Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 141 Chapter 142, The Way to Sanctification

Everyone went to their previous positions to get ready, and there was only one empty seat on the futon, which made everyone speculate.

They were all walking in the wilderness, how could they not know about the monster clan chasing Jie Yin Zhunti? Now they are all secretly looking forward to the death of Jie Yin Zhunti in the hands of the monster clan, and they will also fight for the free futon. Power.

Although the demon clan has more and more manpower, they can stand out among countless creatures in the ancient world because they are somewhat capable and somewhat proud.

Just when the sermon was about to begin, Zhunti, who was even more embarrassed than last time and even scarred on his body, entered the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Everyone laughed, watched the show, and felt regretful, but they were all smart enough to say nothing.

"Please help Daozu!" Before he could reach the futon, Jie Yin knelt down on the ground and began to cry.

Hongjun glanced at the two of them lightly, and then looked away: "This sermon is my last sermon. It talks about the way to sanctification. I hope you will take it seriously. No matter how much you listen, it is all good luck. .”

The way to sanctification!

The four light words were what everyone valued the most, and these four words alone were enough to make the quiet Zixiao Palace boil.

Everyone listened to the Taoist sermon with rapt attention, hesitating among the three ways of attaining sanctification. Excluding the path taken by the great god Pangu to prove the path through force, he expressed envy and jealousy towards Sanqing, who had huge merits, and then focused on the successful path taken by the Taoist ancestors - killing three corpses to prove the path.

Killing three corpses to achieve enlightenment is a path that everyone can take. There is no need to be born with huge merits, and there is no need to sacrifice one's life to gain fame. For ordinary people who want to attain enlightenment and become a saint, killing three corpses is almost the only way to go. Of course, not everyone can understand the meaning of the path to sainthood, and only a few people can understand it. However, no one wants to waste such a precious opportunity. Even if they cannot understand it, they must try their best to write down the content so that they can Seek enlightenment again when you improve your strength.

And among those who had some insights, there were one or two outstanding ones, but after a thousand years, they were able to behead their corpses. Such as Tongtian beheading the evil corpse, Taiyi beheading the good corpse, and Zhen Yuanzi, a great weirdo who beheaded my corpse for the first time.

Seeing Tongtian kill the evil corpse first, Daozu Hongjun almost couldn't control the twitching of his eyebrows. He knew that he shouldn't have let Tongtian get along with Luo Hu in the first place. If Luo Hu knew that Tong Tian was the first to kill the evil corpse, he would definitely make a fuss and regret that he did not take Tong Tian with him to cultivate the devil's path.

Another thousand years later, Hongyun and Taiyi killed the good corpses one after another, which made Hongjun feel relieved. At least Hongyun's teachings were quite successful and he no longer resembled his master.

The first time I chopped off a corpse was a good corpse, like him.

Three thousand years later, Hongjun's sermon ended: "There are many ways to become a saint. If you want to be truly holy, you still need one thing. If you don't have this thing, your enlightenment will be successful, and it will not lead to immortality or karma." Hunyuan Saint."

Hongjun's words made those people from Hongyun and Taiyi, who were still paying attention to the successful beheading of a corpse, all turn their fiery eyes towards him.

"Can Daozu tell me frankly, what is that?" Di Jun thought deeply and almost guessed the meaning of the futon. He couldn't help but feel a little hot in his heart. When he looked at Jie Yin Zhunti, his eyes seemed to have knives.

Even though he knew clearly that the futon occupied by Jie Yin had nothing to do with him, after hearing it for so many years, he subconsciously felt that it was Jie Yin who had taken advantage of him.

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