Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 259 Chapter 259, Discussing the Conferment of Gods in Zixiao Palace

After Hongyun finished playing, Hongjun spoke: "Hongyun, Tongtian, sit down."

Tongtian gave Jieyin a hard look, making it clear that the fire was only temporarily suppressed in his heart and would be vented sooner or later. The punch just now was too light, and it wasn't from him, so it doesn't count.

The Taoist ancestor who pressed Hongyun and Tongtian looked at the saints and said directly: "The three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods come from the two sects of Chanjie and the Western Sect."

As Hongyun said, he is not considered a Taoist, so naturally he does not need to send his disciples to the list.

As for Laozi and Nuwa, one has three pure beings and one has only two disciples. Moreover, Lingzhuzi has already fled to Kunlun Mountain, so even if he is a disciple of the Chan Cult, he can still be considered a participant.

Most of them are the two sects of Chanjie and the Western sect with the most people.

I have no objection: "But teacher, how should we become gods?"

"Heaven, earth, people."

"Since we have been granted the title of Righteous God in Heaven, we will start from the human race."

"Each of you choose a clan force and help it achieve orthodoxy. Whoever wins then will hand over this list of gods."

Dao Zusu waved his hand, and the list of gods transformed from the heavenly book appeared in the air. At the same time, there was also a whip for beating gods, which all fell into Laozi's hands.

"This list of gods and the whip will be handed over to Taiqing for safekeeping."

Jie Yin was not convinced, but still suppressed his anger. Daozu obviously favors Hongyun and Sanqing. The good things belong to Sanqing, and the grievances are all his. Even if he speaks out now, he can only be reprimanded.

"How many people are there from the West?" Yuan Shi looked at Jie Yin, with a hint of oppression in his eyes. Jie Yin hesitated for a moment and stretched out three fingers.

"Three hundred? Junior brother, you are so righteous!" I laughed and praised.

Jie Yin waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, it's not three hundred! We in the West are poor and there are only a few monks. How can we compare with the great Eastern religion like Chanjiao Jiejiao? I, I, in the West, only have three disciples... "

Before anyone could refute him, he changed the subject and looked at Hongyun:

"Speaking of this, I just remembered that Senior Brother Hongyun has more than three disciples! Why do you mean there are only three? Is it because you don't want to let the disciples be on the list and deceive the teacher?"

Hong Yun was stunned for a moment. He had really forgotten those human disciples. He was originally planning to put them on the list to protect the human race in heaven in the future, but he almost fell behind them.

He quickly said: "Tao Ancestor, my disciple just forgot that he did accept a few disciples from the human race in the early years. They practiced hard and devoted themselves to protecting the human race. If the Jade Emperor doesn't dislike it, let them be on the list!"

"Although this disciple has never been a disciple of Taoist ancestors, he has received guidance from Taoist ancestors over the years, so he should still devote his efforts to Xuanmen."

Hongjun nodded with satisfaction. There are only a few places. Even if Hongyun protects his apprentice, he won't say anything. However, Hongyun spoke nicely and was the first to express his attitude in front of several others, which showed that he was very good at doing things.

Hongyun is also very satisfied and lets their names be written on the list. As long as they survive the Conferred God Tribulation and join the list physically after the end, they will be much freer and their status on the Conferred God List will be higher.

Yuan Shi thought for a moment with a sullen face, then said: "Master, there are only twelve disciples in Chanjiao, how about just twelve disciples?"

Hongyun, who was aware of the subsequent events, knew that Yuanshi had already considered it before he mentioned the twelve disciples. When he entered the list of gods and listened to others' orders, his cultivation was interrupted. How could he let go of those precious disciples who were selected from thousands of people.

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