But the big bosses of the three clans in the Qianhu cultivation world would never look at their respective clansmen.

For an illusory promotion spot, they fought and even killed each other.

Therefore, shortly after the news came out on Hengtian Island.

For example, the demon saint, the demon king, the devil in the demon world, and the saint.

On the human cultivation side, there are the ancestors of the Hanyuan Sect, the ancestors of the Yuqing Palace, the head of the Lingxian Sect, and other great powers above the gods.

They met and rushed to Hengtian Island, deciding to verify the truth of the matter.

"I don't know what Master saw or heard on Hengtian Island."

"I only know that after Master came back, he urgently notified us and asked us to retreat immediately to consolidate our cultivation."

"She said that in five years, the entire Qianhu Continent will hold a chaotic war."

"This battle will be between sects and sects, transformed gods against transformed gods, and Yuanying against Yuanying."

"Those who are not qualified enough to reach the level of cultivation are not eligible to participate."

"Master said that the magic weapon in the hands of Hengtian Island is real."

"And the reason why they took it out now is because not long ago, the Immortal Artifact that had been motionless like a dead thing actually received a message from their ancestor."

"The founder of Hengtian Island is already a Golden Immortal. He questions why the descendants have not ascended for so long."

"So I personally lowered my divine light and prepared to ask clearly."

"After that, the people of Hengtian Island told the ancestor everything about what happened in Qianhu Cultivation World. The ancestor was shocked, but he said easily that his immortal guide can take away twelve high-level people. "Monk."

"The Immortal Immortal Artifact is not part of the Qianhu Cultivation World, so it will not hinder the ban on the Evil Immortal Hao Po by the Spirit Immortal Wei Han."

"In Hengtian Island, there is a Sanxian who has reserved a quota. Our senior brother, the Holy Lord of the Demon Clan, counts as a quota."

"Hengtian Island will give up the remaining ten spots for free, allowing everyone to fight against each other to find the final candidate."

Zhuang Fei patiently explained the reason for the matter.

Song Zhi's eyes sparkled after hearing these words.

Receive the divine light and rise to the top...

Only those who have transformed into the Soul Nascent Soul can participate. Isn't this tailor-made for her?
No wonder Zhuang Fei said she got out of seclusion in time.

"Fourth Senior Brother, when is this match scheduled?"

"Now that I have successfully advanced to become a god, I am just looking for someone to practice with someone of the same level to test my own strength!"

Song Zhifeng narrowed her eyes slightly and showed she couldn't wait.

Seeing her like this, Sang Yan, who had been watching for a long time, couldn't help but chuckle.

She exclaimed with a look on her face: "More than a hundred years have passed in a blink of an eye, and time has passed by so fast that it is unimaginable."

"I have only advanced to the next level, but my junior sister is already a majestic god."

"It's so terrifying that one can't help but be jealous."

"The competition is scheduled for the end of this year. In April, it will be held as scheduled in Qiumo Wasteland."

"Whether our Lingxian Sect can win the promotion spot this time depends only on you and Master."

"Amu, Yu'er, fifth and sixth junior brothers and I should not be eligible for the final spot."

Sang Yan said the established facts in a calm tone.

She was not belittling herself, but a reliable conclusion based on the Nascent Soul information collected in her hands.

After all, there are only a few Nascent Souls that count in the Qianhu cultivation world.

Everyone basically knows each other’s moves for different levels.

Who is strong and who is weak is obvious to all.

From Sang Yan's point of view, they had a narrow escape to compete for the promotion spot.

She is worse than her junior brother's son who stays on the hot bed and stays in the Qianhu cultivation world.

After all, once the strongest group of people leaves, this huge world of cultivation will become their world.

Why not do this?

When Sang Yan said this, she couldn't help but turn her head and look at Zhuang Fei pointedly.

After receiving Zhuang Fei's gentle smile, she immediately showed her contentment.

At this time, Song Zhi had already learned to ignore the dog food thrown by his two classmates. She directly grasped the key point of Sang Yan's words and couldn't help but ask: "Third Senior Sister, you just mentioned Fifth Senior Brother and Sixth Senior Brother."

"Did they also leave the border early?"

Thinking of the two classmates whom he had not seen for a hundred years, Song Zhi showed a rare look of anticipation.

Seeing this, Sang Yan did not hide anything, and immediately told Feng Ye the time when Zhao Muyang came out of seclusion, as well as their current cultivation level.

After Feng Ye Jianxin returned, with the blessing of the best elixir, he was lucky enough to repair part of the sword bone.

It is said that Liu Yuyin brought Master Canglan's sword art to Feng Ye as early as forty years ago and asked him to practice it diligently.

Zhao Muyang, on the other hand, came out of seclusion ten years ago.

He has not cultivated to the point of becoming a god, but has only cultivated to the early stage of Nascent Soul.

There are not many talented monks like Song Zhi in the world of cultivation who have a secret cultivation place where time flows faster than the outside world, and who are also talented monks with top-quality water spiritual roots.

Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye's advancement speed is the average to average in the Qianhu cultivation world.

"Now the master personally guards the sect."

"The fifth junior brother and the sixth junior brother are responsible for assisting and taking care of the sect's internal affairs."

"I have already conveyed the good news of Junior Sister's release from confinement to Master in advance."

"If junior sister has nothing urgent to do in Zhuangjiabao, she can leave immediately and return to the sect to talk to master and junior brother."

After Song Zhi and Sang Yan finished talking, Zhuang Wei slowly conveyed Liu Yuyin's instructions.

Song Zhi understood it as soon as he heard it.

She cast an ambiguous glance at Sang Yan and immediately stood up to leave.

When her figure turned into mist and disappeared into the air, Sang Yan, who had been smiling before, couldn't help but show a worried expression.

"I hope that junior sister will be able to succeed immediately and win the promotion spot!"

Thinking of the information collected by Tingfeng Pavilion, Sang Yan's heart became heavy.

Standing in front of Song Zhi were not only other opponents of the True God Transformation.

There is also her old master, Fu Boshan, who is also a god.

The two of them must face each other.

At that time, Shao Zhi will have to fight fiercely.

Song Zhi didn't know that Fu Boshan had also advanced to become a god.

One hundred and twenty-three years apart.

Looking back at the journey to Tianshan Mountain, it was not the same as in my memory.

In order to give his two senior brothers and the disciples he kept in the sect a "little" surprise, Song Zhi was evil-minded and did not reveal the news.

She quietly entered the sect.

Just as she was about to walk towards the Herb Garden, a hard, invisible barrier suddenly appeared, knocking her back two steps.

Um? ? ? ?

What is this?
Looking at the formation barrier in front of him that completely isolated him, Song Zhi showed a confused black face with a question mark.

The next moment, a bell ringing that echoed through the sky rang in Song Zhi's ears.

That voice contained the pressure of becoming a god. Just one sound shocked Song Zhi's heart and made him feel confused.

What a powerful sound attack technique! !
"Enemy attack!"

"It has been detected that a powerful enemy has invaded the Baicao Garden. Please provide urgent support from all peaks!!"

When the warning sounds of male and female disciples floated in Song Zhi's ears one after another, his spiritual consciousness also detected the disciples flying from everywhere.

Only then did Song Zhi realize that she seemed to have done something stupid.

This understanding reached its peak when he saw Zhao Muyang who came after hearing the news.

"Junior sister??"

"What's going on with you?"

"Why don't you take the main road and learn from others to be a gentleman?"

"You have been in seclusion for hundreds of years. Don't tell me that you have changed your taste and style!" (End of Chapter)

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