Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 107 Chapter 108, caught a little mouse

Yuanshi was silent for a moment: "No need, cultivation should not be overthrown."

Hongyun watched Yuanshi go back to his room, and then started running and playing with Tongtianmanshan again.

One day, Tongtian, who drank several cups of tea when he was thirsty, suddenly said: "Hongyun, let me tell you, even though my second brother looks like he is studying hard, in fact, after you tell him, he will come to me to play enlightenment." I’ve got some tea, so I secretly took it back to my room to drink it, for fear of being embarrassed!”

Hongyun sighed in his heart. Tongzhen was really beaten unjustly. He knew clearly that Yuanshi didn't want to be embarrassed, but he still talked about everything.

Tongtian: "Your Enlightenment Tea is really good. My second brother went into seclusion after drinking it. He even forgot to beat me."

"What did you do again to make fellow Taoist Yuanshi beat you up?" Hongyun was really curious and wanted to see how much trouble Tongtian could cause.

"If he wants to hit someone, don't ask him why. How do I know?" Tongtian pouted, as if he was extremely dissatisfied.

When he was beaten, it didn't matter what he had done, but he didn't know the reason for the person who beat him. He seemed to have suffered a lot of grievances, which was good. At least he didn't suffer from mental exhaustion.

"Then what have you done in the past two days?" Hongyun was really curious and felt itchy if he didn't ask.

"I'm with you every day. Besides practicing and walking around in the mountains, I don't do much!" Tongtian also started to be puzzled. He didn't do anything. Why did the second brother beat him?

Second brother is sick!

Hongyun held back her laughter and turned her head away, but saw the little thing not far away.

Behind a cypress tree, there was a little mouse hiding, timidly hiding, but always wanting to peek out. Because it was far away and it had not transformed, neither Hongyun nor Tongtian noticed it.

Hongyun smiled and pointed to Tongtian: "Look at that little mouse. With its eyesight, what can it see if it hides there and is lazy about us?"

"You can see a cloud of confusion." Tongtian became interested, got up and walked over. When the little mouse saw someone coming, it ran away in fright. Tongtian pinched it and held it in his hand.

"Squeak~squeak~" The little mouse was so frightened that it twisted crazily in Tongtian's hands.

"I have heard of a famous dish called Sanzhi~, have you ever heard of it?" Hongyun looked at the little mouse with a smirk on his face.

"What dish is it? Is it delicious?" Tongtian also looked forward to it. He was tired of eating barbecue during this period and wanted to change his taste.

Hongyun conjured up a pair of chopsticks and waved it in front of the little mouse: "Just squeeze out the juice from the flavorful fruit, pick up the little mouse with two wooden sticks. Once the wooden sticks are clamped, the mouse squeaks, and dips it in the juice. Inside, the mouse squeaked, put it in his mouth, and slowly bit it down, the mouse squeaked again, so it is called three squeaks."

"You cannot use ordinary mice for this dish. You must use mice with a higher bloodline, ones that have developed spiritual intelligence and are about to transform. Otherwise, they will lose their spiritual energy and it will be boring to eat!"

Hongyun said "tsk tsk~" twice with an intoxicated look on her face.

Listening to Hongyun's description, Tongtian's expression turned disgusting little by little. It's okay to eat it, but there's no need to eat it raw!

However, Tongtian reacted quickly, knowing that Hongyun was deliberately teasing the little mouse, and he became interested.

"It sounds interesting, and it must taste good." Tongtian also had a smirk on his face, tacitly understanding it with Hongyun.

The little mouse was so frightened that it tried to run but couldn't. The teeth in its mouth were chattering.

Hongyun: "This little mouse sounds very cute. What's its bloodline?"

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