Tongtian blinked: "No need, Hongyun is here to see me, so naturally I should entertain him personally."

"Although I have a high status as a Sanqing, Hongyun is also a saint and is deeply loved by Master, so I can't neglect him!" How could Tongtian not know Yuanshi's concerns, but he chose to play dumb after thinking for a second.

We are all saints, no one should be fooled by anyone else! I know you don't want me to play with Hongyun, but I don't want to listen to you!
The villain in Tongtian's heart shook his ears in fear
Yuan Shi glared at Tong Tian fiercely, and finally compromised: "Then you will entertain me."

"But if it causes trouble up and down the Kunlun Mountains, don't blame the second brother for being harsh!"

The three-bao jade Ruyi in Yuanshi's hand suddenly moved, as if threatening Tongtian.

Tongtian secretly rolled his eyes and thought to himself: Just give it a beating. It’s just a little skin injury. It won’t hurt anymore after becoming a saint. It’s tiring for you but not for me!

Tongtian nodded indifferently, and Yuanshi was even more angry and wanted to smash Sanbaoyu Ruyi directly.

But what the elder brother said makes sense. Tongtian has become a saint and a master. If Ruoyong is beaten up and down at every turn, it really damages his image in the eyes of his disciples.

If this were not the case, he would not be too much if he opened the sky eight times a day.

"Second brother, don't worry. Hongyun will only stay in Kunlun Mountain for a few days. We will go to the 33rd heaven to meet the master together. We won't get into trouble with you!" Tongtian left after saying that, because he had just felt the impact of his second brother. The cold air emanating from my brother's body means he will be beaten if he doesn't leave.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Hongyun and Tongtian meet. Lu Ya also followed Tong Tian, ​​who now looked like an adult.

Lu Ya ran two steps excitedly, knelt down and held his three brothers in his arms.

Hongyun laughed out loud at this scene of deep brotherhood. Xiao Shi, the youngest, squatted down and hugged his second brother who was up to his waist, as well as his three-headed fifth brother and ninth brother. Lu Ya, who obviously wanted to cry and express his longing for his brother when he saw him, suppressed this thought abruptly. Because he suddenly felt that he was an adult.

Tongtian couldn't help laughing, coughed twice and asked, "Why haven't you grown up?"

Hongyun also smiled and said: "The second child's name is Hui Yu. He is now at the level of Daluo Jinxian. His failure to grow up should be due to his character. He can grow up at any time."

"Xiao Wu is called Yu Sheng, and Xiao Jiu is called Yu Heng. After they were shot by arrows, their souls were placed in jade by Zhen Yuanzi. Jade will not grow, and they will take whatever form they want. When they grow up, It’s just a change.”

Tongtian nodded, picked up Yu Sheng with a smile, and pinched the soft flesh on Yu Sheng's face: "It's quite cute like this. It doesn't matter if she doesn't grow up."

Hongyun shook his head: "How can we not grow up? Wuzhuang Temple protected them as children, but it cannot keep the little Golden Crow who shoulders the responsibility." The world outside is very vast, and they need to go out and take a look. Living in confusion, what are you doing with your life?

There was a wave of magic power in Hui Yu's body, and he slowly began to grow, and did not stop until he was a little taller than Lu Ya. He hugged Lu Ya with his broad shoulders and said, "Second brother will protect you."

Lu Ya could no longer hold back his tears and cried while holding Hui Yu's shoulders.

He has suffered so much these years, burdened with the demon clan's affairs, practicing alone in Kunlun Mountain, and being discriminated against and bullied at every turn.

Having family is called having a family, and now, someone is protecting him.

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