Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 124 Chapter 125, end of the first sermon

I don't know how many years have passed since I heard the Tao. As everyone's cultivation improved, when the Taoist ancestor stopped preaching and put away the Taoist rhyme, I realized that three thousand years had passed.

Some people have an epiphany when they first listen to it, some people have a breakthrough immediately, some people are reluctant to let it go, and some people sleep for three thousand years and feel relieved when it ends.

For example, eleven of the twelve ancestral witches fell asleep at two o'clock, and gradually fell asleep after less than three years. They staggered around in less than a hundred years, and later even lay directly on the ground, snoring like thunder.

Hongyun listened to the snoring one after another from behind and rolled his eyes one after another. If it weren't for the fact that he had heard these things once before, he would have to go back and wake them up again.

After a brief reflection, he opened his eyes again and saw that the Taoist ancestor sitting on the cloud platform had disappeared, leaving only the words "The second sermon after three thousand years, anyone who wishes can come and listen" floating in everyone's ears.

When Jing Yin Zhunti saw that neither Sanqing nor Hongyun had left, he didn't want to leave either. He intuitively felt that good things would happen if he stayed.

Hongyun suddenly wanted to gather some wool

"Haotian, Haotian!" Hongyun looked at the little Taoist boy outside the door.

Haotian looked confused, but still walked in obediently: "Master Hongyun!"

Hongyun smiled arrogantly: "They have finished listening to the sermon, why don't they leave?"

Tongtian also came over: "Please ask them to leave quickly, don't disturb Master's purity!"

Haotian's little face was full of helplessness. Although he had heard from Taoist ancestors that Tongtian and Hongyun were stubborn, he never expected it to be like this. However, Daozu was obviously very fond of Tongtian and Hongyun, and Haotian did not distinguish between inside and outside. He looked directly at Jieyin Zhunti and said: "Please leave, don't make Daozu unhappy."

If Taozu is displeased, how big of a pot it is, how can Jie Yingzhun carry it? He was immediately afraid and wanted to leave, but he was unwilling to do so. Why, after the sermon was over, Tongtian Hongyun and the others could stay here, while their fellow apprentices had to be kicked out.

No, what did Tongtian call Daozu just now?

Zhunti suddenly remembered the title in Tongtian's words just now. Could it be that Tongtian was accepted as a disciple by Taozu?

It's really unfair. They in the West were already lacking in spiritual energy, and now they had most of their spiritual veins destroyed. They had to endure so many supercilious looks along the way to get to Zixiao Palace, but they had to receive this unfair treatment.

As for Sanqing and Hongyun, they were born in the East and had the best resources, yet they still bullied him and humiliated him like this. At the same time, I went to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon. They didn't even have a futon, and Tongtian had already secretly become a disciple. No wonder Taoist ancestors favored them and gave them more care during the sermon.

Zhunti's eyes were red, and he looked extremely angry and aggrieved, as if he could cry at any time.

Jie Yin also understood the reason for Zhunti's behavior, looked at Yun Bed with a sad face, and knelt on the ground with a "plop":

"Taozu, please be kind to Taozu and accept me as your disciples~ My brothers and I have transformed from the West. The West lacks spiritual energy and magic weapons, so it is difficult for me and my brothers to practice. I learned about the Taoist ancestors and came here after a difficult journey. I have been ostracized and disdained by the Eastern monks and suffered numerous injuries, so please ask Dao Ancestor to accept us as his disciples, Tao Ancestor."

Hong Yun was shocked. Jing Ying Zhunti's shameless and moral kidnapping dared to be used on Hongjun. Did he think that Hongjun was willing to preach to all sentient beings in the wild, so he was a compassionate person?

Zhunti also knelt down, but before he could speak, Hongjun reappeared on the cloud bed, looking at them expressionlessly.

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