Chapter 314

Although Song Zhi has a [Safe Passage] and other evil things.

But the Void Mirror Arena is not divided into many areas.

She turned around and hid in mountains, rivers and other places, but in the end it was inevitable and she met an evil cultivator who transformed herself into a god.

Or to be more precise.

It was this evil cultivator who deliberately squatted her here.

And the kind-hearted old monk behind him was clearly the old monk Yuanyi from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect.

Seeing this scene, Song Zhi, who knew that he was exposed, no longer pretended to dodge.

She removed the concealment talisman from her body and chose to reveal her body.

"Master Yuanyi."

Song Zhi rose into the air from the ground.

"I was forced to do it because I had no choice but to obey. Please forgive me, Benefactor Song."

He still maintained his smiling, harmless appearance as a saintly monk, with a calm expression.

The old monk Yuanyi first recited the Buddha's name, and then uttered a high-sounding statement.

What kind of leverage did he get into the hands of Qianjue Evil Lord, so that he was willing to betray his righteous teammates?
Song Zhi was curious and summoned the Lotus Female Sword.

"The name of this true god-transforming Lord is Qianjue Evil Lord."

"If you lose, then sacrifice your lives and blood to Zhenyuan Tower."

"My treasure is hard-earned."

"Is this what you mean?"

What makes Song Zhi confused is that Master Yuanyi is a veteran incarnation who has lived for more than 10,000 years.

"Today it is impossible to give up love."

At the same time, the ancient immortal weapon named and coveted by Qianjue Evil Lord, the giant body of the Zhenyuan Tower, also slowly emerged behind Song Zhi.


Facing Yuan Yi's cold eyes with a hidden knife in his smile, Song Zhiruo still didn't understand that she was being plotted by the old monk, she was just stupid.

"If you two want it, come and take it."

"Are you ready to abandon the light and turn to darkness, majoring in the evil path?"

But the old monk Yuan Yi did not get angry because of this.

"If I lose, my life and the magical weapon will be yours."

She was suspended in mid-air, looking down at the old monk with a pair of phoenix eyes, with undisguised ridicule and contempt on her face.

"I also hope that Benefactor Song will be able to part with his love."

"I heard that Donor Song held the natal artifact of the ancient immortal in his hand, so Qianjue Evil Lord wanted to borrow it for a look."

Song Zhi laughed wildly.

Before Qian Jue and Yuan Yi could react, she dragged the powerful tower body with her sword, carrying the top three techniques of the Supreme Sword Technique of Inviting Heaven with her two swords.

He took the lead in attacking the two male cultivators.

The sound was so loud and violent that Qian Jue frowned instantly.

"Old bald donkey..."

"Are you cheating on me?!"

"This stinky woman is not just a beginner."

"She is Hua Zhong."

"Hurry up and hold up the Buddha seal to protect me, otherwise, you and I will both die here!"

Qian Jue shouted loudly, while calmly throwing out a group of bloody poisonous flies.

Seeing the poisonous flies split into two, then two into four, they continued to divide and multiply, swooping in with a poisonous stench.

Song Zhi immediately frowned in disgust.

She gave a clear drink, and the cold sword intent swept away instantly.

However, this move only temporarily stopped the powerful swarm of poisonous flies.

Seeing Song Zhi being forced to retreat, Qianjue couldn't help laughing.

He is a group of poisonous flies that are impervious to water and fire and feed on the spiritual power of the monks.

It was an outside spirit fly he captured by chance and then domesticated.

These poisonous flies are connected to his soul, and they can feed back to him an unlimited amount of the spiritual power they obtained during the battle. It can be called the best companion for killing and stealing.

Unless it is something from the outside world, the monks in Qianhu Cultivation World cannot resist it with only their spiritual power and magical weapons.

However, Qian Jue's proud smile only lasted for a few seconds, and soon her entire face froze.

Song Zhi's swordsmanship and sword intent were indeed unable to eradicate poisonous flies.

But she holds an enhanced version of the first-born spiritual fire of heaven and earth.

The fire had also swallowed several thunderbolts, and now it was extremely powerful, becoming one of Song Zhi's most powerful weapons.

"Fire, burn it for me!"

Seeing the poisonous flies approaching in darkness, Song Zhi was decisive, and she immediately summoned the blue-purple spiritual fire.

The fire seemed to have self-awareness and ignited towards the poisonous fly.

A terrifying howl of ghosts and wolves suddenly sounded here.

It was at this time that Song Zhi saw that the swarms of so-called poisonous flies actually contained the soul of an innocent person who died in vain.

Evil cultivators are indeed evil cultivators.

Song Zhi snorted coldly in her heart. She held two swords and rushed towards the affected Qianjue Evil Lord.

Let him do whatever he wants. Anyway, she has several golden fingers, so she doesn't have to worry about Qian Jue playing tricks.

Only then did Qian Jue suddenly understand why old monk Yuan Yi didn't dare to fight Song Zhi himself when they really fought face to face.

In addition to the unpredictable factor of Song Zhi's cultivation, the most troublesome thing is her identity as a sword cultivator.

Sword cultivators are the most fascinating among all cultivators and are also the category with the highest combat power.

Met Song Zhi, who was suspected to be a Huazhong cultivator and a sword cultivator.

Qian Jue could only fight and retreat, not daring to confront her head-on and fight her to the end.

And just as Qian Jue was frightened and frightened, Song Zhi found an entry point in an instant.

She suddenly sheathed her sword and jumped into the air, and a small black and gold pagoda appeared on her palm.

I don’t know what she muttered on her lips. The next moment, the silent black pagoda immediately grew taller and larger, and quickly moved towards Qian Jue.

As the pagoda approached, even Yuanyi, who was hiding in the Buddha's light, could clearly see the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood rolling inside the pagoda.


"It's actually an endless purgatory!"

"Fellow Daoist Qianjue, if you're tired, bear with me first, I will take the first step!"


When Song Zhi officially showed his power, Qianjue Evil Lord, who colluded with Yuan Yi and tried to block Song Zhi's way, was finally sucked into the Zhenyuan Tower after struggling hard.

Feeling the sense of satisfaction coming from Ta Ling Ashue, Song Zhi looked at the old monk Yuan Yi who was escaping far away, and seemed to feel something in his heart.

"Those who offend others will always be offended."

"Axue, I will leave that old monk who has lost his morality to your disposal."

Go ahead.

Go and devour him to strengthen yourself.

Although Su Zhi has not yet appeared, Song Zhi's natural sensitivity has already told her that the battle between her and the heroine has officially begun.

The old monk Yuanyi has many methods, most of which are good at Buddhism.

However, I don’t know if it’s because his Taoism is unstable or because he is too old and seems to be unable to do what he wants.

In short, while other gods of transformation could fight for three hundred rounds, Yuan Yi, a true god of transformation, struggled hard for a while.

In the end, he was defeated by an immortal weapon spirit.

Looking at Yuanyi who was restrained by Ashue, the source of Qi orifice.

Song Zhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a cruel and cold smile.

"From the first moment I saw He Huan, I felt something was wrong."

"Because there are still signs of seizing the body in He Huan's body."

"I originally thought that this might be caused by Jialan's soul awakening and his reincarnated body taking over the body."

"But then you said that when He Huan turns sixteen, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect will take out the relics and restore his memory as a Buddhist disciple."

"This shows that He Huan has never recovered his previous memories. In this case, he was taken away by others."

"As for the person who can take away his soul and body, after much thought, the only one I can think of is you, the old so-called master who is about to die."

"Master Yuanyi, why are you here?"

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