Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 227 Chapter 227, Fuxi and Nuwa meet

Before leaving the Great Wilderness, Nuwa wanted to see her brother, whom she had been thinking about all day and night, so she sent out a ray of spiritual consciousness to look for her. However, she found that Fuxi was not in the heaven, but in a secret cave outside Buzhou Mountain, with two little golden crows beside him. .

Nuwa looked for her and said, "Brother!"

Fuxi hadn't seen Nuwa for a long time. He hugged each other happily and expressed his longing for her. It was hard to separate, completely ignoring that there were two children beside him.

"Why is my brother here?" Nuwa felt the eyes of the two children and asked in confusion.

Fu Xi: "It was Emperor Jun who asked me to protect the two young princes from participating in the war and find a safe place to settle them. I originally took them to Buzhou Mountain, but I didn't expect to work together with Zhu Rong, two reckless men with no brains. We fought at Buzhou Mountain and broke the mountain pillar. In the critical moment, I had no choice but to take the little prince to escape, and I wanted to see you, so I stayed here."

"Then why doesn't brother come to me?" Nuwa looked at Fuxi with tears in her eyes.

"You have to be busy repairing the sky. I can't help you, and the traces of the little prince may be exposed, so I have to wait." Fuxi smiled bitterly, he could no longer protect his sister.

Nuwa couldn't stop crying. Although the thirty-third heaven was full of spiritual energy and beautiful buildings, she was too lonely. She worried about Fuxi's safety every day and deduced Fuxi's good or bad luck.

From previous deductions, we only knew that Fuxi was facing a huge disaster. She could not leave the thirty-third heaven. Even if she wanted to save her, she was powerless. Even more detailed calculations had no results.

It wasn't until recently that she vaguely realized that Fuxi's catastrophe had passed, and it seemed that these two little golden crows were the reason.

The secret of heaven is so chaotic that even a saint cannot understand it. However, it is still foreseeable that the little Golden Crows will suffer death. Now it should be these two little Golden Crows that are resurrected, and Di Jun will ask his brother to protect the little Golden Crows and not participate in the war.

Nuwa really didn't want to be separated from Fuxi anymore: "Brother, please come back to the 33rd Heaven with me. There is no safer place than the 33rd Heaven."

"Can I go to the thirty-third heaven? Can the two little princes go too?" Of course Fuxi is willing, but he is entrusted by others and cannot ignore these two little golden crows. Nuwa raised her hand and calculated, but there was no restriction.

"Okay, you all can come with me!" Nuwa happily held Fuxi's hand.

Fuxi was also overjoyed. He turned around and picked up the two little golden crows, and flew up to the thirty-third heaven with Nuwa.

In order to prevent Emperor Jun from worrying, Fuxi specially sent a message to Emperor Jun, telling him that he had taken the little Golden Crow to the Thirty-third Tianwa Palace. With the protection of the saint, nothing would happen to the Little Golden Crow.

When Di Jun received the message, he was completely relieved. This was what he had in mind, which was to use Fuxi to make Nuwa stop protecting her.

But before, I just thought that after the war, if the demon clan was unfortunately defeated, there would be someone to take care of Little Golden Crow. Unexpectedly, Gonggong Zhurong knocked down Buzhou Mountain and caused the saint to die, allowing Fuxi to meet Nuwa in advance and take the two children to the thirty-third heaven.

What an unexpected surprise!

After arranging all the children, Di Jun took a look at the newly refined witch-slaying sword and felt confident. He immediately summoned the top ten demon commanders to discuss the matter and start the war.

He had five children dead, and someone had to pay the price. There is nothing the Saint can do for the time being, but if he destroys the Wu clan and completely becomes the master of the ancient world, the Heavenly Court will definitely occupy most of the destiny of the ancient world. When he falls, he may not be able to compete with the Saint!

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