Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 125 Chapter 126, Hongjun chases away guests

"You have a close relationship with my master and disciple, and the time has not come yet, so don't be impatient. Now that the sermon is over, it's time for you to leave. There are countless opportunities in the wilderness, so there is no need to waste time in Zixiao Palace." Hongjun finished speaking. Casting a spell will throw Yin Zhunti out of the thirty-third heaven

Hongyun clearly felt Hongjun's dissatisfaction and disgust with Jie Yinzhunti, but unexpectedly, Hongjun still decided to accept the two of them as disciples. Now the time has not come, and it should be the end of the third sermon over there.

"You guys haven't left yet, what are you waiting for?" Hongjun threw out the ones that were an eyesore, and then looked at the few that were not an eyesore but should go.

Tongtian chuckled: "Master, the thirty-third heavenly spiritual power is so rich. It is much stronger than Kunlun Mountain. I don't want to leave. Cultivating here will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

Hongjun sighed in his heart, this is his dojo, why does Tongtian still think of it as his own home? Even if Tongtian is his disciple, there is no need to hang around in front of him all day long.

Luo Hu was already talkative and took pleasure in irritating him all day long. Now here comes Tong Tian, ​​a talkative person who is irritating people without realizing it. Hong Yun will add fuel to the fire. If these people were left in Zixiao Palace, he would be completely innocent.

Hongjun: "Practice requires meditation and hard work. Depending on your character, it makes no difference where you practice."

Tongtian was stunned for a moment. Did Master just say that it would be useless to practice wherever he goes? Otherwise, the place with richer spiritual energy must be better!

Tongtian was defeated and Hongyun directly entered the battle:

"Tao Ancestor is generous. Although the disciples are taught by Tao Ancestor, after all, there is a master who needs filial piety from the disciples. Now that the master is trapped in this situation, he also asked the Tao Ancestor to allow the disciples to serve the master. Even if it is only for a short time, the disciples are overjoyed. .”

Hong Yun had made up his mind to hug his thigh. No matter what, the unlucky guy couldn't be him. It was best to have a shelter and become a saint safely.

The first step to hug someone's thigh is to get closer, to increase their presence and favorability. Living in Zixiao Palace is the most critical step. Hongjun was silent for a moment: "Your master does not want you to serve."

Hongjun didn't lie. This was indeed the answer he just asked Luo Hu through a message.

Luo Hu is so proud of himself. Even his little apprentice cannot sympathize with him or pity him. He doesn't even need to feel sorry for him.

It was easier for him to perform when there was no one around, otherwise it would not be good to scold Hongjun and Tiandao in front of the juniors, which would easily make Hongyun resented by the petty Tiandao and Hongjun. So when Hongjun sent the message, he answered decisively:

"I am injured and crippled, why should I use him to serve you? Tell him to get out of here and stop being an eyesore! Give him some magic weapon. If this fool goes out to fight and loses, the person he will lose will be my own!"

Luo Hu was dissatisfied with his appearance. On the one hand, he felt that Hong Yun was an eyesore, but on the other hand, he wanted to order something for Hong Yun. Of course, it is also possible to simply want Hongjun to bleed. After all, Hongjun has a lot of blood.

This sentence was automatically ignored by Hongjun. He did not lack magic weapons, but he could not let Luo Hu succeed so easily.

Huan Hongyun didn't have any magic weapon. With the fragments of the Chaos Orb, he could walk sideways in the wilderness. As long as he didn't make people angry, almost no one could hurt him.

What's more, he had also given him a twelfth-grade golden lotus of merit before, and Zhen Yuanzi was watching him every step of the way, so he was much luckier than he was back then.

"Hurry up and leave. There are countless opportunities now. Don't take advantage of others!" Hongjun urged again. He didn't throw a few people out directly. This was already Hongjun's care for his apprentices.

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