Chapter 309

As he spoke, Song Zhi snorted coldly.

The ice sword that was originally coming towards her immediately turned around and stabbed Gu Zichen behind her.

This ice sword was transformed by Fu Boshan. The power of the sword was so powerful that Gu Zichen was unable to resist it.

Seeing Gu Zichen holding the bright moon sword in his hand, he was about to fight back.

Fu Boshan quickly pushed out a body-protecting spiritual light and pushed Gu Zichen out completely.

And he himself took action to crush the menacing sword intent incarnation.

At this point, Fu Boshan is no longer lucky.

He finally believed that Song Zhi did come to kill Gu Zichen.

However, he didn't understand why Song Zhi was like this?

On the ancient battlefield, for his own selfishness and for the safety of his young apprentice, he once put Song Zhi to death.

However, his disciple Gu Zichen never harmed Song Zhi.


He misunderstood her, did not believe her, and misjudged her, causing her to be wronged and wronged, causing her to leave the clan with hatred.

"You do have a personal relationship with that monk, and your relationship is quite deep."

"Zhi'er and I are indeed sorry for you, but Shen'er is the most sincere to you."

"Please don't be obsessed!"

It was his master who did something wrong, he admitted it.

"I lobbied him and told him that the restrictions imposed on the Qianhu Cultivation World can only be broken through if I practice the integration of human swords."

Fu Boshan really couldn't understand what she was doing now.

"Zhizhi, it turns out that you came here for that monk's heart?"

"Xiao Zhi!"

It's normal for Song Zhi to avenge this blood feud.

"If you blame me and hate me, just come to me."


Looking at Song Zhi, whose eyes were scarlet, as if possessed by a demon, Fu Boshan still wished that she had found the wrong person.

"At the beginning, the monk was finally willing to have a heart-to-heart relationship voluntarily."

"As long as you help me achieve the unity of sword heart and sword bone as soon as possible, I can cultivate to the unity of heaven and man as soon as possible, and turn the sword into an angry sword to cut through the restrictions."

"Speaking of which, junior sister, you still have to take some credit."

But Gu Zichen, who was lucky enough to escape, suddenly caught Song Zhi's focus.

"I am the savior chosen by this world."

"As long as the restriction is broken, the problems that have plagued the Qianhu cultivation world for thousands of years can be easily solved."

"I said that by then, not only the monks from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect will be able to ascend smoothly, but even Song Zhi, who has disappeared, will also be able to find a path to immortality and aspire to the great road."

"Hahahaha, that monk, that thief monk who seems to be pure-hearted and has no desire to enter the world of mortals."

"He actually believed my lies, so he cut open his chest and took out a bright red heart of kindness..."


"That monk has moved his heart, and he actually falls in love with you!"

"And you, are you also in love with him?"

"You're knocking on your door now. Are you ready to avenge your lover?"

Gu Zichen gently wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth and smiled maniacally, then looked directly into Song Zhi's eyebrows and asked directly with words that sounded like resentment and anger.

Song Zhi's hands hanging down by her legs trembled slightly, and in the next moment, two long swords, one black and one pink, quickly appeared in her hands.

This move clearly means Song Zhi's determination to fight to the end.

Jialan is passionate about her?

After hearing this from Gu Zichen, Song Zhi only paused and quickly came to his senses.

Human beings are not like grass and trees, and cannot be truly pure and indifferent.

Jialan is only six impurities, but it is not a heinous crime.

He really didn't deserve to die in Gu Zichen's hands.

not to mention. From his previous life to this life, Jialan has been that holy monk who cares about the world and sacrifices himself for others.

He didn't deserve to die.

Damn it, it’s the self-righteous Gu Zichen!
"Gu Zichen."

"You're really gross."

"Jia Lan is dedicated to serving the world, and he is not as hypocritical and kind as you."

"You use his benevolent heart, but you keep calling him a thief of a monk, and you even try to insult his good name."

"Gu Zichen, over the years, I really wonder if your brain has been fed to dogs?"

"Why are you still stupider and weaker than when you were young?"

Song Zhi was not affected by Gu Zichen's words.

Even if Jialan really has feelings for her, that's his business.

She, Song Zhihuo, is sober and strong, and will never be shaken by the love and hate of others.

Song Zhi firmly believes that there is more than one Jialan in this world.

As long as she lives, there will definitely be more "Jialan".

And she came here just to avenge Jia Lan.

Think about it.

Song Zhi stopped talking. She waved her hands, combined the sword moves of the Supreme Sword Technique of Yaotian, and attacked Gu Zichen fiercely.

These sword intentions came fast and hard. Even if Fu Boshan on the side tried to block them, he could only block a small part.

"Shen'er, go quickly!"

It wasn't until the actual fight that Fu Boshan realized how powerful Song Zhi was.

Obviously everyone is a god.

But Song Zhi's spiritual energy accumulation was much deeper than his.

The power of heaven and earth contained in her casual attack actually revealed the coercion and strength that could only be seen in the first stage of the Transformation of Gods.

Fu Boshan was shocked and immediately worried about Gu Zichen's situation.

However, at this time, Gu Zichen's chest had been cut open by Song Zhi's sword energy.

A long black sword penetrated directly from his right shoulder, nailing him directly to a mountain wall.

Fu Boshan, as an incarnation of a god, was barely able to face Song Zhi's overwhelming wrath.

Gu Zichen, who only has Nascent Soul Dzogchen, has no choice but to suffer death obediently.

Song Zhi casually threw out the Heaven-Level Lost Tracing Formation, directly trapping Fu Boshan who was rushing towards him.

She herself walked towards Gu Zichen step by step.

Looking at the man impaled on the mountain wall unable to move.

Song Zhi's eyes were indifferent. She turned the knife with one hand and inserted it into Gu Zichen's chest without hesitation.

Soon, a pounding red heart was pulled out by Song Zhi.


"Song Zhi...Song Zhi!!"

His heart was forcibly dug out, even though he was as strong as Gu Zichen, he couldn't help but let out a scream at this time.

His teeth were bleeding, and he looked at Song Zhi with hatred in his eyes, as if he wanted to kill her immediately.

But Song Zhi didn't give Gu Zichen a chance to fight back.

After taking out a treasure box and putting the heart of benevolence away, Song Zhi stretched out a finger and touched Gu Zichen's forehead directly.

In an instant, powerful spiritual attacks crisscrossed Gu Zichen's body like electricity flowing through his body.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Zichen's slender spiritual body was crushed to ashes by this force.


When Gu Zichen died with resentment, Fu Boshan, who struggled to break out of the lost formation, felt his heart twisting.

He shouted in regret at Gu Zichen, who had turned into ashes, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

But Song Zhi, without even looking at him, put away the treasure box and left.

"Song Zhi..."

"Kill my beloved disciple, do you just want to walk away like this?"

"Give me your life, you rebellious, unfaithful and unjust traitor!"

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