged a table of good wine and delicious food in the bamboo garden."

"He is eagerly waiting for Master Song to arrive!"

Ginseng Essence truly walks in front of people with the essence of ginseng.

It's just like a normal person, with eyes and a mouth.

According to Zhao Muyang, the ginseng essence that came to ask to be the gatekeeper of Baicao Garden has a life span of ten thousand years.

It's not that it can't be transformed into a human form, this guy is just too lazy to transform into a human form.

It does not feel that the appearance of the human race is nobler than its own appearance.

I saw the ginseng essence swinging its long ginseng beard, looking like a good singer and singer.

Song Zhi smiled and flicked a little psychic energy to it.

After all, don’t hit the smiling person with your hand.

"Ouch! It's actually a hundred years of one star of psychic energy?!"

"Hey, little demon, thank you so much for the reward from Master Song!" "I knew that this Lingxian sect had a great cause and would never treat us little demons badly who took the initiative to defect to us!"

"This place, little demon, I really came to the right place~"

The ginseng essence put away that bit of spiritual power.

Listening to him chattering auspicious words, Song Zhi walked into the bamboo garden without saying a word.

As soon as they entered, the ginseng essence that was following Song Zhi immediately moved away.

"Junior sister."

The cool breeze blows, and the elegant garden is full of polygonatum.

A separate wooden bridge was built over a gurgling stream.

At this time, the owner of Baicao Garden, Zhao Muyang, was sitting cross-legged in the center of the bridge.

When Zhao Muyang caught Song Zhi's gaze, he subconsciously smiled and called out affectionately.

Seeing his different steady posture from before, Song Zhi paused before leaping over.

"Senior brother."

"Why are you so relaxed today that you invite me to have wine and enjoy the scenery with you?"

"Fourth Senior Brother and Fifth Senior Brother, are you willing to let you have half a day of leisure?"

Song Zhi was sitting opposite Zhao Muyang.

She stretched out her hand to pick up the Evergreen Spirit Wine on the table. As she spoke, she raised her head boldly and poured half the bottle into her mouth.

Seeing Song Zhi's bright and pretty face, a blush was visible to the naked eye.

Zhao Muyang curled his lips and smiled softly, with a complicated struggle in his eyes that Song Zhi couldn't understand.

a long time.

Zhao Muyang finally let out a sigh, chose to go straight to the point, and explained to Song Zhi his intention to invite her to meet.

"Little junior sister."

"I'm ready to go into seclusion."

"Master said that if I advance to Nascent Soul within a hundred years, then the disappeared weapon spirits of the ninth grade first furnace may be regenerated by me."

"The sooner I repair the broken first furnace, the sooner the alchemy furnace spirit will wake up, and the more memories it will retain of me and pass on."

"Junior sister, I want to become stronger, I must become stronger."

"Only in this way can I protect myself, and I can seek justice from Fu Boshan on behalf of Danlu, you and me!"

"Zhizhi, I want revenge."

Fu Boshan.

He will kill him!
Zhao Muyang announced loudly.

At this moment, he was as passionate and high-pitched as a blazing flame.

Song Zhi saw his determination and hatred.

She silently drank the remaining half of the bottle of spiritual wine, and felt her chest vibrate at this moment, creating a rare resonance with Zhao Muyang.

"it is good."

"I'm waiting for Senior Brother's glorious return!"

"Fu Boshan bullied you and me, humiliated you and me, we will definitely avenge you!"

"Since senior brother summoned me, then junior sister also wanted to say goodbye to senior brother."

"So that Senior Brother will know, Master will communicate with me before you call me."

"She said that my mood has been rising frequently recently, and I am afraid that the spiritual stone will break through."

"In order to help me successfully conceive the baby, she asked me to handle the important things at hand and say goodbye to you one by one."

"Then go to the Fourth Senior Brother's cage for seclusion."

"By then, Fourth Senior Brother will return to Zhuangjiabao to take charge."

"You and I are destined to go our separate ways."

Song Zhi sighed softly and revealed what happened in the future.

Zhao Muyang's delicate and fair face looked slightly surprised, but in an instant he felt that everything was normal.

With Song Zhi's qualifications, she is destined to break through Nascent Soul in a short time.

"Okay, then I wish my junior sister a successful return!"

"Respect our friendship and respect Qianhu Continent!"


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