Chapter 298

After Song Zhi had a drink with Zhao Muyang and said goodbye, he sent a message to Feng Ye alone.

After doing this, she stepped on the escape light and returned to the cave on the main peak of Lanxinshui alone.

Before entering the caged secret place to formally retreat, Song Zhi had one more important thing to do.

That is a comprehensive review of everything related to Su Zhi that she heard and saw in her previous life.

And trying to recall the important plot of the cultivation novel "Long Journey to Immortality: Junior Sisters are charming and saucy".

In Liu Yuyin's conversation with her, although it was not clearly stated that she was the key figure in stopping Hao Po's reincarnation.

But looking at the hints behind Liu Yuyin's mysterious words, it was clear that this was what he meant.

The 2.0 female supporting system said that as long as she completes the final counterattack mission, she can be free and leave this world.

Therefore, in Song Zhi's view, completing the final task of the system is equivalent to killing the heroine Su Zhi.

To do all this, Song Zhi must become stronger faster than Su Zhi.

On the straw mat in the cave, Song Zhi closed his eyes and entered a meditative state.

She needs to roughly summarize the plot of the novel and the events that happened in her previous life against her experiences in this life.

Look at Su Zhi, the darling of heaven, in this life, under her deliberate destruction.

Did she give Su Zhi any chance to break the situation?
After a stick of incense, Song Zhi, who was following the timeline step by step, suddenly opened his eyes.

In her impression, among the important people and events related to Su Zhi, she actually left out the most critical person!


If that person is allowed to succeed, Su Zhi or the Evil Immortal Hao Po will definitely make a comeback!

Thinking of this consequence, Song Zhi couldn't sit still.

She stood up and rushed towards the main peak where the leader was.

This matter is of great importance and involves the Holy Lord of the Demon Clan.

She had to talk to Liu Yuyin face to face.

As for excuses...

Just say that she was the spy she left behind in Han Yuan Sect and overheard it by accident.

Song Zhi calmed down and quickly found a reason for his informant.

Liu Yuyin was practicing quietly, but after noticing Song Zhi's hurried arrival.

She flashed and immediately appeared in front of Song Zhi.

Facing Song Zhi's cautious and almost frightened pretty face, Liu Yuyin raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Xiao Qi, why are you in such a hurry?"

Facing Liu Yuyin's concerned eyes, Song Zhi paused slightly, then told the white lie he had weaved when he came here in detail.

I heard that Su Zhi, who was suspected of being the reincarnation of Hao Po in the Han Yuan Sect, actually had a cute monster pet similar to the next Demon King.

Liu Yuyin twitched her lips with interest.

With a gentle look on her face, she comforted her patiently: "It's already known to me as a teacher."

"I'll tell Bai Ze right now."

"Thank you, Xiaoqi, for informing me of this news. I hope Bai Ze knows now before it's too late."

Liu Yuyin waved her hand gently and flicked away the aura that smoothed the spiritual roots and apertures towards Song Zhi. Then, her figure disappeared in front of Song Zhi.

Song Zhi knew that Liu Yuyin must have gone to the Holy Lord Bai Ze to investigate the matter.

It was only then that Song Zhi truly breathed a sigh of relief.

The task of sniping and guarding against Su Zhi is the responsibility of powerful people.

Song Zhi immediately felt that the sky was bluer and the water was greener, and his whole body felt light and comfortable.

She brought whatever elixirs and spells she could bring with her, and soon after forming the elixirs for the second time, she stepped into the secret place again and began to calmly attack the Nascent Soul.

She didn't know that when Liu Yuyin informed Bai Ze about the incident between Ao Cong and Su Zhi.

The divine beast Bai Ze, who was in the forbidden area of ​​the demon tribe, only replied calmly, "I already know."

After that, Bai Ze had nothing to say. It wasn't that Bai Ze was pretending to be arrogant, but that everything Liu Yuyin said was within his expectations.

Instead, it was the source of the news that caught the attention of Bai Ze and Ling'er.

"Bai Ze, apart from you, there is one more person who can understand the past, present and future!"

"I asked why our travel plan sometimes deviates slightly."

"I think the fundamental reason lies in our daughter of Tianji."

"You sacrifice yourself to change the world, but in the end you can't match the way of heaven."

"She is the one who comes back with memories!"

"Bai Ze, I'm thinking, will the final result of the matter really go as smoothly as we planned?"

"After all, she's not the original version of herself."

A completely blank white paper, and a white paper that has been dyed white again.

No matter how you look at it, both are different.

Ling'er stood behind Bai Ze.

Her gaze is vast, filled with stars for thousands of years, exuding a vitality that cannot be ignored.

The holy Lord Bai Ze on the side looked defeated, with spots of gray appearing on his forehead.

He replied in a very light tone: "The result will not change."

"Because, from the very beginning, I chose the current Song Zhi."

"Song Zhi, who is meeting us at this time, is the real daughter of Tianji!"

In his prophetic perspective.

He clearly saw that it was Song Zhi who sacrificed a strange object and successfully recast the broken ladder to heaven.

And he, Bai Ze.

The most auspicious beast who left the fairy world just because he felt bored.

Because of his greed for the mortal world, he was immersed in enlightening the demons, sowing the seeds of Taoism, and leading them to the path of cultivation.

The unlucky guy who lost the chance to leave the world and was forced to be trapped in Qianhu Cultivation World will become the first beneficiary after the recasting of the Ladder to Heaven.

Thinking of the scene in the prophecy's perspective of it instantly ascending and returning to the fairy world, Bai Ze couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

"I hope so."

Ling'er didn't understand why Bai Ze was so sure.

However, she relied on Bai Ze's talents to survive, but she chose to follow her heart and truly believed in Bai Ze.

Just when Ling'er was about to talk about other topics, the barrier of the forbidden area that had been closed was suddenly knocked from the outside.

The next moment, a middle-aged male voice that made Ling'er feel strange suddenly rang in his ears.

"Little Wang Aoshang, please see the Lord Holy Lord!"

"The Holy Lord is graceful."

"Xiao Wang is here to announce the good news!"

"My unfilial son, who ran away from home and never left a trace, came back half an hour ago with a beautiful wife and a beautiful family!"

"I don't know what kind of opportunity he has outside. My child has now cultivated dragon horns and successfully transformed."

"The main reason why Xiao Wang came here is to beg the Holy Lord to show his respect. At the beginning of next month, he will come to Wolong Palace to attend the wedding banquet of Xiao Wang's child."

"If the Holy Lord comes here, my Dragon Palace will surely be in full glory. It will be a great honor!"

Outside the barrier, the demon king Ao Shang, who was eight feet tall and handsome in appearance, was kneeling on the ground respectfully, with excitement and pleading on his face.

This ancestor of the Ao Shang clan was the first little reptile adopted by Bai Ze after he came to Qianhu Cultivation World.

With such affection, it was really hard for Bai Ze not to give Ao Shang face.

What's more, if he doesn't find a reason to leave the forbidden area.

So what should the little bug that enters the demon world do to steal back the body of the pot core that has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years?

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