Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 122 Chapter 123, Hongjun and Luohu Chapter

Yuan Shi also looked unkind, his whole face looked like dripping ink as he looked at Jie Yin Zhunti.

'Ding! One hundred thousand anger points have been received! ’

Hongyun really thought, he was obviously angry with Sanqing, why would he be angry at him? He looked easy to bully?

"Zhenyuan, sit down!" Hongyun patted the futon next to her and told Zhenyuanzi to sit down quickly.

Zhen Yuanzi hesitated for a moment and was about to sit down, but found that he couldn't move. Feeling relieved, he could only smile bitterly and shook his head at Hongyun.

Hongyun also understood what was going on, so she had no choice but to throw the futon behind. There were so many people here, let them fight for it!

'Ding! One hundred thousand points of bad virtue have been received! ’

Sure enough, the most bad points were obtained from the big event. I believe this event was enough to affect the two shameless saints.

There are seven futons and six holy seats. If Jie Yin Zhunti were allowed to sit on the futons, then the extra person would become him again.

If the Three Pure Ones have the merit of opening up the heaven, they will definitely become saints. If Nuwa creates humans in the future, she will definitely become saints. They are both chosen by Heaven to revive the West, so the rest will become red clouds. But if they are allowed to sit alone on the futon, it can be used to drive a wedge between them, or better break it up.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Tai grabbed the futon that flew past. At the same time, Emperor Jun's body ignited the true fire of the sun, repelling those who wanted to fight for it.

The Twelve Ancestral Shamans have no soul, so listening to sermons is of little use, let alone sitting on a futon or not. Without the old rivalry, how could anyone else compete with the two brothers, Di Juntai.

At this time, Jieyin came over again and bowed to Taiyi: "Thank you so much for helping me get the futon back. Fellow Taoist, you are really..."

Taiyi raised his eyebrows: "You want to die?"

Jie Yin immediately shut up and stared at Tai Yi with resentful eyes. After being glared at by Di Jun, he glared at Hong Yun. 'Ding! One hundred thousand anger points have been received! ’

Hongyun really didn't know whether to be angry or laugh, how could she hate him for everything. He only needs to make a start, and a steady stream of anger points will be recorded.

Taiyi and Dijun gave in to each other, and then sat next to Nuwa.

Tongtian looked at Zhunti next to him with disgust: "Stay away from me!"

Zhunti also felt that sitting between Tongtian and Hongyun was very disadvantageous for him. He got angry and went to the Taiyuan with a futon in his arms.

As a result, except for Sanqing, there is room for one person among the remaining four futons. Comparing with Sanqing, everyone will know whether the relationship is good or bad.

Hongjun looked at everything in the hall with the Kunlun Mirror. He rubbed his brows helplessly and looked at Luo Hu, who was still praising Hongyun's behavior with gusto: "Hongyun will probably be hated by Heaven for acting like this! If you and I fight, we will destroy most of the spiritual veins in the West. , leading to the desolation and poverty of the West, these two people are destined to shoulder the responsibility for the revival of the West and deserve a holy title!"

Luo Hu rolled his eyes at Hongjun: "You are a bastard of Heaven!"

"On that day, the blind man chose these two things to revive the West. Aren't you afraid that the creatures in the primitive world would guess that he had promiscuous lives in the West and gave birth to these two pieces of shit?"

"There is no one in the West. Do you have to choose those two to play? If you change two people, do you think my apprentice would do this?"

"You still accept them as your disciples. You are really not taboo about meat and vegetables. You can get anything dirty and smelly into your home!"

Luo Hu was the most powerful king, but he was imprisoned in the underground palace. He had no other pleasure except scolding Hongjun He, and now he was not getting better at talking.

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