Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 226 Chapter 226, Nuwa mends the sky

Hongjun sighed. Since Luo Hou insisted on protecting Hongyun, he must also be partial!

"There is a leak in the sky, and the people of the ancient and primitive land have no means of living. We should integrate the earthly and fairy world into the primitive and primitive land, so that all living beings can have a place to recuperate and live."

This is true. There are indeed not many places in the ancient land for human beings to survive. Heaven is interested in the human race. For the future development of the human race and for the stability of the prehistoric era, he will definitely agree.

In this way, Zhen Yuanzi does not have to live in the immortal world forever, and Nuo Da's merits can make him stronger. As long as he is by Hongyun's side, no one can hurt Hongyun.

Luo Hou was stunned for a moment, not believing that Hongjun gave such great merit to Zhen Yuanzi without the consent of Heaven.

I don’t believe that Hongjun made such a big concession just because of what he just said.

"Then tell Hong Huang quickly!" Luo Hou urged after regaining consciousness, and then stopped giving Hongjun a look.

Hongjun knew that Luo Hou was soft-spoken and had a deep resentment towards him. He had no intention of returning to the old relationship, so he left the underground palace immediately.

However, before leaving, he cast a spell to set up a barrier around the underground palace, so that no one could enter the room where Luo Hou was, except him.

When Hongjun's voice spread throughout the world, a purple light fell in front of Nuwa. It was the innate treasure Qiankun Ding, which could help Nuwa refine the five-color stone.

Nuwa took the Qiankun Ding and said, "Thank you, Master, for giving me this treasure. I will definitely live up to my command."

With the help of Sanqing, Nuwa searched for many years and finally found all the five-color soil and put it in the Qiankun Cauldron to refine it.

Hongyun then assisted Zhen Yuanzi to integrate the immortal world with the ancient world, and searched for the true body that could be used as an apprentice among the treasures of heaven and earth. Although I didn't do anything important, I never had a moment of leisure. Hundreds of years later, ten thousand multicolored stones were refined in the Qiankun Cauldron, and finally turned into a liquid emitting five colors of light, blocking the hole in the sky.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight multicolored stones were used to repair the sky, and after the completion, there were still two stones left in the Qiankun Cauldron.

When Nuwa was collecting the colorful stones, her body suddenly trembled, and a colorful stone in her hand fell to the world, and happened to fall on the immortal world that had just merged with the ancient world. It should now be called the ancient earth.

There was an extra stone on the cliff of Dongsheng Shenzhou. Nuwa wanted to take it back, but when she touched the five-color stone, she calculated the fate of the five-color stone and placed it on the cliff.

Gonggong Zhurong swore to heaven that he would never leave Mount Buzhou and guard the pillars of Mount Buzhou.

After the matter calmed down, heaven sent down merits and deeds.

Nuwa's merit in patching up the sky alone accounts for 50%. The red cloud blocks the flood and gets 10%. Zhen Yuanzi integrated the earthly immortal world into the ancient world and got 10%. Sanqing assisted Nuwa in refining five-color stones and obtained 20%. The last ten percent was given to those who came to take advantage of the chaos and forcibly converted the creatures to the west.

Black mist-like karma hangs over the Wu clan. Although Gonggong Zhurong tried his best to make up for it, the damage to the prehistoric world has been done, and the Wu clan should naturally bear the burden of this sin.

As a result, the witch clan's Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation cannot be used at all, and the Pangu afterimage that the twelve ancestral witches can use together has no chance to appear.

Although the demon clan also lost many little demons when the flood poured in, compared to the witch clan's losses, the demon clan's losses were almost negligible.

Di Jun happily held a celebration and at the same time boosted morale and prepared to launch a general attack.

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