Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 108 Chapter 109, Playing with Little Duobao Mouse

"It should be a different species. What's it called? Duobao Mouse!" Tongtian picked up the little mouse and shook it twice.

Hongyun looked at this little mouse with a different look. This was no ordinary mouse. This was the first disciple of Tongtian, the future deputy leader of the Jie Sect, and the Tathagata of Buddhism!

"Come on, come on, show me quickly!" Hongyun quickly took it and put it on the table. She turned her fingers over for him and clasped it with a teacup.

"Come on, come on, I'm done buying it!" Hongyun began to shake the cup slightly.

This is the great disciple of Jie Jiao, so if you can't play with him now, you won't be able to play with him in the future.

"Zhi~zhizhi~" Duobao made a voice with unknown emotions. Maybe he was having fun inside!

'Ding! Thirty thousand points of bad virtue have been received. ’

‘Is immorality worth so much? It's almost time to grab Nuwa's nine-day breath. ’

'Ding! The host had already prepared to return the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil from Nuwa when she created a human being, so the evil value was not high. However, regarding the treasures, the host was really wicked. ’

Hongyun was speechless. This was the first time the host had praised him. It was so... good!

Okay, now that all the bad points have been obtained, Hongyun released Xiao Duobao.

"Little guy, you made me laugh, I'll give you a blessing. You have some fate with this Yuqing Tongtian, you can try to become a disciple." Hongyun looked at Tongtian and smiled.

Tongtian has been eyeing this little mouse for a long time, and his eyes almost went straight when he looked at it just now. Hongyun played for a while and didn't see the little mouse, but it made Tongtian feel good.

Tongtian looked at the little mouse pretending to be serious: "You and I have a master-disciple relationship, but not now."

Hongyun's eyes asked, why not now? Isn't Duobao the chief disciple of Tongtian?

Tongtian sent a message to Hongyun: "We are three pure beings, and the apprentices we accept are inseparable. If I accept a Duobao rat as my first apprentice, my second brother will beat me to death!"

Hongyun rolled her eyes secretly. Didn't you just accept it in the novel? You didn't see your second brother beating you to death.

The little mouse was a little anxious. He stood up with trembling little paws and bowed to Tongtian. His two hind paws were unsteady and wobbly. Hongyun: "Dobao Mouse has a talent for treasure hunting, right?"

Tongtian nodded: "When the first few Duobao rats settled at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, I went to see them. They have a lot of good things."

"Then you can let it find a treasure and give it to fellow Taoist Yuanshi through your hands." Hongyun gave Tongtian serious advice.

Tongtian hesitated for a moment, and then spoke for only a moment: "The magic weapon that can enter the eyes of my second brother, even if he is exhausted, he can't find it."

"I have it. I have it idle. I can't use it, so I'll give it to you!" Hongyun calculated his current anger value, which is enough to exchange for a spiritual treasure.

Tongtian glanced at Hongyun cautiously, and his intuition told him that Hongyun must have other ideas.

Hongyun understood Tongtian's eyes and moved slightly closer: "You three pure beings are the original body of Pangu Father God. I want to know if your hair has the meager power of Pangu Father God and is used to refine weapons."

This is not a big deal. Tongtian himself is one of the Three Pure Ones. Even if Hongyun doesn't exchange anything, it doesn't matter if he gives Hongyun something.

"There shouldn't be any, I'll give you some." He was about to cut off a strand of hair while talking.

Hongyun quickly stopped: "I want to make a whip and braid it with your Sanqing's hair."

It’s Sanqing!

Tongtian hesitated for a moment, and the scene of him cutting the hair of his eldest and second brother appeared in his mind, and he shuddered suddenly.

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