Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 245 Chapter 245, Kunlun Mountain as a Guest

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun's almost running figure and smiled knowingly.

As arranged by Hongyun, Zhen Yuanzi doubled the frequency of his sermons, gave them a lot of black jade and cold plums, and refined magic weapons for each of them.

He even went to the Sun Star to plant the branches of a hibiscus tree in person. The three-legged golden crow was perched on the hibiscus tree, and the practice would be more effective with half the effort. Zhen Yuanzi used many methods to make the fusang tree survive and grow in Wuzhuang Temple. He laid down layers of barriers one after another before he could safely let Hui Yu transform into his original form.

It's just that Yusheng and Yuheng secretly cried again when they saw the fusang tree. They were no longer the three-legged golden crows. They could no longer swim in the sky with their brothers, sleep on the fusang tree, and play in the soup valley.

Three hundred years later, Hui Yu broke through to Daluo Jinxian.

Four hundred years later, Kong Xuan became a quasi-sage and went into seclusion to consolidate his cultivation.

Six hundred years later, Yusheng and Yuheng also made breakthroughs.

Hongyun followed the initial encouragement he gave them and took them to Kunlun Mountain as guests, leaving the remaining apprentices to Zhen Yuanzi.

Before leaving, Zhen Yuanzi Yin Yin warned: "You are already a saint, and you should be a role model for others. You should not act willfully or fool around with Tongtian."

Hongyun was unconvinced and said: "Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, I can do whatever I want!"

Zhen Yuanzi: I have never been a child. When have I been less willful when I went out?
"I can't go with you. Remember not to meddle in other people's business, don't be tainted with cause and effect, and don't stay alone with Tongtian."

Hong Yun may not be at ease after being warned, so he turned to look at Hui Yu, who had just arrived at Hong Yun's waist: "Keep an eye on your Master Hong Yun. If he causes trouble, send a message back and I will pick you up as my master!"

"Yes, Master!" Hui Yu responded respectfully.

Hongyun was speechless. He had to be so unreliable to let Zhen Yuanzi tell a kid who was about his waist to look at him. Does he also want to thank Zhen Yuanzi for not telling the three-headed Yusheng Yuheng?

Hongyun endured it again and again, but couldn't bear it anymore. He put a hand on Huiyu's head and looked at Hongyun: "As long as Huiyu grows taller, I won't say anything if you tell him. But if you see him like this, I Isn’t it a bit insulting for you to let him look at me, a master who may not be able to come back even if he goes out!”

Zhen Yuanzi was amused again: "Can Daluo Jinxian not find his way home?"

"Even if you can't find it, he can't lose it."

Hongyun stared at Zhen Yuanzi with wide eyes, her eyes filled with resentment.

How could a friend of many years be so humiliating? He was already a saint, and if he could still get lost, he would be completely famous, surpassing several other saints.

It was rare for Zhen Yuanzi to make Hongyun frustrated, but he also smiled happily.

Finally, he warned: "If you still want to go to Kunlun Mountain, stop fooling around with Tongtian, otherwise Yuanshi will really build a monument at the foot of Kunlun Mountain and you will not be allowed to enter!"

Hongyun curled her lips and thought to herself: Otherwise, they will soon separate, and what will happen if we let them go or not!
At the same time, Tongtian of Kunlun Mountain knew in advance that Hongyun was going to take his disciples as a guest, and was happily arranging a place to live, when he was called by Yuan Shi.

"Second brother, what are you calling me for?" Tongtian was immersed in the joy that years of boredom had come to an end, and he hadn't seen his second brother's increasingly darker face.

Yuan Shi cleared his throat: "Fellow Daoist Hongyun comes to my Kunlun Mountain as a guest, and my Kunlun Mountain should naturally treat him well. But Xuandu's current quasi-sage cultivation can also handle these things, so don't be busy."

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