Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 137 Chapter 138, tacit understanding with Tongtian

Although I don’t know what their senior brothers think, it is certain that they will be introduced as brothers and promoted as brothers. Now the cultivation level of the senior brother has plummeted, but the junior brother has broken through to the level of quasi-sage. It is really that the status has changed overnight. Save.

Tongtian was even more capable of last-ditch attacks, and pretended to pull Hongyun: "You also have to understand the two Taoist friends Jie Yin and Zhunti. It's not easy for them to practice. Now their realm has plummeted. I don't know if they can return to their original state." The questions are understandable.”

Hongyun: "But the reason why you lead Taoist friends is because your state of mind has plummeted because of your poor state of mind, not because your state of mind has plummeted because of your poor state of mind. Tongtian, you have to distinguish the order!"

Tongtian: "Although there is a sequence, there are also priorities. In the past, because of the poor state of mind, the state of mind plummeted. After the state of mind plummeted, will enlightenment be achieved? Most likely, the mind is more paranoid, the thoughts are more vicious, and the actions are more despicable!"

Tongtian's words really shocked Hongyun, and Hongyun was once again grateful that she had made Tongtian a good friend. Even though it was clear that he was the one who did the immoral things, Tongtian could just go along with it tacitly, cooperating very well with himself, and sometimes even doing it better than himself.

It’s really one plus one that is greater than two.

Yuanshi couldn't stand listening to the exciting exchanges between Tongtian and Hongyun. He was really tired of listening and scolded him with a frown: "How can a person with such a low state of mind deserve to waste so much time on you!"

These words sounded like a rebuke to Tongtian, but the one who was hurt the most was still Jie Yin Zhunti. Jie Yin stood up angrily, pointed his finger at Yuan Shi, and nodded twice. Under Yuan Shi's increasing pressure, he refused to give in. lay down.

So what if they are willing to be unwilling to do so, Jie Yin's realm plummeted, and Zhunti broke through to the Quasi Saint. Although they were considered masters in the prehistoric times, their opposites were the five Quasi Saints, the masters among the five Quasi Saints.

Zhen Yuanzi had already seen Hongyun's plan, so he was speechless when Hongyun deliberately angered Zhunti. However, hearing that Hongyun and Tongtian had such a tacit understanding, he felt angry for no reason.

Now, when you see someone trying to take action, no matter if you intend to do something, or you just give up, you just throw it away with one sleeve.

No one expected that Zhen Yuanzi would suddenly attack. Although Zhunti could resist with all his strength, Jie Yin could not cope with it. In order to protect Jie Yin, Zhunti had no choice but to retreat with Jie Yin along the Gangfeng. Hongyun sneered, this is the man of great perseverance in the novel, the man of great merit chosen by heaven for the revival of the West.

Zhen Yuanzi glared at Hongyun and wanted to leave Zixiao Palace. Anyway, Dao Ancestor has left, and neither he nor Hongyun is Dao Ancestor's disciples, so it would be rude to stay here.

But Hong Yun didn't want to leave yet. She hadn't reported the situation to Luo Hu and asked for instructions on the next step. So she just left. She would definitely be punished next time she came back.

Hongyun: "Wait a minute, I have to say goodbye to Master!"

Zhen Yuanzi naturally had no choice but to not allow Hong Yun to say goodbye to Luo Hu, so he just nodded in agreement and waited for Hong Yun to leave together.

Hongyun waited for a while, and sure enough, someone cast a spell to bring him to Luo Hu, but he didn't know who it was.

"Master, as expected, Jie Yin cannot survive the calamity of inner demons, and his realm has plummeted!" Hong Yun announced the good news as soon as she saw Luo Hu.

Luo Hu rolled his eyes at Hong Yun: "What's there to be happy about? This little thing is worth your happiness. What can you do in the future!"

"Do you think that just by yourself, you can stimulate your mind to collapse and your realm to plummet?"

Hongyun smiled flatteringly: "That is of course the master's magical power. The disciple is just following orders."

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