Chapter 312

With the same initial cultivation level, it stands to reason that Song Zhi can complement Yuan Yi with the courtesy of a peer.

However, she adhered to the principle of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, and bowed to the oncoming Yuanyi, acting gentle and polite.

Among them, there is certainly a part of the incense and affection of Buddha Zi Jialan.

Thinking of the deceased Jia Lan, Song Zhi's eyes couldn't help but darken.

"Hahaha, it's fine. I'm a poor monk. I'm fine."

"Thank you for your concern, Song benefactor."

Old monk Yuanyi smiled and showed his closeness to Song Zhi.

Song Zhi's long eyebrows raised slightly, and something suddenly came back to him.

The so-called showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

If you don't advance, you may ascend and leave.

Afraid of being stepped on like ants.

He approached Song Zhi at this juncture before the game. He wanted nothing more than to form a team with her and increase his chances of winning.

He will inevitably die of old age and sit in the gate of ten thousand Buddhas.

He is afraid of death.

He had lived for ten thousand and eighty-four years.

"It doesn't hurt to just say it."

Master Yuanyi took the initiative to look for him, he couldn't just reminisce about old times.

As a human being, he should first complete his self-transcendence.

Yuan Yi is in love.

Seeing Yuanyi nodded without hesitation, echoing her tentative words.

Afraid of entering the six realms of reincarnation.

Afraid of entering Avici Hell.

Hearing this, the old monk Yuanyi breathed out a sigh of relief, feeling somewhat at ease in his heart.

Song Zhi smiled pointedly, acting directly and simply.

"Master is looking for Song, is there something wrong?"

But Song Zhi didn't know all this.

And Yuanyi's self-transformation is to make himself stronger and live longer.

"I'm not very familiar with the master, but I have an old feeling for the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect."

He couldn't accept this ending.

It is to live in Buddhism and devote oneself to Buddha to save all sentient beings.

Song Zhi immediately felt a sense of solidity as if something heavy had landed.

Rather than being enemies with Yuan Yi, it is naturally more beneficial to become friends.

"What the master said is also what Song thought."

"Don't worry, Master. When the melee officially begins, Song will definitely be on the same front as Master."

"Song's master, Linglong Zhenzhen is the same."

Facing Master Yuanyi's hesitant look, Song Zhifu reached into his heart and added a very considerate sentence.

From then on, old monk Yuanyi showed a satisfied and relaxed expression.

"With Linglong Zhenzun and Donor Song as his companions, this humble monk can keep his life even if he is unable to make progress in this ascension competition."

"The poor monk then thanked Donor Song in advance."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention it just now. Donor Song, please take a look."

"This son is the reincarnation of Jialan. His name is He Huan. He has just turned six years old."

"Now he has been accepted as my disciple, and he has only recently advanced to the fifth level of Qi training."

"I brought He Huan here specifically because I wanted Benefactor Song to meet him so that he could temporarily forget about Jialan's hatred and concentrate on preparing for the war."

Old monk Yuanyi said with a smile.

He has a kind face and kind eyes, and he talks about being considerate and kind, as if he is completely harmless.

But Song Zhi looked at the immature boy who was forcefully pushed in front of him, and felt an indescribable hatred and anger in his heart.

She heard it.

This old monk was using Jialan's reincarnation to threaten her and beat her up! !
He asks her to stop playing tricks.

Otherwise, he will take action against Jialan's reincarnation.

This cunning, shameless, smelly monk!

"elder sister……"

"Hello, fairy sister." "The young monk's name is He Huan."

"If sister has any errands, please leave them to the young monk."

He Huan couldn't hide his curiosity and glanced at Song Zhi.

After seeing Song Zhi's bright and extraordinary appearance, like a flying fairy, six-year-old He Huan immediately blushed with embarrassment.

He didn't understand the relationship between men and women yet, but he couldn't extricate himself from Song Zhi's beauty.

Thinking of his master's teachings, He Huan immediately summoned up the courage and bowed to Song Zhi.

Looking at the respectful little bald head, Song Zhi pursed his red lips and gently moved his eyes away.

"No need."

"Your cultivation level is too low to help."

"Go back with your master. It's best to go to a safe area outside the Qiumo Wasteland."

When Song Zhi spoke, his eyes suddenly stared directly at the old monk Yuanyi, and his meaning was self-evident.

Yuan Yi still looks like an old and charitable person.

He didn't seem to notice Song Zhi's anger. He just chanted the Buddha's name and recalled He Huan.

"Since Donor Song was worried about the safety of my young disciple, the poor monk sent him out of the arena first."

"When He Huan reaches the age of sixteen, the monks in the sect will take the relics and return the memories of the past life to He Huan."

"I hope that by then, both the poor monk and Song Zhenzun can see it with their own eyes and renew their relationship with the Buddha."


Yuan Yi held He Huan's little hand and had been gone for a long time.

But Song Zhi still stood there without moving.

Liu Yuyin, who was also approached by other gods, finally got rid of the entanglement of those people. When she turned around, she saw Song Zhi with a deep look in his eyes.

Liu Yuyin knew about Yuanyi's arrival.

But Liu Yuyin didn't know what they talked about in detail.

But looking at Song Zhi's appearance, it was obvious that she and the old monk were not having a very happy conversation.

Song Zhi also made no secret of this.

After Zhe Shen met Liu Yuyin, Song Zhi explained Yuan Yi's intention and attitude in detail.

Finally, Song Zhi made no secret of her murderous intention towards Yuan Yi.

"Master, if the necessary moment comes."

"We can kill Yuanyi to increase our chances of winning!"

Song Zhi was furious and murderous. He was obviously deeply offended.

Although it is not ethical to kill your companions.

But when it comes to the path to immortality and life and death, it’s really not advisable to stick to the routine, right?

In this world, if a person does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

Liu Yuyin could only guarantee that she would be loyal to her apprentice, and that her disciple would also be loyal to her as the master.

Liu Yuyin didn't believe anyone else.

"Okay, whatever Xiao Qi wants to do, I will support you and help you."

There are a total of nineteen Avatars who came to Qiu Mo Wasteland to compete this time.

The number of people alone is seriously exceeded.

According to previous statistics from Wusu, there are only twelve people in the Qianhu cultivation world, including the gods of the demon clan.

Because there were two more people, no one took the initiative to withdraw from the competition.

Therefore, he set the rules for the competition between the transformed gods and transformed gods, and Yuanying against Yuanying.

This move is to compete for up to ten god-transformation monks, and to include Nascent Soul among the candidates for ascension.

But now, since there are nineteen transformed gods, these Nascent Souls can rest and do not need to compete.

Only nineteen gods competed with each other to select the final ten. This ascension competition was a successful conclusion.

But when Wusu said these words.

Those forty-seven Nascent Soul Lords immediately stopped working.

Some people said that they were all here, and if they didn’t take advantage of the situation to participate in the competition, they would be laughed at by everyone.

Others expressed their dissatisfaction clearly and believed that Wusu's move was unfair.

Since they are the monks who lead the Qianhu cultivation world, they have the qualifications to run.

What if they, these little Nascent Souls, trample some superior gods to death under their feet and replace them?
It's not impossible to kill the enemy beyond the level.

Therefore, they must participate in this melee for flying quotas!

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