Chapter 305

In the powerful and unpredictable formation barrier, Zhao Muyang appeared above the green mountaintop in a white brocade robe.

I saw him stepping on cloud steps in all directions, his figure flickering.

In the blink of an eye, he came directly from Gaosong's lush Yaofeng to Song Zhi.

Listening to his half-smiling teasing, I saw that he looked handsome and elegant when I saw him again. His demeanor was completely different from when we parted a hundred years ago.

At this moment, Song Zhi finally had a real understanding of the passage of time.

The Zhao Muyang in front of her was completely the same in appearance and demeanor as the ninth-grade first alchemist she had met in her previous life.

Only one hundred and twenty-three years.

Zhao Muyang changed his appearance and was no longer the same person.

Song Zhi's heart was instantly filled with emotion.

"Junior sister?"

"Why didn't you respond?"

"Is it possible that, after not seeing each other for a hundred years, my junior sister is separated from my senior brother?"

"Or is it that junior sister is also fascinated by my handsome appearance and is so excited that she is speechless?"

Zhao Muyang brushed the green bamboo folding fan in his hand, and a proud smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Song Zhi smiled at his teasing eyes.

With a move of her long finger, the green bamboo folding fan in Zhao Muyang's palm was snatched into her hand.

"The finest green wood thunder bamboo is a good material for refining weapons. It is said that one is hard to find."

"Senior brother, it's good that you are so extravagant that you can use it to make folding fans that are of no use."

"What? I haven't seen you for a hundred years. Is this, Senior Brother, making a fortune?"

Song Zhi unfolded the folding fan and tasted it with great interest.

She raised her fan to cover half of her face, her phoenix eyes already filled with smiles, indescribably close and gentle.

Looking at these familiar eyes, Zhao Muyang felt a tingling sensation in his heart. Those pretentious and natural jokes were instantly speechless.

One hundred and twenty-three years.

He missed Song Zhi very much.

"Junior sister, welcome back!"

"Zhao Muyang, the owner of the Baicao Garden of the Lingxian Sect, pays homage to the true master of the Lanxin Water Peak!"

Zhao Muyang suddenly closed his eyes and backed away.

With a solemn look on his face, he bowed his lower body and bowed to Song Zhi without hesitation.

His voice contained the blessing of spiritual power, so the four words "Zhenzhen Zhenzhen" resounded through the sky instantly like the bells just ringing.

The guests and new disciples from the sect who came after hearing the news had no time to think about it. They bowed their heads in the direction of Song Zhi just like Zhao Muyang.

"Meet the True God Transformation Lord!"

"Join the Lanxin Water Peak Master!!"

"Long live long live!"

"With a dual-transformation sect, from now on, who will dare to say that our Lingxian Sect is the second best and cannot compare to the Han Yuan Sect?!"

Amidst Zhenshan's greetings, a few hearty and cheerful jokes could be faintly heard.

Song Zhi glanced over there casually and saw several Nascent Soul cultivators, including a real dragon demon.

She immediately guessed the identities of several people.

I have heard from the Fourth Senior Brother that since he learned that the leader of the Lingxian Sect is the youngest God-Transforming True Master.

Nascent Souls from all over the Qianhu cultivation world were as excited as chicken blood, crying and begging to join the Lingxian Sect.

Even if they were to be the outer disciples who looked after the door, they were willing to do so.

Of course, Liu Yuyin was not arrogant enough to recruit these people as gatekeepers, so she gave these voluntary surrenders the status of guest ministers.

Song Zhi suppressed his thoughts for the time being.

She raised her eyes and looked at Zhao Muyang, about to say something.

Suddenly she felt something in her heart and turned around suddenly.

At the same time, a whirlpool of spiritual energy suddenly appeared in the void behind Song Zhi.

After the whirlpool dissipated, a young female cultivator with a slender figure and a beautiful and fair appearance suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Before a group of spectators could react, the female cultivator who suddenly returned had tears in her eyes and threw herself into Song Zhi's arms.


"Master, you are finally back!"

"Lulu misses you so much, Master!!"

After hearing the female cultivator's cry, the high-level disciples who had not dispersed understood the woman's identity.

It turned out that the female disciple who used the high-level teleportation talisman to rush all the way back to the sect was the only disciple that Song Zhi accepted, Wang Lu.

One hundred and twenty-three years have passed. Wang Lu, who was just a girl in the past, has grown into a beautiful young man smoothly without losing time.

Her eyebrows were much wider than before, but her watery, round eyes, filled with dependence and kindness, had not changed.

Song Zhi's mind moved, and he looked at Wang Lu who was crying in her arms as if she was excited, but also seemed aggrieved.

The concern and self-blame of being a human teacher actually arose in her heart.


"I've suffered a lot from you these past years."

Song Zhi said this sincerely.

Back then, she only focused on going out to grab opportunities and confronting the heroine Su Zhi and others.

But she completely forgot that there was a teenage girl waiting for her on the Lanxin Water Peak of the Lingxian Sect, looking forward to her.

Later, after the incident on the ancient battlefield, her golden elixir was shattered, and she had no choice but to enter Zhuang Pi's cage to meditate.

At that time, she just took the time to think about Wang Lu before going into seclusion.

Later, I thought that the Lingxian Sect was guarded by Master Liu Yuyin. As her disciple, Wang Lu must be safe and sound.

So Song Zhi went into meditation with confidence and boldness.

This retreat lasted for one hundred and twenty-three years.

When she left, Wang Lu was only at the foundation level. Now, Wang Lu is in the middle stage of Golden Core.

I don’t know who was the protector who looked after her when she was forming the elixir.

In any case, as Wang Lu's master, Song Zhi was incompetent at all.

"Sorry Lulu."

"I've missed too many firsts for you as my teacher."

"Please forgive me Lulu."

"I will try my best to make up for it in the future."

Song Zhi was not afraid of being laughed at.

She held Wang Lu's hand and said to her with pity in her eyes.

Looking at Song Zhi's apologetic eyes, the grievance in Wang Lu's heart disappeared in an instant.

"It's my disciple's fault. Master, please don't take it to heart."

"It's just that I haven't seen Master for a long time, and when I suddenly saw him, I couldn't control my excitement."

"I haven't congratulated you yet, Master, for becoming a god and attaining enlightenment."

"Master, please bow to me first!"

Wang Lu got up from Song Zhi's arms.

She took a few steps back, suddenly knelt down on her knees, bowed her head and performed the standard disciple's bow to Song Zhi.

Looking at Wang Lu, who acted solemnly and generously, Song Zhi curled his lips and smiled, and the sharpness and coldness of his body unconsciously subsided.

At this time, Song Zhi was like a gentle breeze, like a piece of beautiful jade soaked in water.

She gave people an ordinary feeling, no longer as powerful and coercive as before.

"Lulu, please get up."

"Let's go, follow my master and go to Baicao Garden as a guest first."

"I haven't seen you in a hundred years, but your sixth uncle is extremely rich now."

Song Zhi waved his sleeves and wrapped Wang Lu lightly.

By the time she finished speaking, she, Wang Lu, Zhao Muyang and their three other people were far away from the hustle and bustle of discussions within the sect, and suddenly appeared in Zhao Muyang's peak master's cave.

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