Chapter 311

This quota competition, which attracted the attention of the entire cultivation world, was named the Ascension Competition by Hengtian Island.

The competition location is still the originally selected Qiu Mo Wasteland.

Qiumo Wasteland is actually one of the sites of the ancient battlefield.

It's just that this place is a well-known "Three No Ones" zone in the Qianhu cultivation world.

Due to the overwhelming war thousands of years ago, the Qiumo Wasteland was barren of grass for thousands of miles, and it was difficult for any living being to survive.

Therefore, it was later renamed Qiumo Wasteland by the world.

Wu Su chose this place to take advantage of the aura barrier to isolate the powerful digital players from fighting each other.

The ascension competition was originally supposed to be held at the end of April, but Wusu was pushed forward to January.

Hengtian Island's Immortal Guide can only accommodate up to twelve monks.

For the remaining ten places, a dozen transformed gods and dozens of Nascent Soul Dzogchen monks are required to compete.

It is a major event in the entire Qianhu cultivation world.

Among them, transformation of God should be the first priority.

As long as the cultivation level is that of the Soul Transformation Nascent Soul, you can enter the battle!
After getting the inscription, Song Zhi did not hesitate to stamp his promise to participate.

If someone receives an inscription but has no intention of participating, the inscription can be destroyed directly, and the other party can also give it to others.

To rush to Qiu Mo Wasteland, contestants only need to trigger the inscription and they will be there in an instant.

No matter whether the opponent is a human cultivator, a demon cultivator, or an evil cultivator from the demon clan.

Yi relied on Wusu to distribute the inscriptions manually and went to participate on his own.

Nowadays, Qianhu Cultivation Realm is not allowed to enter or exit, so he must make the best use of his Immortal Guide and bring as much fire as possible out.

The person who gets the inscription only needs to put a mark on the inscription, which is considered as acquiescence to participate.

How to participate in the Ascension Competition.

According to Wusu, the ascended ancestor of their Hengtian Island said it.

The Holy Lord of the Monster Clan, who is Song Zhi's nominal senior brother Bai Ze, counts as a quota.

The second way is for the soul-transforming Nascent Souls who want to participate in the competition to go and sign up on their own initiative.

It is impossible not to be tempted by these powerful powers of seclusion and purification.

After all, there are still many unknown veteran transformation gods and Yuanying hidden in this Qianhu cultivation world.

Now, there is a reliable way to leave this world and ascend on the spot.

This is a great ascension competition.

Wusu reserved a place.

If there are less than ten selected gods, they will be filled in by the selected Nascent Soul.

Of course, not everyone in the Qianhu cultivation world wants to ascend and leave this world.

Next to them, Zhao Muyang, Feng Ye, and Xiao Ling'er were all gathered together, talking about reselling the inscriptions.

It’s not that they are money-crazed.

The main thing is to count down the Nascent Soul True Lords they know. Those who can be named, like them, have received the inscriptions distributed by Hengtian Island.

But letting them destroy the inscription like this feels like a waste no matter how much I think about it.

It's better to take advantage of this opportunity and get something big.

It is said that there are those unborn great demon kings, as well as some evil cultivators who are hiding and chasing around.

Nowadays, people are offering high prices all over the world, and they want to buy Mingtie tickets.

This wealth, of course, they will never make it into vain!
Watching Zhao Muyang put the three inscriptions into the communication talisman and send them not far away.

Song Zhi picked up the tea cup and took a sip without saying much.

From the name of the competition, you can taste the blood-soaked meaning of the Ascension Competition.

Among them, there are many masters, such as Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye, who are talented in Yuanzhong.

Instead of seeking death, it would be better to stay in the sect honestly.

The Lingxian Sect is now so prosperous, but in the final analysis, it is still supported by Liu Yuyin and her two gods.

Once one of them is lost, or both of them die unfortunately.

That would be a disaster for the entire Lingxian Sect!

What's more, Song Zhi selfishly didn't want to see Zhao Muyang and Feng Ye walking in front of her.

The male protagonist Gu Zichen has been successfully killed by her.

His death did not cause any serious chain reaction in Qianhu Continent. This can be seen from the fraudulent point reward settlement of the female supporting system.

Song Zhi killed the male boss Gu Zichen and only got a measly 30 points.

She felt unconvinced no matter what she thought.

The system can be convincing.

It emphasizes the existence of the Qianhu world of cultivation and is based on the female-channelled novel "Slowly Journey to Immortality: Junior Sister's Charming and Sassy".

Therefore, the system’s focus is only on the female protagonist.

It was the system's unintentional words that allowed Song Zhi to grasp the focus of the system's mission.

The heroine Su Zhi.

If she can kill Su Zhi.

Then, these shackles placed on her can be easily solved.

This is something that has been mentioned a long time ago in the 1.0 female supporting system.

The 2.0 female supporting system only does not force her to follow the plot and do stupid tasks. Its core task requirements have not changed.

Song Zhi had tried to attack Su Zhi before.

But Heaven will always keep an eye on her, as if as long as Song Zhi dares to kill Su Zhi, Heaven will send her to reunite with Su Zhi in the next second.

That sense of crisis penetrated deep into his bones, causing Song Zhi to give up his thoughts every time.

So what about this time?

If this time, she and Su Zhi met on a narrow road in the Ascension Competition.

They had a serious battle.

Can she kill Su Zhi as she wishes?

In front of the stone table, Song Zhi stared at the spirit tea in the cup with serious eyes.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she couldn't find the reason at this time.

She could only say to herself that if she didn't succeed this time, she would be fine.

Either live a long life or die altogether.

She was reborn in the third life, and now she has nothing else to ask for.

Therefore, Song Zhi believes that her top priority now is not only to actively prepare for the promotion competition.

She must also mobilize all her connections and use all methods to find Su Zhi's whereabouts as soon as possible.

Not seen for one hundred and twenty-three years.

——Su Zhi, where are you hiding now?

Song Zhi drank the spiritual tea in the cup in one gulp.

She closed her eyes gently, and then the sound spread all over the mountains and rivers in an instant, reaching the ears of people such as Shui Yixin, the owner of Fengyue Building, Qian Jialiang of Qingfeng Escort Bureau, and others.

Song Zhi did not hesitate to spend a lot of money and show kindness and power. She must have these people help her find Su Zhi's traces.

Of course, if Su Zhi can show up on her own and take the initiative to participate in the Ascension Competition.

That would be best.

If anything happens, they can solve it on the Qiumo Wasteland Arena.


January flies by quickly.

During this period, Shui Yixin only sent back useful news once.

It is said that he has traced that in recent years, in the areas centered on Beihai and radiating to the surrounding areas, there have been frequent reports of genius children or young monks disappearing.

Considering that the Sky Swallowing Pot has the characteristic of attracting people's luck to make a living, Shui Yixin had to reasonably suspect that Su Zhi had been hiding in those places over the years.

It's a pity that his news came back too late.

At this time, Song Zhi had appeared in the Qiumo Wasteland together with his master Liu Yuyin.

Song Zhi no longer had the intention to pay attention to where Su Zhi was going.

Because there are more talents participating in this Ascension Competition than she imagined, and they are more powerful.

"Master Yuanyi."

"Are you okay?"

Seeing the old monk with white eyebrows walking towards him, Song Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a sense of uncertainty for no reason.

She took two steps forward, put her hands together and said hello proactively.

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