Chapter 299

Bai Ze smiled sarcastically, and finally said yes to Ao Shang, "Yes."


The wedding of the son of the demon king is a grand event in the demon world, and it should take a lot of time and careful preparation.

But for some unknown reason, half a month after Ao Shang Guang posted the wedding invitation, his son Ao Cong's wedding banquet was held in a hurry.

And the Ao family is very strange.

They only announced the marriage of young master Ao Zong to the outside world, but never revealed the news about the bride.

Some great demons and powerful cultivators smelled different meanings, and after thinking about it again and again, they all decided to send someone to deliver the gift instead of going there themselves.

In this strange atmosphere, the double cultivation ceremony of Su Zhi and Ao Zhi was officially held.

In the splendid and magnificent apse of the Dragon Palace.

Su Zhi, who had changed into a floor-length wedding dress under the service of the fish girl, was sitting on the couch waiting anxiously.

At this moment, the closed door was forcefully pushed open from the outside.

Su Zhi was startled reflexively.

After seeing that the person who entered the door was Ao Zong, she took another breath and sat back slowly.

She also didn't expect that after following Ao Zong to the Dragon Palace in the demon world, the demon king Ao Shang, who was a green dragon, turned his nose and glared at her "prospective daughter-in-law" and showed great displeasure.

If Ao Cong hadn't forced her to die, she said she would only marry Su Zhi in this life.

Demon King Ao Shang would never agree to their marriage.

In order to get married smoothly, Ao Zong is now running around and living like a doormat.

"Xiao Xing?!"

"How did you come?"

"Didn't your father take you to meet the elders of the family and the great demons and powerful men?"

"Run over here now, be careful not to annoy your father!"

Thinking of that middle-aged demon who was handsome but had a terrible temper, Su Zhi became worried.

Seeing her overly cautious and worried expression, Ao Zong immediately waved boldly, showing that he was confident.

"Sister Susu, don't worry."

"My father and the others have gone to meet the Holy Lord."

"As the groom-to-be, I take the time to dress up so that no one can fault me."

"Sister Susu."

"I just, just missed you a little, so I came here to see you."

"I know that because my father is dissatisfied with you, the fish girls and soldiers in the palace look down on you and disrespect you."

"Sister Su Su, I made you suffer such an unreasonable disaster, and you even had to sacrifice your innocence and make a marriage contract with me."

"Sister Susu, I really feel wronged to you."

Ao Zong said it sincerely.

He likes Su Zhi.

Others say that Su Zhi is a liar who tells lies.

But after getting along day and night, young Ao Zhi only felt that Su Zhi was innocent and kind.

As for Su Zhi's bad side, Ao Cong took it for granted that this was the ugly side that existed in every living being.

Su Zhi wants to become stronger and become the number one female fairy.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Just like him.

Wasn't he so despicable that he took advantage of the situation and forced Su Zhi to form a contract with him in this way and become his legitimate wife?

Facing Ao Cong's extremely guilty eyes, Su Zhi's heart moved, and the long-lost warmth and feeling filled her heart.

Ever since the incident on the ancient battlefield, she had rarely felt such pure and warm love and care.

"Xiao Xing, you don't have to blame yourself."

"All of this is for myself." "All of this is of my own free will."

"Xiao Zong, thank you for risking the world's disapproval and helping me so wholeheartedly."

"I promise you, if my plan with Tuntian succeeds, I will take you with me when I break out of the world!"

"But Xiaoxing, I always forgot to ask you."

"We just used the wedding banquet to lure away the demon clan's holy master. We can't easily enter this demon clan's forbidden area!"

"Do you have any ideas for the next plan?"

Despite Su Zhi's previous display of ambition, in fact, she only lasted for a short while.

After following Ao Zong to the demon world, he formally met with the demon king Ao Shang.

Su Zhi's tough tone dissipated unconsciously.

She used the excuse that she didn't know much about the demon clan and didn't dare to act rashly, so she gave up the task of stealing the pot core and abandoned Xiaolong, who was loyal to her, with peace of mind.

And Ao Zong lived up to expectations and performed a heroic image of strategizing in front of Su Zhi.

It was just the specific details, but these two people were so stupid that they forgot to think about them in detail.

Fortunately, Ao Cong is much more reliable and stable than Su Zhi imagined.

Hearing this, he immediately smiled proudly and took out a golden-green scale from his arms.

"So that Sister Susu knows."

"I came here specifically to see you, just to give you the Anti-Scale Token of my Ancestral Dragon."

"My ancestor, Long, was the first disciple accepted by the Holy Lord after he came down to the realm."

"That forbidden area sounds mysterious, but in fact, it is the long-standing habitat of the Holy Lord."

"Ancestral Dragon has lived in the forbidden area for a long time. According to the last words he left when he died, it can be seen that as long as his descendants, that is, little dragons like me, hold the scale-reverse token in their hands, they can directly enter the forbidden area without notification. within."

"Sister Su Su, when I came this time, I not only stole Zu Long's scale-reverse token, but I also found the map of the forbidden area written down by Zu Long."

"With these two things in hand, entering the forbidden area will be as easy and simple as entering an uninhabited land."

Ao Ao said with a smile, and took out another map drawn on animal skin.

Seeing that Ao Zong, a man of action, managed everything quietly and made complete preparations.

Not only was Su Zhi overjoyed, but the Heaven-Swallowing Pot Spirit residing in her Dantian also showed a satisfied look.

Don’t say anything else.

The men around Su Zhi, taken individually, are all excellent beings among men.

It's a pity that if you get involved with Su Zhi, you are destined to become a sacrifice.

After talking to Su Zhi, Ao Cong hurriedly turned around and left.

It is said that the Demon King has summoned him, asking him to go out and meet the Holy Lord immediately.

Su Zhi wore fine wedding clothes and sat in the palace waiting patiently.

After about two sticks of incense, Long Po, who was quite senior in the Dragon Palace, walked into the palace and announced that she had entered into a contract with Ao Zong before the guest.

Su Zhi took a deep breath, let Long Po move her head, and covered her head with a curtain that could block out the detection of spiritual consciousness. Then she stood up and left the palace in a reserved manner.

The contract formation process is simple and straightforward.

It's nothing more than a man and a woman cultivating each other, each exchanging their hearts and minds, and then swearing an oath to heaven to never betray their inner demons.

Amid a burst of curious glances and unabashed whispers, Su Zhi held on and finally completed the contract formation ceremony.

After that, she, the soon-to-be young master's wife, was surrounded by the dragons and fish girls and returned to the palace that served as the wedding room.

Su Zhi waited patiently for a long time before the groom, Guan Aocong, arrived late smelling of alcohol.

Before entering the door, Ao Zong consciously used his demon power to force the spirit wine he drank out of his demon body.

After he was sure that the smell of alcohol had dissipated, he stepped into the palace and ran straight towards Su Zhi.

"Sister Susu!"

"The Holy Lord is being entangled by my father and other great demons."

"Let's go, we'll leave for the forbidden area immediately!"

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