Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 136 Chapter 137, Hongyun Tongtian transforms into a knife

This is because he knows that there is a huge disparity in power and cannot confront someone head-on, so he puts himself in the position of the victim and attempts moral kidnapping.

He tried to kidnap Hongyun, but he didn't use anything useful to Hongyun. For example, now, if Hongyun is kidnapped with morality, can he kidnap something that he doesn't even have?

Hong Yun suppressed her smile and said in a high-sounding voice: "Our greatest sincerity and friendliness towards Western monks who come from afar is to treat them fairly. We treat Eastern and Western monks equally and will never discriminate against fellow Taoists from the West. We will never discriminate against fellow Taoists from the West. Don’t let fellow Taoists from the West feel the loneliness of being in a foreign land.”

Jie Yin spat out another mouthful of blood, but this time Tongtian was on guard, so Jie Yin's mouthful of blood had no lethality at all.

Tongtian continued to hit the target: "Fellow Daoist Jieyin, are you okay? How come you have such a good breakthrough, but you are injured in the heart calamity! People who practice are not only cultivating the magic power, but also the state of mind. Fellow Taoist Jieyin magic power It is so profound, how can you be in such a miserable state of mind, not only have you not made a breakthrough, but your level has plummeted?"

Hongyun reasoned with Tongtian with a profound look on his face: "Tongtian, don't say so absolutely. After all, not everyone is a kind person. There are more than one or two people who are despicable, shameless, and evil-minded, and they are all treated differently by many living beings in the ancient world. It’s shameful, they only know jealousy and greed, so naturally they can’t survive the calamity of their inner demons.”

Tongtian looked like he was being taught and continued to stimulate and lead Zhunti: "No, no, no, I think there are only a few people like that. Otherwise, how could they cause public anger and be shamed and ostracized wherever they go!"

Hongyun: "How do you know that his exclusion is true? This kind of person is vicious, hates the good of others, and is jealous of other people's origins, talents, and cultivation. He will never be satisfied. As long as there is any slightest trouble, he will be bullied by others. Got him."

Jie Yin's eyes were filled with resentment and he vomited another mouthful of blood. Zhunti shouted in panic to Hongyun and Tongtian: "Get out! Get out! You two leave quickly!"

Hongyun laughed out loud, and after a moment: "Hey~ you two are a bit shameless! This is the Zixiao Palace of the 33rd Heaven, how can you issue an eviction order!

And you are very heartless. We only came here because we care about you. Even if your words are not congenial, you should not be so rude. Are all you Western monks so polite and well-educated? "

The reception of Zhunti did not come all the way here one by one, and how poor the West is, how hard they Western monks are, how miserable they are, then Hongyun simply separated the Eastern and Western monks, and asked the Western monks to guide them Zhunti.

"Although the realm of fellow Taoist Jingyin has plummeted, there is really no need to be so sad. Didn't fellow Taoist Zhunti break through to become a quasi-sage? This is also a good thing. Wouldn't fellow Taoist Jingyin make fellow Taoist Zhunti happy?"

Hong Yun remembered the story of Zhen Huan, in which Yi Xiu's son died, and the next day he happily congratulated his sister on her pregnancy, thus darkening her barrier. Now I specially used that incident to see how balanced the relationship between Yin and Zhunti was.

There was indeed a change in Jie Yin Zhunti's eyes, and Hong Yun kept up her efforts:

"Which of the two Taoist friends is the senior brother? If Taoist friend Zhunti is the senior brother, it will be just right. If there is a senior brother to protect the junior brother, even if he leads the fellow Taoist to make countless enemies and is hated and disdained by most of the creatures in the ancient world, there is a high probability that he will be protected by fellow Taoist Zhunti. It’s also the next life left.”

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