Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 128 Chapter 129, Shuangpin’s love for Kong Xuan

Any attraction in the world has a reason. Although Kong Xuan looks handsome and handsome, he still looks like a child when he first takes shape. Hongyun's appearance is extremely sunny and handsome, and her baby face looks full of breasts. This is a great evaluation, absolutely pertinent and true.

But Shuangpin just likes to pester Kong Xuan, even if Kong Xuan doesn't pay much attention to it.

If she hadn't known Shuangpin's gender, Hongyun would have really suspected that Shuangpin was in love with Kong Xuan, so she wouldn't mind having a warm face and a cold butt, guarding others' doors all day long.

Hongyun sighed, liking is the most difficult thing to explain in the world: "Why don't you enlighten Shuangpin, let it transform, and practice with Kong Xuan, so that it can only sit at the door, looking angry? Look!"

Anyway, Shuangpin is not going to be fucked anymore, and I am getting more and more impatient, so why not just fulfill it and make it more convenient for him to pester Kong Xuan. It can be considered that Hongyun gave it a blessing. After all, it has been combed for tens of thousands of years and it has lost a lot of hair.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't care about this kind of thing at all. One disciple was a teacher, so it didn't matter if he had one more. However, he had no master-disciple relationship with him, so there was no need to accept a disciple.

"You can enlighten him and stay in Wuzhuang Temple to be a Taoist boy, but there is no need to accept a disciple. I have no master-disciple relationship with him."

Zhen Yuanzi knew Hongyun very well. Even if Hongyun wanted to enlighten the panda, he would never recruit a disciple himself, and would most likely leave it to him. So it's better to talk things over in advance to avoid getting confused.

Hongyun rolled her eyes: "What kind of master-disciple relationship? You and Kong Xuan have a master-disciple relationship?"

It's better to say that he doesn't want to accept it, so there is no relationship between master and disciple. If there really was a master-disciple relationship with Kong Xuan, why didn’t Kong Xuan become his disciple in the novel?

Zhen Yuanzi's personality is like this. He doesn't like trouble, and he doesn't like to get involved in right and wrong. It's understandable that he doesn't want to accept Hongyun as his disciple, but it's wrong to deceive him!

Hongyun: "Shuangpin's heel qualifications are not as good as Kong Xuan's, and he's not as hardworking. It makes sense that you don't want to accept Shuangpin as your disciple.

But it's not good if you involve fate. Even if he is destined to be a master and apprentice, if you don't accept him, he is not a master and apprentice. Even if there is no relationship, if you accept him as a disciple, the relationship between master and apprentice will be deep-rooted. "

Zhen Yuanzi frowned helplessly, a panda monster that only knew how to eat and play, if Hongyun didn't like it, it wouldn't even be able to enter the gate of Wuzhuang Temple. He has been slacking off in practice for so many years and is still ungrateful. Now he is avoiding Hongyun. Doesn't he like to have problems?

What's more, the panda had no master-disciple relationship with him. Unlike Kong Xuan, it was Yuan Feng Tuogu who had good talent and practiced hard. He never caused him any trouble, which really made him want to accept a disciple.

"Kong Xuan made me want to accept a disciple, so there is a relationship between master and apprentice. However, your panda who only knows how to eat, sleep and play made me unwilling to accept a disciple, so there is no relationship between master and apprentice."

Zhen Yuanzi explained what he meant again, but also told Hongyun very clearly that it was impossible to accept a disciple.

Hongyun felt that now even if she explained that she had no intention of letting Zhen Yuanzi take Shuang Pin as his disciple, Zhen Yuanzi would not believe it.

I could only sigh: "Just take in a junior and let Kong Xuan take him to practice!"

Zhen Yuanzi said nothing. He didn't care what Hongyun planned. In short, his decision could not be changed. Hong Yun had too many plans, several in a day, and he couldn't take into account Hong Yun's ideas that came up one after another. If Hongyun is unhappy, let him find his own happiness!

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