Hongjun glanced at the Kunlun Mirror and picked up two useless ones. He couldn't even snatch the two holy futons. He had already controlled Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi for a while, but they still couldn't snatch them away. It's really disgusting for such a seedling to be his apprentice.

Moreover, Luo Hu was clearly responsible for breaking the Western Spiritual Vein, so why should he be left to clean up the mess? ! Just because he is the owner of the jade plate of creation and can communicate with heaven?

Now that the jade dish of good fortune has been transformed into the Three Thousand Laws of the Ancient World, although the way of heaven has been strengthened, he can also control the three thousand laws, so why should he obey the wishes of that bastard of heaven in everything.

He didn't need He Dao's Dao Ancestor's confidence, so he directly protested to Tiandao.

Although Tiandao was angry at Hongjun for calling him and understanding him, what could be done about it? Having a disruptive Luo Hu was already difficult enough. If Hongjun was going against him, the Three Thousand Principles would come crashing down, and this prehistoric era would never be restored. Into chaos!

Tiandao and Hongjun were chatting back and forth, but Luo Hu directly interrupted their communication and said, "Tell that bastard Tiandao, isn't it just to break half of the western spiritual vein, not to destroy the entire spiritual vein?" , it’s enough to send one saint to the West, two are really a loss!”

Luo Hu knew about the seven futons and six holy places, so he naturally wanted to plan one for his apprentice.

Moreover, it was so shameless to accept Zhunti. Luo Hu really couldn't stand it. How did that bastard of Tiandao choose such a shameless person to be the future Western saint?

After some unilateral and suppressive negotiations, Luo Hu successfully talked with Hongjun and persuaded Tiandao to agree to the suggestion of leaving only one holy throne in the west.

As for the other one, let Hongyun and Taiyi earn it based on their ability.

But having said that, the three people present also know who will get the final holy throne. After all, Heaven has now begun to plan the Lich's calamity.

About a breath later, a bed of clouds suddenly appeared on the high platform, and Hongjun's figure also appeared on the bed of clouds. Although the appearance was sudden, it was not unexpected at all, as if Hongjun should be there and had been there for a long time.

Everyone raised their heads and saluted, feeling shocked but also feeling justified. Is this the Taoist ancestor? It is indeed the Taoist ancestor.

Hongjun looked at the three thousand human beings below and said: "I have preached three times in the thirty-third heaven. This sermon lasts for three thousand years. Your position will remain the same next time, and you are not allowed to change it without authorization."

Now, everyone is regretting it even more. If they had known, they would have grabbed that futon just now.

Hongjun didn't have the chance to read these people's thoughts and started preaching directly:

"The great road is invisible, giving birth to the heaven and the earth; the great road is ruthless, moving the sun and the moon; the great road is nameless, nourishing all things; I don't know its name, so I name it the sun."

The Taoist Master: There is purity and turbidity, movement and stillness; the sky is clear and the earth is turbid, the sky is moving and the earth is quiet. Men are pure and women are turbid, men are active and women are quiet. When the original flow comes to an end, all things come into being. "

Everyone fell into concentration one after another and felt the charm of the Tao.

I saw an extraordinary phenomenon in the Zixiao Palace. Blossoming golden flowers were falling in the Zixiao Palace, and golden lotuses surged directly from the ground. The entire palace was overflowing with glow, and the endless spiritual energy turned into various fairy birds and beasts. Three thousand listeners absorbed it.

Among them, the place where the spiritual power gathers is naturally the few people on the futon in front, and among them, Sanqing is the most powerful.

However, everyone knows about Sanqing's background. Everyone envies Sanqing, but they also take it for granted. But the two Westerners who forced themselves to sleep on a futon and Taichi who got it by force accepted all the jealousy and hatred.

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