As usual, Sanqing was the first to arrive, followed by Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi. After Hongyun went to see Luo Hou, other people arrived one after another.

Hongjun was very satisfied with this. After all, except for the first sermon where he opened the back door and brought people in directly, the other two times, they were the first ones to come consciously. Sure enough, both he and Luo Hou had the right vision in recruiting disciples. They were both the best boys in the world, and the people around them were the same. They were all outstanding and unmatched by others.

"You all should listen carefully to this sermon, especially Tongtian and Hongyun, and don't be distracted." Hongjun reminded his two favorite and most unreliable disciples.

This time Hongjun is going to talk about the way to become a saint.

In summary, there are three ways to become holy:

The first is Pangu's way of proving the Tao through force. He exchanged his life for success and only became his own Tao. For other living beings in the prehistoric era, his Tao was a failure.

The second type is enlightenment through merit, which requires very great merit to be successful.

The third type is to kill the three corpses on his own to become a saint. The three corpses refer to the incarnations of good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions in the ascetic's body, that is, the good corpse, the evil corpse, and the self corpse.

That guy Luo Hu used to kill to prove his way, but he simply went astray and almost couldn't be saved. If you want to achieve enlightenment through killing, you will have to kill all the people from the ancient world or the way of heaven. Before you can achieve enlightenment, all the karma and evil will be repaid on him.

Although Sanqing is a divine position, and Sanqing has huge merits passed down by the Great God Pangu, it is easier to follow the path of merit and enlightenment, but for Hongjun himself, he hopes that Tongtian will follow his path and kill The three corpses were sanctified.

After all, he knew that those who killed three corpses and became saints would definitely be more powerful than those who followed the path of merit. Of course, Hongjun hoped that his only apprentice would be as powerful as possible.

As for Hongyun, Hongjun's initial idea was to let Hongyun attain Hunyuan Daluo and become a great saint, but he gave up this idea soon after. Although Hunyuan Daluo is more powerful than Killing Three Corpses, the process is also more difficult, especially when Hongyun is still Luo Hou's disciple, and is always being watched by Heavenly Dao, for fear that he will also become rebellious like Luo Hou.

Maybe as soon as the idea of ​​​​proving the Dao Daluo appeared, he was chased and attacked by the way of heaven.

Thinking about it now, maybe Zhen Yuanzi can be allowed to take this path. Zhen Yuanzi is also a good and steady boy. With him by Hongyun's side, Luo Hou can feel more at ease.

Therefore, he hoped that Tongtian and Hongyun would listen carefully to this last sermon. It would be best to kill one corpse at the end of the sermon, and then continue to work hard to kill the other two corpses. In the end, if it is impossible to kill three corpses to become a saint, the level of strength will be determined based on the number of three corpses killed.

Hongjun was thinking deeply about his two favorite disciples, and his two favorite disciples had their own thoughts in their hearts. Hongyun was preoccupied with thinking about how to deal with Yin Zhunti, while Tongtian was in a daze. On the contrary, the other three people all felt that since Master strictly told them to listen carefully to the sermon, they had to take it seriously and not to be fooled.

Hongjun was satisfied with the performance of several people, and then opened the door of Zixiao Palace to let in the Taoist listeners who had arrived at the thirty-third heaven.

Brother Dijun and Brother Fuxi were all waiting outside. When the gate of Zixiao Palace opened, they walked in immediately. They were all surprised when they saw the people in front of them. I knew Zu was interested in the people here, but I didn't expect to call them alone. I didn't know what they would say.

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