Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 142 Chapter 143, Divide Hongmeng Purple Qi

Hongjun glanced at Di Jun, then glanced at Taiyi, who had a good corpse standing next to him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and took out seven Hongmeng purple energy. Fang spoke under the glare of everyone's eyes: "This is the foundation of the great road - Hongmeng." Purple air.”

"The Great Dao is fifty, the Tianyan is forty-nine, if you escape one of them, you will be the Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

"The foundation of attaining enlightenment and becoming a saint contains the laws of heaven and is accompanied by the holy position of heaven. Without it, one cannot become a saint."

I and Yuan Shi looked at each other and understood in their hearts that they, Sanqing, occupied half of this holy position.

There were seven rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi in Daozu's hand, and there were seven futons. At this time, anyone who was not stupid would react. Just wait and see whether Daozu really gives the seven rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi to the seven people on the futon.

In other words, what they want to know most is not who it is given to, but who it is not given to.

Those people on the futon, except for Ying Yin Zhunti, all of them obeyed.

Under the gaze of everyone, Daozu looked at Sanqing, and with a move of his hand, three rays of Hongmeng purple energy floated towards them, "Three Qings can become holy."

Sure enough, sure enough. Everyone who guessed correctly was shocked, and then turned their attention to the remaining four people.

The other three people outside Hongyun on the futon were all worried. They all felt that they should have this opportunity, but they couldn't rest assured if they didn't get the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

But those who failed to grab the futon felt their hearts sink. If they had known there was such a great opportunity, they would have risked their lives to grab it.

Of course, the one who hated him the most was Kunpeng. He was the only one who was forcefully deprived of the opportunity to become a saint.

After Sanqing obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Nuwa and Taiyi couldn't hold their anger anymore and immediately asked: "Taozu, can I become a saint?" Hongjun looked at him with tears in his eyes and stared at him with longing. With his guidance, he directly divided the remaining four Hongmeng Purple Qi. The four people on the futon all received the opportunity to become saints that they had longed for.

As for who can become a saint and who cannot, Hongjun has no intention of telling them.

As for the way of heaven that has been chattering to him through the jade plate of creation, ha~ who cares!

"Master! What are we going to do next?" Tongtian raised his hand and asked happily after collecting the Hongmeng Purple Qi. He didn't care about the looks of others. Anyway, there was nothing wrong with him calling him master.

Hongjun said before that only after the sermon is over can he openly call him master. Now that the sermon is over, Tongtian will show it off immediately.

How could Hongjun not know Tongtian's thoughts? Although he was helpless, he was indeed reminded by Tongtian's voice.

"Sanqing and I are destined to be my direct disciples. Taiqing Laozi is my first disciple." Hongjun specifically stated who his first disciple was. Although Tongtian was liked by him, he was not suitable to be his first disciple.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi were both reluctant, and immediately bowed: "Disciple pays homage to the teacher."

"Ah~ Then I'm not the senior brother!" Tongtian looked regretful.

Yuan Shi was so angry that he snorted coldly. If he wanted to call him Senior Brother Tongtian, he would rather not recognize him as Master!

All the guests from Zixiao looked at the situation in front of them, with their own thoughts in their hearts. They should have guessed that Tongtian could be so reckless in Zixiao Palace. If they build a good relationship early, maybe they can sit on a futon and obtain a holy status through their relationship with Sanqing.

In the eyes of everyone, Hongyun was no better than them. The only difference was that Tongtian and Zhen Yuanzi were protecting him, otherwise he might not be able to hold on to the futon even if he sat on it.

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