Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 129 Chapter 130, Heading to Zixiao Palace

Hongyun went to enlighten Shuangpin personally, but she didn't expect Shuangpin to be round and round, but after taking shape, he was not a fat man.

A boy of about seven or eight years old stood innocently in front of Hongyun and saluted unfamiliarly: "Thank you for your enlightenment."

He had seen Mingyue Qingfeng salute before, and that was how they called Master Zhen Yuanzi.

Hongyun glanced at Shuangpin and said with a smile: "Why did you lose weight after you transformed? Could it be that your hair was too thick before?"

Shuangpin scratched his head: "I'm not fat to begin with. My friends of the same age in the clan are all fatter than me."

It turns out that the panda clan is all round and round, and Shuang Pin is considered the thin one among them, so when he transformed, he was based on the prototype's figure among the same clan.

Hongyun nodded and asked curiously: "You follow Kong Xuan all day long. Do you like him?"

Shuangpin's cheeks turned red, and he lowered his head and said, "How cute he is, and how comfortable it is to be held in his arms!"

Hongyun: "Heh~"

A chubby giant panda finds other people cute and enjoys being held in people's arms. What's the matter, if I hold it with another person, I won't feel that way anymore?

"Since you like him, you will practice with him in the future and let him guide you if you have any problems." Hongyun didn't want to ask anymore. This panda has a problem with his aesthetics and is not very smart.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master!" Shuangpin saluted with a smile on his face, as if he had won a big prize.

Hongyun was also speechless. No wonder Zhen Yuanzi said he was lazy. At this time, shouldn't he find a way to become a disciple, get better skills and resources, and improve his strength?

Why is it so exciting for him to follow Kong Xuan and become a good master?

No, I didn't propose to accept him as a disciple. With such a brain, Hongyun was not willing to accept him.

"Okay, let's go find Kong Xuan!" Hongyun didn't want to see him anymore and was angry! Simply wave your hand and tell him to do whatever he needs to do.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun's helplessness, smiled and returned to his room. That's how it should be. Hong Yun's sudden whim makes him responsible for the aftermath. Only in this way will he be honest next time. Ten years before the second sermon, Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi set out together. He strengthened the barrier of Wuzhuang Temple, handed over everything in the temple to Mingyue Qingfeng, and asked Kong Xuan to take Shuangpin to retreat together.

Outside Zixiao Palace, Hongyun and Sanqing met and entered Zixiao Palace together.

I still discuss things with Zhen Yuanzi, Tongtian still chats with Hongyun, Yuanshi still has a stinky face, and doesn't even look at anyone.

"Have I accepted a disciple?" Tongtian glanced at the back of his second brother and said mysteriously.

Hongyun was not surprised. With Tongtian's character, it was rare for something he wanted to do to be delayed for so long.

However, I am still curious and have to ask: "Fellow Taoist Yuanshi agrees?"

"I don't agree, but I still accepted it. I thought it wouldn't matter if I was beaten once, but I didn't expect to be beaten three times!" Tongtian held out three fingers with a sad face.

Hongyun smiled unkindly: "Hurry up and start talking!"

Tongtian chuckled and said: "A hundred years ago, a congenital spirit called Sunflower Water came to Kunlun Mountain to become a disciple. He said that he heard my name when he was walking in the wilderness, and he specially kowtowed to climb up Kunlun Mountain step by step.

My second brother saw that she was sincere and that her skills were acceptable, so he agreed to let me take on her as a disciple. "

The essence of innate sunflower water? Not Duobao?

Hongyun looked at Tongtian in confusion. Could it be that Tongtian's chief disciple was replaced because of his time travel?

Tongtian said hey again: "Then I took in two disciples and took them to meet the second master uncle and the second master uncle."

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