Chapter 313

If only a few Nascent Souls express resistance, Usu will ignore them.

But the forty-seven-year-old Nascent Soul protested together. That Wusu was the immortal body with the ceiling of combat power in the Qianhu cultivation world, and he had to think carefully when making a decision.

In fact, what these Nascent Souls said makes sense.

Who can guarantee that out of the nineteen transformed gods, after some competition, exactly ten will survive and pass?
Because of this consideration, Wusu finally decided to maintain the original plan.

Transformation God versus Transformation Soul, Nascent Soul versus Nascent Soul.

If the spirit transformation is not enough, then use the Nascent Soul to make up for it.

In fact, this rule is unfair to all Nascent Soul Lords.

But who would let the God of Transformation be so oppressive?
Either follow the rules or be completely disqualified.

Nascent Souls are not stupid, so they naturally choose to seek wealth and honor through risk.

"Later, a demon appeared and forcibly refined the way of heaven. When the way of heaven was lost, this land was also destroyed."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Stop Mountain Realm was originally a small interface with abundant spiritual energy and stability."

According to Wusu, this jade seal was obtained by the ancestor of the official on Hengtian Island in exchange for it from the first generation of human emperors.

After determining the number of candidates, Wusu made a prompt decision and summoned a shiny and domineering jade seal from his body.

When she finally came to her senses, a group of sixty-seven people were already standing in the mustard void.

The so-called immortal weapon on Hengtian Island is the jade seal in Wusu's palm.

Song Zhi knew that this was a normal emotion for her.

The Qiumo Wasteland is not a real competition ground.

What if Wusu is a villain and uses the excuse of ascension to deceive everyone present, and then traps them in a trap.

The venue for this competition is in the Mustard Seed Void Realm inside the Jade Seal.

According to Wusu, the void realm was originally a place where the officials would rest on the way.


The appearance of the jade seal is domineering and eye-catching, but there are hidden secrets inside, making people yearn for it.

Now, Qianhu Cultivation World cannot ascend normally, and there is no guide official.

Then wouldn’t it be impossible for them to escape?
Song Zhi, who followed Liu Yuyin and flew into the jade seal, thought inappropriately.

After all, from the outside, the characteristics that Wusu mentioned are not visible at all from the outside.

The first ancestor of Shangguan simply assigned this realm to Wusu and asked him to bring people in to hold the ascension competition.

Looking at the jade seal engraved with auspicious beasts, Song Zhi frowned slightly and felt a little conflicted in his heart.

It is just the carrier chosen by Wusu for the competition.

Storms, lightning and thunder rang out here, clearly revealing the danger of this place.

"Fellow Taoists, this is the Stop Mountain Realm."

"The ancestor of my family saw it by mistake, so he took it into his pocket and added it to the Jade Seal."

"There is still spiritual energy here, but the content is very small."

"The territory here is vast and the terrain is complex, because it belongs to a realm within a realm."

"So, even if you fellow Taoists destroy this place, the world of Qianhu Cultivation will not be affected at all."

"If you have no objections, I will divide this realm into two and open up two arenas at the same time. Please show your skills."

"What do you think?"

Wusu hangs in the eye of the storm in the void vortex.

He asked loudly without fear.

These words with a touch of encouragement instantly ignited everyone's blood and fighting spirit.

"Senior Wusu, let us start the war immediately!"

Someone shouted passionately, which immediately attracted loud echoes from others.

This exciting scene made even the indifferent Liu Yuyin couldn't help but light up slightly.

"Xiao Qi." "Be careful."

When the huge track encompassed the entire void realm, the Nascent Souls of the gods suddenly turned into rays of light and entered the venue in an instant.

Liu Yuyin only had time to leave such words to Song Zhi before her body disappeared from the spot.

Wusu said it earlier.

When he officially enters the arena, he will use a completely random method to separate everyone.

In this way, it can also avoid the cheating method of everyone joining together and slaughtering others from the beginning.

As soon as Liu Yuyin's figure disappeared, Song Zhi felt a soothing spiritual power coming, sweeping her into the void.

When Song Zhi stepped on the ground and stood firm, she was already on the Void Realm track where the transformed gods were, like the other eighteen gods.

The void realm she was in was actually a small cultivation interface that had been destroyed by demon cultivators.

The surrounding mountains, rivers and trees are no different from those in the Qianhu Cultivation World, but they are lifeless and look lifeless.

After Song Zhi confirmed that there were no clear threats around him, he immediately called out the female supporting system.

She chose the object recognition scanning function and decisively opened the [Safe Channel].

After completing these two things, Song Zhi held the Black Dragon Sword and moved forward carefully in the direction pointed by the green arrow.

And on a plain thousands of miles away, the True Master of the God Transformation from the Yuqing Palace had met the True Master of the Wanxiang Sect on a narrow road, and the first battle of the God Transformation Arena began.

The fight between two transformed gods can be described as earth-shaking, and the battle is turning upside down.

Among them, even Song Zhi, who was still thousands of miles away, could clearly feel the danger of this battle.

Hiss, the fight started so quickly...

These people are really determined to ascend painlessly.

I wonder what Master is doing now.

Thinking of Liu Yuyin's instructions to her when she arrived, Song Zhi resisted the urge to send a messenger to contact her.

Gein Liu Yuyin said that among the participating gods, there was a true master from the Wanxiang Sect, and he himself was a master of making talismans.

It is very easy for this person to intercept or even modify the talisman information.

It is better to do less and make fewer mistakes to avoid being taken advantage of.

Liu Yuyin said that after entering the arena, everyone would mind their own business.

If they can merge smoothly, they will support each other.

If not, be smart and don't fall into the trap.

When Liu Yuyin said this, she was obviously determined to win the promotion spot.

But Song Zhi was very excited about this.

She participates in the Ascension Competition.

Just for two things.

First, confront Fu Boshan for legitimate reasons, and then kill him.

Second, try to find out where Su Zhi is as much as possible.

Only by killing the heroine Su Zhi can the mission of the female supporting system be completed.

Song Zhi would not be so naive as to think that she, the villain's female supporting tool, could stand out from the competition and be promoted smoothly.

On the premise that the heroine Su Zhi has not ascended, she cannot truly leave the Qianhu cultivation world!
With this thought in mind, Song Zhi immediately chased after the distant place exuding powerful frost.

That sword-like rainbow light that was as beautiful as frost and bone-frozen was clearly caused by Fu Boshan.

It seemed that God still took pity on her.

When she was at her strongest, she encountered Fu Boshan who was being attacked.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Song Zhi clenched the Black Dragon Sword, feeling impatient to personally harvest the life of his former master.

Perhaps, in her previous life, she and Fu Boshan had a true master-disciple relationship.

But in this life, Song Zhi, who only wanted to regain his freedom, only wanted to reap the fruits of successful revenge.

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