Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 127 Chapter 128, The establishment of the Witch Clan

Five hundred years after the establishment of the Monster Clan, another voice spread throughout the ancient world:

"Pangu above, today's twelve ancestors Wu Dijiang, Jumang, Zhurong, Lingshou, Gonggong, Xuanming, Houtu, Qiangliang, Zhujiuyin, Tianwu, Xizi, and Shebishi established the Wu clan. Let heaven and earth learn from it.”

The Twelve Ancestral Witches swore to the Great God Pangu in the Pangu Palace to establish the Witch Clan. The Twelve Ancestral Witches divided into twenty-four great witches, and the great witches continued to divide downwards, thus slowly gathering a large number of witch clans.

But because of what Di Jiang said when the Wu Clan was established, many people were waiting to see the fate of the Wu Clan. Because now that Pangu has fallen, the Tao of Heaven controls the three thousand laws in the ancient world, and the monks respect the Tao Ancestor. Di Jiang did not respect Heavenly Dao and Taoist ancestors, but only respected Pangu, so he would probably not be protected by Heavenly Dao.

Nowadays, there is a demon tribe in the sky and a witch tribe on the ground. The lich tribe is very powerful. Although no major conflicts have arisen, there are small frictions between them from time to time, but they are not brought to the surface.

Except for the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan, other creatures that have nothing to do with the two clans are watching, just like the three clans who used to watch the fight for hegemony. They want to see if the two Lich Clan today will take the next step. Following the footsteps of the three clans.

As for Demon Emperor Jun and Emperor Jiang, the eldest among the twelve ancestral witches, they are not fools. They can also guess things that others can guess. While strengthening yourself, you are also always vigilant to prevent yourself from following the old path of the three tribes.

Therefore, although they dislike each other, they are not really hostile to each other. The conflicts between some little witches and demons below are also trivialized.

Kong Xuan has been practicing according to the exercises left to him by Yuan Feng. If he doesn't understand something, he will ask Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi has always been careful and cautious, and he also likes Kong Xuan, a junior who works so hard. He explains almost every detail to Kong Xuan clearly.

Naturally, he just let it take its course and let Kong Xuan call him Master.

Although Kong Xuan has the arrogance of the son of Yuan Feng, he also knows that the times have changed and his identity has become a constraint for him. Many people who have grudges against the Feng clan will bear their grudges against him.

Now the only backers he can find are Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun who were chosen by Yuan Feng for him, so he begs to become a disciple and have the title of master and disciple.

Now, under the guidance of Zhen Yuanzi, he has broken through to the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian. Although he is only Taiyi, Kong Xuan has only been transformed for ten thousand years. From the early stage of Taiyi to the late stage of Taiyi, he has made rapid progress.

Kong Xuan was pregnant because of Yuan Feng's calculations by Heaven. Maybe Heaven's conscience discovered that Kong Xuan was not burdened with the Feng clan's karma. Therefore, Kong Xuan's qualifications were extraordinary, and there were almost no bottlenecks in his cultivation.

But what made Hongyun most uncomfortable was that Shuangpin preferred to stick to Kong Xuan. Even though Kong Xuan spent most of his time practicing, Shuangpin would sit outside Kong Xuan's room with food in his arms and wait.

It was obviously Hongyun who carried it into Wuzhuang Temple, but now she didn't like Hongyun playing with it. She kept it up for an hour at most, and then tried her best to run out and continue to sit outside Kong Xuan's room.

Hongyun was really puzzled and pestered Zhen Yuanzi and asked, "Tell me, why does Shuangpin like Kong Xuan so much?"

Zhen Yuanzi: "All living beings in the ancient times put cultivation as their first priority. Kong Xuan worked hard and deserved to be worshiped by both men."

Hongyun was dissatisfied with what he said: "Then most of the creatures in the ancient world were still strong-willed. Are you and I not much better than Kong Xuan in cultivation?"

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