Luo Hou was stunned when he heard Hong Yun's words. Suddenly he was no longer curious. Instead, he became angry and cursed: "Get out!"

"Yes!" Hongyun was so excited that she turned around and ran away.

In such a happy mood, I wanted to lie down on the ground and get out of the house to have some fun.

Thirty-three days later, Hongyun thought of his young apprentice who was abandoned in Kunlun Mountain. A quick calculation shows that he is now in the Wa Palace.

Then Hongyun felt relieved, and he could still feel relieved for a while. Those children don't need to go to the human race in advance to make preparations. They can just find things to do by themselves when the calamity begins. Anyway, now that Nuwa and Fuxi are watching, there is no need to worry.

Wuzhuang Temple has been restored to its original state, and the enlightenment tea has been brewed in the courtyard. Zhen Yuanzi is sitting there with an immortal air, and there is no trace of the beast hidden underneath.

After landing in the courtyard, the first thing Hong Yun did was to give Hong Yun a fierce look. Just now I only stared at the room, not anyone, I have to make up for it this time.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't care about Hongyun's childish behavior and drank tea happily.

Hongyun angrily sat down on the other side: "Pour it in for me, you don't have any eyesight!"

Zhen Yuanzi expected that he would start trouble as soon as he sat down.

Zhen Yuanzi raised his hand to pour tea for Hongyun, and then placed a plate of ginseng fruits and a plate of black jade plums. Just when Hongyun thought he was finished, another plate of pills was pushed over.

"This is my newly refined elixir, do you want to try it?" Zhen Yuanzi was very happy. No matter how Hongyun made trouble at this time, he was not angry.

Hongyun took a look at the elixir refined by Zhen Yuanzi, and felt the rich spiritual energy even without taking it. Although it is not as good as the golden elixir refined by Lao Tzu, it is still ranked among the top in the prehistoric times.

Zhen Yuanzi is really versatile, whether it is formations, medical skills, or alchemy and weapon refining, he is the best in all. No matter if he likes it or not, as long as he does it. They have achieved absolute proficiency and can teach students to the same level.

"Don't eat it!" Hongyun turned away. Who is a good person who can take the elixir?
Even Laozi's golden elixir has no effect on the saint, let alone Zhen Yuanzi's. Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Hongyun, not angry, and pushed the ginseng fruit again.

"The ginseng fruit is ripe today. It will be better if you come back. Come and taste the first ripe fruit in ten thousand years!"

"When did I stop using this thing? Is it still worthy of your courtesy?" Hongyun was aggrieved and naturally angry.

Although ginseng fruit takes a long time to mature, there is no shortage of ginseng fruit trees at Wuzhuang Temple.

The treasures in Zhen Yuanzi's sleeves are not only used to store things for the poor, but also to keep them fresh. Therefore, no matter what time the ginseng fruit tree is in, Hongyun can eat it if she wants to.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled fondly: "Whatever Hongyun Saint wants to eat, I will get it for you, no matter in heaven or on earth."

Hongyun turned his eyes and said with a smile: "I haven't eaten the Jade Emperor yet. Go and capture Haotian. We'll bake it when you get back."

If you don’t want to be courteous, then do it!
Hongyun looked at him with a look of embarrassment, and crossed her legs, waiting unsteadily for Zhen Yuanzi's reply.

Zhen Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, and then he turned into a wisp of smoke and flew away.

Hongyun then realized, Zhen Yuanzi wouldn't really go to heaven to find Haotian, would he?

There was no one in the heaven, so even if Zhen Yuanzi, a saint, rushed to the Lingxiao Palace, captured Haotian and came back, no one should be able to stop him.

"What a sin! Zhen Yuanzi, come back!"

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