Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 260 Chapter 260, Leading to Depart from Xuanmen

Let them each recruit disciples, as long as they are disciples of Chanjiao and are included in the list of gods.

Hongjun didn't bother to mention Yuanshi, as long as someone filled the quota, that would be enough.

Finally coming to a conclusion, Hongjun's tone became unquestionable: "The remaining quotas should be divided into half between the Jiejiao and Western teachers!"

Nowadays, although Jiejiao does not have thousands of immortals coming to court, it is still easy to have one or two hundred disciples. Tongtian knew that he could not refuse, so he accepted it.

The only thing he could do to attract people was to cut their hearts. He had coaxed and deceived 80% of the disciples of the Western Sect. He finally got them to turn to the West. Now he had to hand over so much, but he had spent nearly a thousand years in vain.

After Hongjun asked several people to leave Zixiao Palace, he got up and left, while Hongyun and Tongtian acted separately. Hongyun went to Heaven to see Haotian Yaochi, while Tongtian took out the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and prepared to catch up with Jie Yin.

I didn't stop him from Yuanshi, but Hongjun warned him before leaving: "Don't use the Immortal Killing Formation, otherwise all life will be ruined!"

Outside the thirty-third heaven, Tongtian intercepted Jie Yin who wanted to escape.

"Since you dared to provoke me just now, you are ready to have a fight with me." Tongtian snorted coldly, wishing to kill him on the spot.

As for Tongtian's behavior, Laozi, Yuanshi, and Nuwa all watched with cold eyes and did not make any reaction at all. For those who were beaten after being beaten, it would be a mercy for them not to step forward to make up for it.

Taking a look here is also to ensure that Tongtian won't really cause any trouble.

Jieyin didn't expect any movement from them. Anyway, he had long understood that in this so-called Xuanmen, everyone else was in the same group, and he was the only one.

As for Tongtian wanting to have a fight with him, he was indeed a little panicked when he saw his Four Immortal Swordsmanship, but after the panic, he calmed down, because this was the result he wanted. If he didn't want to anger Tongtian, he wouldn't provoke him directly. I have been wronged just now, so this time I can just make a big fuss.

Jie Yin thought of the decision he had just made, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he was about to face the Heaven-Breaking Immortal Sword. Getting a beating in exchange for leaving Xuanmen in an honest and upright manner and hugging those disciples was a good deal.

The two of them were fighting together, and I instantly created a barrier to prevent innocent people from being affected.

Within the barrier, Jieyin was injured one after another. Just when Tongtian was preparing for the next cruel attack, Jieyin suddenly shouted:
"Teacher, are you so partial to them? Are you turning a blind eye to the humiliation of your disciples in front of you?"

"In this case, I will leave Xuanmen as soon as possible!"

Tong Tian was anxious and slapped him with his palm. Jieyin had no time to dodge and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Hongjun's voice came: "Since you have turned your back on the master and do not want to be a disciple of Xuanmen, then you will not do it. After the matter of becoming a god is over, you will have nothing to do with Xuanmen anymore."

In other words, it’s okay to betray the master, and the master will not hesitate to have you. But the West must hand over the number of people on the list of gods.

Jie Yin's defense was completely broken: "I don't accept it! I am no longer a disciple of Xuanmen, why should I still listen to your orders?"

A gust of breeze blew by. It was soft and gentle around Sanqing and Nuwa, but there was an extremely strong wind at the reception area. Hearing a scream from Jie Yin, the strong wind sent him back to Mount Sumeru in the west.

After this one-sided fight ended, Hongjun reprimanded: "The Thirty-Third Heaven is not a place for fooling around, so please disperse quickly. Tongtian will be punished with one year of confinement, and you are not allowed to go out in Zixiao Palace."

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