Chapter 307

However, Gu Zichen actually cultivated the Great Love Sword Heart.

This development is completely different from the plot of the novel and Song Zhi's previous life experience.

In his previous life, Gu Zichen had no sword bones, but the heart of the sword vibrated in his chest.

In fact, it was Fu Boshan who dug it out of Feng Ye's body.

It was through such force and plunder that the male protagonist Gu Zichen reached the pinnacle state of swordsmanship, where the sword, heart, and bones became one, and he became one with the sword, heaven, and man.

In the end, he broke through the Immortal Emperor's restriction on the Qianhu cultivation world with one sword, bringing vitality to the entire Qianhu small world.

In this life, it was because of Song Zhi's intervention and Liu Yuyin's efforts to turn the tide.

Feng Ye's robbed sword heart was forcibly snatched back by Liu Yuyin before Fu Boshan could warm it up.

Therefore, Gu Zichen did not repeat the experience of his previous life.

"Gu Zichen only relied on more than 120 years to cultivate a complete sword heart..."

"If there's nothing fishy in it, I really don't believe it."

But, just like Zhao Muyang said.


Song Zhi only chatted for a few words in Zhao Muyang's cave, and fifth senior brother Feng Ye came over after hearing the news.

Song Zhi pondered with a face on his face, and finally laughed out loud.

I have this criminal record.

Zhao Muyang obviously also thought of this possibility.

"The reason why I can advance to become a god is because of the secret place in space where time flows faster than in this world."

It's really no wonder that Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang would doubt the origin of Gu Zichen's Jianxin.

The male protagonist Gu Zichen finally cultivated a heart of great love on his own.

After Feng Ye came, Song Zhi was not new at all.

"To put it into perspective, it actually took me more than two million years from the time I recovered the golden elixir, then cultivated the Nascent Soul, and finally achieved the goal of becoming a god."

"Although I didn't sleep day and night during this period, I still spent so much time in a place with abundant spiritual energy."

Unexpectedly, one hundred and twenty-three years have passed.

Thinking back to Fu Boshan, the majestic Yuan Ying Sword Master, he had previously snatched Feng Ye's sword heart for Gu Zichen, his apprentice.

But Gu Zichen is not worthy of the word "great love".

Gu Zichen is not very close to Da Ai.

Song Zhi admitted that Gu Zichen was kind, well-intentioned, and even gentle at times.

"One hundred and twenty-three years."

"That's the years of cultivation measured in millions of years."

What is new about her is the cute girl who is following Feng Ye, wearing a gorgeous French dress and with two flower buds in her hair.

The girl is only five or six years old, looks smart and playful, and is no different from ordinary girls in the world of cultivation.

But when they saw this woman, Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang stood up in a hurry.

It’s not okay if you don’t stand up.

Not to mention that this little girl is their nominal second senior sister.

Her identity as the reincarnation of the immortal Wei Han was enough for them to treat her with respect.

"I've met Second Senior Sister."

"I've met Fifth Senior Brother!"

Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang bowed and saluted in almost the same movement.

At this time, what they were talking about was not the level of cultivation, but only the ranking of fellow students.

Zhao Muyang bowed obediently, and Xiao Ling'er accepted it as ordered.

At this time, when he saw Song Zhi's true god-incarnation, he actually bowed his head to her.

Xiao Ling'er immediately didn't dare to touch Qiao and quickly turned away to avoid it.

"Oh, junior brother and junior sister, what are you two doing!"

"Get up quickly, you are really embarrassing me!"

"I am just a new-born spirit body with no spiritual power. If you salute me, I will be ashamed to death."

Xiao Ling'er grabbed the back of Feng Ye's black armor and leaned out half of her body to wave to Song Zhi and Song Zhi.

Song Zhi and Zhao Muyang looked at each other. They didn't dare to show their approval and just stood up straight as instructed. Xiao Ling'er's words and actions just now actually meant to be disrespectful.

Looking at the cute girl who managed to sit on the big chair by jumping up and down, Song Zhi couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of her lips.

At this time, her heart was also full of emotion.

If she hadn't experienced it personally, she wouldn't have dared to think that one day in the future, she would be the same sect as Wei Han, the spirit immortal from thousands of years ago, even if she was given another head.

"Junior brother and sister, what were you talking about before?"

"Keep talking."

"Fifth Junior Brother and I have nothing else to do. We just heard that Junior Sister has returned to the sect, so we came here to see her."

Little Ling'er grabbed a handful of spiritual fruits and threw them into her mouth very familiarly, urging her with a smile.

Zhao Muyang glanced at Song Zhi and did not hide it. He immediately revealed their guess about the origin of Gu Zichen's sword heart.

Song Zhi thought that today's conversation was just ordinary.

But Xiao Ling'er, who was listening, suddenly stopped chewing.

She turned to look at Feng Ye, who looked silent, as if asking something.

After seeing Feng Ye nodded slightly, a hint of joy suddenly flashed in Xiao Ling'er's eyes.

Song Zhi only heard the junior second senior sister respond crisply: "Well, you two are worthy of being my junior brother and sister, Wei Ling'er."

"You are really talented and smart, and you can get it done with just a few clicks."

"Junior sister's guess is correct."

"Gu Zichen, the Han Yuan Sect's so-called successor to the Reverend Canglan, did not rely on his own sword heart."

"The beating heart in his body was dug out from the body of a monk."

"That monk's name is Jialan."

"It is said that he is a Buddhist disciple of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect in Xizhou."

"Seven years ago, when Gu Zichen was advancing to Nascent Soul Dzogchen, he suddenly went crazy for some unknown reason."

"He was haunted by inner demons and lost his mind. Once he broke out, he destroyed thousands of miles around the secluded place."

"He kills people when he meets them, and he kills monsters when he meets them."

"That area happened to be close to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, so the monks and mortals who suffered from it flocked to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect to seek help."

"It happened to be that Buddha's son Jialan had advanced to the Yuanying level and came out of seclusion. Therefore, Jialan was ordered to go and clear away the evil spirits."

"What happens after that is very cliche."

"Jia Lan, a man who chants sutras, can't defeat swordsman Gu Zichen."

"This Buddhist disciple could have escaped and fought for his own chance."

"But when Gu Zichen threatened the lives of thousands of innocent monks and mortals, he promised that as long as the Buddhist disciples voluntarily give up the benevolent heart in their bodies."

"He just raised his noble hand and let these innocent ants go."

"The survivors said that without any hesitation, Buddha immediately opened his chest and took out the red and exquisite heart..."

Xiao Ling'er spoke vividly and quite like a storyteller.

But Song Zhi on the side was completely stunned when she mentioned the first word "Fozi Jialan".

Therefore, the heart of love in Gu Zichen's body is actually not his self-trained sword heart at all.

But he snatched it from Jialan...

"Second senior sister, two senior brothers."

"Little sister, there is one thing that I have not done yet. I have to go to Xizhou immediately."

"Please three of you please help me tell Master."

"After I finish my work, I will immediately return to the sect to serve her."

Song Zhi suppressed the sourness in his eyes.

She stood up and said seriously to her three classmates who turned around to look.

Except that his voice was a little hoarse than before, Song Zhi couldn't see anything strange at this time.

But Zhao Muyang, who knew Song Zhi well, could see her collapse at a glance.

Buddha's son Jialan...

He clearly remembered when he went to the ancient battlefield.

The holy monk from Xizhou once asked the Qingfeng Escort Bureau to travel thousands of miles to send dozens of red love threads with golden blessings to Song Zhi.

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