Chapter 308

Song Zhi and Buddha Jialan are clearly old acquaintances!
"Junior sister..."

"I'll go with you."

"Maybe I can help you."

Seeing that Song Zhi was about to leave after explaining the matter.

Zhao Muyang quickly stepped forward and grabbed her sleeves, softly requesting.

Facing his unbearable look of pity, Song Zhi's heart softened, and he finally rejected Zhao Muyang's kindness.

This time she goes.

It’s not just as simple as visiting an old friend.


The so-called sword heart in Gu Zichen's body actually belongs to Jia Lan...

"My name is Song Zhi."

Even the three views, the viewpoints of looking at things and people, are all the same.

In the past, when setting off from Wentian Mountain in Dongzhou to Xizhou, one had to use a teleportation talisman to teleport the formation, and it took three days and three nights.

Watching the people coming and going in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The difference is that she and the Buddhist Jialan hit it off immediately.

Wherever she wants to go, as long as her thoughts are united and supplemented by powerful cultivation spiritual power, she can connect to the earth and arrive in a blink of an eye.

Song Zhi couldn't think of it.

Song Zhi couldn't help but have a picture of him and Jia Lan chatting and drinking tea in a tea house in the city.

A moment ago, Song Zhi was still in the Baicao Garden of the Lingxian Sect, saying goodbye to Zhao Muyang and the others.

She and Jia Lan met in a competition between elite disciples of the six major sects.

They not only complement each other in understanding and resolving moves.

She showed the Lingxian Sect's peak master's token to the gatekeeper monk who came to invite him.

Not to mention, Jialan helped her many times without expecting anything in return.

She flashed past the city gate, and the next moment, she was standing in front of the mountain gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate.

"One of the close friends of Buddha Jialan."

Now, Song Zhi has advanced to become a god and is one of the top beings in the world of Qianhu cultivation.

The next moment, she appeared in the Xizhou Continent thousands of miles away.

Thinking of the gentle and peaceful Qingxiu monk, Song Zhi's heart couldn't help but tangle.

It can be called a classic start where no one knows each other without fighting.

This time, Song Zhi did not rely on her ability to transform into gods, so she entered directly as she pleased.

"I just came out of seclusion, and when I first heard about what happened to the Buddha, I felt sad and angry."

"Now I come to the door without permission. I just want to see the Buddha one last time."

"I hope the young master can pass it on for me!"

"Song Zhi would like to thank you."

Song Zhi clasped his hands together and bowed politely to the shocked Jindan monk.

If the monk dared to leave without authorization, he immediately drew up a secret and passed it to the senior officials of the sect.

Soon, Master Yuanyi, the abbot of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, walked out of the reporting room, holding a diamond staff.

Although Master Yuanyi is very old, he is the only one among the Ten Thousand Buddhas who can transform into gods.

It was most appropriate for him to welcome Song Zhi.

After entering the inner door with Yuan Yi, Song Zhi asked straight to the point where Jia Lan was.

She had never rushed into the Ten Thousand Buddhas Gate before.

One is to show respect for our friend's sect.

Second, it was because Song Zhi scanned the entire sect and could not find Jia Lan.

In Song Zhi's view.

Jialan has lost his heart, as long as his spiritual body is intact and his cultivation is still there.

He can also live safely and soundly.

It's just that if his heart can't be recovered in a day, his cultivation spiritual power and Qi orifice spiritual roots will stagnate accordingly.

Song Zhi came in a hurry just to ask Ming Jialan for his opinion so that he could go to Hanyuan Sect to get his heart back.

But now, Jialan is nowhere to be seen.

Facing Master Yuanyi's compassionate and sad eyes, Song Zhi suddenly felt a strong sense of foreboding in his heart.

"Donor Song."

"Buddha, he..."

"He passed away five years ago." The monk's passing means death.

When he realized this, the sadness that Song Zhi had suppressed suddenly surged over him.

Jialan has long been dead.

And she couldn't even see him for the last time.

She had clearly agreed at the beginning that when he came out of prison, he would come to her so that she could fulfill his kindness of protecting the law.

However, something went wrong.

They missed each other's time perfectly.

"Thank you, Master Yuanyi."

"I already know."

"do not worry."

"I, Song, will avenge Buddha's blood feud for him."

"Since he is gone, then his heart should be completely wiped out from the world like his master!"

Song Zhi snorted with anger in his eyes.

Before Yuan Yi could say anything to stop him, Song Zhi, who was standing in front of him, had already disappeared.

After a long time, Yuan Yi finally accepted the reality.

He looked in the distance in the direction of Wuji Mountain in Dongzhou, let out a long sigh, chanted the Sanskrit sound of the Buddha's name in his mouth, and sighed softly: "When will the injustice be repaid, when will it be..."

When the familiar sect plaque appeared in front of me.

The bad breath in Song Zhi's heart suddenly became even more intense.

Thinking of Jia Lan who died in vain, and seeing the Hanyuan Sect disciples living and working in peace and harmony, Song Zhi became very angry.

She knew that she was angering the old sect.

But when she thought about how rotten the Han Yuan Sect was from the very beginning, she became even more unscrupulous about challenging the Han Yuan Sect.

As soon as he hit the Hanyuan Sect's sect-protecting barrier, Song Zhi unceremoniously threw out dozens of spiritual energy bombs.

Potato mines exploded one after another above the barrier.

Not to mention the concentration of firepower, the power and destructive power are even greater.

When the head of Hanyuan Sect and others received the news and rushed over, Song Zhi had already flown to Hanjian Peak from the breach in the barrier.

Not to mention He Qingzong and the others were unable to resist the power of the transformed god. It was very difficult for them to capture his figure.

However, He Qingzong and others could see Song Zhi's bright and extraordinary face clearly.

Thinking of the information he had just received, He Qingzong's eyes were split open and his heart was trembling with fear.

"is her……"

"It's actually that evildoer who has attained enlightenment and returned."

"She must have come to seek revenge on Junior Brother Shuanghan!"

"Quick, go ask the ancestor to come out of seclusion!"

"This Song Zhi has advanced to become a god. Now she comes with bad intentions. Only the ancestor can fight her. Go and invite her!"

At the foot of Hanjian Peak, the anxiety and collapse of He Qingzong and others did not affect the three people at the top.

Song Zhi made such a big noise, not only Gu Zichen, who was in seclusion, came out of seclusion, but Fu Boshan, who was meditating in the cave, had also heard about it.

As soon as Song Zhi's feet stepped on the ground of Hanjian Peak, Fu Boshan flashed and appeared directly in front of her.

"This day came faster than I thought."

"Xiao Zhi, congratulations, you have successfully advanced to become a god."

"You are so murderous, are you here to avenge me on the ancient battlefield?"

Fu Boshan put one hand behind his back.

He looked at Song Zhi calmly, with no sadness or joy on his handsome face.

It seemed that Song Zhi's appearance was just a bug or a moth flying before his eyes, so sparse and ordinary that it could not arouse any emotion in him.

A long sword mixed with frost slowly formed in the air.

When the ice sword officially appeared, Song Zhi's eyes also saw an ice-cold air that was frozen every inch.

The gas was so powerful that it not only tried to freeze Song Zhi.

It also began to spread towards the foot of the mountain without distinguishing between friend and foe.

However, Fu Boshan was disappointed.

This sword intent mixed with frosty sword intent could not make any progress four meters away from Song Zhi.

A halo of light flashing with thunder and lightning sparks automatically popped up from Song Zhi's body.

"I'm not looking for you today."

"I'm looking for Gu Zichen."

"I want the so-called sword heart in his body to return to its original owner!"

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