Chapter 310

Fu Boshan raised the Frostbite Sword.

He rose into the air in the strong wind, and with a bird's eye view, he blocked Song Zhi's path instantly.

Looking at the remnants of the sword energy in front of him.

Song Zhi knew that today's battle with Fu Boshan was inevitable.

If that's the case, then let's fight!
Song Zhi stuffed the treasure box into the storage bag. She held up the two mandarin duck swords and flew into the air at the same time.

At this time, the confrontation between the two true gods of transformation has attracted the attention of all parties in Wuji Mountain.

Not to mention that the disciples of Hanyuan Sect were panicked and ran away.

Even the sect families around Wuji Mountain fell into chaos due to the battle between the two.

With the power of becoming a god, he can destroy heaven and earth with just a wave of his hand.

"What do you two think?"

And just when the strong wind was blowing, due to the power of the god-transforming monks, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the sea water was pouring in, and Wuji Mountain was in a state of desolation and chaos.

Some of these people went to Hanyuan Sect's veteran transformation god Yinyang Zhenzun for help, and some went straight to Liu Yuyin to take action.

"If you have any grievances, the two boys can stay on the field to settle the matter."

Various sects and sects below have also established emergency mutual aid groups.

When Song Zhi and Fu Boshan were fighting each other, they were evenly matched.

"Quick, go and ask the leader of the Lingxian Sect to mediate!"

"The old man is the leader of the founding sect of Hengtian Island, Wusu."

The next moment, an old man with a ethereal body and a white aura, carrying Song Zhi's master Liu Yuyin, also arrived belatedly at this time.

The Yinyang Zhenzhen He Jingzhang, who knew he was wrong and made up his mind to turn a blind eye to Song Zhi, finally appeared in front of people.

Wusu said with a smile.

"Ancestor, ancestor, help me..."

His tone was gentle and his eyes were wise, like a kind mortal old man.

"Seeing that the competition is approaching, the day of promotion is not far away."

"Two true lords."

As soon as he appeared, a strong coercion forcefully separated the two people who were fighting.

After all, he is a veteran transformation god.

Song Zhi glared at Fu Boshan unwillingly, and finally put away his swords wisely.

Once Fu Boshan and Song Zhi started fighting, they became angry.

"Can you two give me some face and stop fighting?"

If they were in the center of the battlefield, even if they were not certain to die, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Don't blame her for quickly sliding to her knees.

The main reason is that this weird old man who looks like he has no spirit body has too high a level of cultivation.

Song Zhi took the time to scan with the object recognition function of the female partner system. The scan results clearly showed that this person was the number one combat force in the Qianhu cultivation world, Sanxian Wusu.

A powerful monk who has existed since the Great War ten thousand years ago.

With such absolute combat power, Song Zhi would not act foolishly against others.

"That's what senior said."

"We can wait until the competition starts to deal with the grudges and grudges."

Song Zhi snorted coldly, and with a flicker of his body, he appeared next to Liu Yuyin.

Seeing that her apprentice had returned safely, Liu Yuyin's tense pretty face relaxed.

"Master of Hengtian Island."

"Now that my disciple has ceased all activities with his Taoist friend Hanyuan Sect, the junior will take his disciple and take the lead."

"Please don't blame the island owner."

Liu Yuyin said softly.

Her voice was melodious and sweet, like a faint fairy voice.

When everyone came to their senses, the female master and disciple who had beaten Han Yuan Sect in the face had disappeared.

"It's Yinyang's fault for harassing the island owner Qingxiu."

"Thank you so much to the island owner for interceding."

"Otherwise, my sect, which has lasted for thousands of years, will definitely be destroyed because of that female cultivator!"...

Song Zhi had no idea what He Jingzhang and Wusu said later.

Of course, she wasn't interested in knowing.

On the way back to the sect, Song Zhi explained the reason why he killed Gu Zichen in a vendetta and was labeled as the Hanyuan sect.

When she learned that Song Zhi had succeeded successfully and had snatched back the sword's heart, Liu Yuyin pursed her lips and wanted to say something, but she held it back.

Now that it has happened.

There is no need to tell Song Zhi now that her old senior brother was actually a good move made by Bai Ze earlier.

With Gu Zichen's intervention, the success rate of cracking the Immortal Emperor's restriction can be increased to 60%.

It's just that it's too late to say this now.

Gu Zichen couldn't find even a trace of his reincarnated soul.

"I have heard about Buddha's disciple Jialan."

"It's just that I didn't know that Xiao Qi and Fuzi had an old relationship."

"I heard that Jialan became a Buddha physically and turned into a relic, which is now enshrined in the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas."

"If Xiao Qi is willing, she can send this heart of kindness to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect."

"Perhaps, the Buddha can usher in his next life and rebuild again."

Liu Yuyin said pointedly.

As both gods, how could Song Zhi not understand what she meant?
Her eyes lit up immediately and she headed towards Xizhou.

It was Jialan's body that turned into relics, not his soul.

According to time calculation, Jia Lan had already been reincarnated as an adult at this time.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect is very good at extraditing and returning.

Before, she was so concerned that she was confused, but she actually forgot about this matter.

How confusing!


Song Zhi killed Gu Zichen and confronted the sword master Fu Boshan, and the two officially fought.

After the two men stopped, the news instantly spread throughout the Qianhu Continent.

In the entire world of cultivation, almost everywhere you go, there are people talking about the murder of the old master and disciple.

And just when this real-time news was spreading, the heroine Su Zhi, who had been forgotten by the cultivation world for more than a hundred years, was finally mentioned frequently by the world.

"Your Majesty."

"I see that Song Zhi has great luck and strong spiritual energy."

"If I hadn't come forward in time today, I'm afraid she and Fu Boshan would have fought for life and death."

"Your Majesty, in order to prevent long nights and long dreams, I suggest that we hold the event in advance."

"Even if those monks die, they deserve to die."

"It's really a pity to die like this at the sword of the enemy and die like this."

In the largest ancestral house on Hengtian Island, Sanxian Wusu said to Su Zhi who had her back turned to him.

Upon closer inspection, Wu Su, who was clearly the top figure in the Qianhu cultivation world, acted respectfully and like a servant when facing Su Zhi, who was only at the beginning of his cultivation.

This humble, flattering behavior is really unbearable to look at.

After a long time.

Su Zhi, who had successfully drained a so-called lucky darling, turned around with satisfaction, holding the Sky-Swallowing Pot in her hand.

She smiled sweetly and replied in a low tone: "Yes."

It was Su Zhi who cherished every word like gold and said "yes".

Song Zhi, who returned to the Lingxian Sect from Xizhou, received the inscription leading to the tournament and the time when the tournament was about to be held.

"Xiao Qi, don't worry."

"I think it was you who scared Senior Wusu during the battle with Fu Boshan."

"After all, the current Qianhu Continent can no longer afford a shocking battle between two transformed gods."

"If there are any grievances, I'll settle them at the chosen venue."

"At that time, even if we pierce the sky, other weak creatures will not be affected at all."

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