Hongyun had no time to hesitate and followed directly. Although Zhen Yuanzi is not the tiger man, who can say for sure about the current situation!

Stepping through the void and reaching the ninth level, there were only Haotian and Zhen Yuanzi in the Lingxiao Palace. Hongyun suddenly rushed in, leaving Haotian stunned.

"Sage...please sit down!" Haotian was stunned for a moment, but when he thought of Zhen Yuanzi who also came uninvited, he didn't hesitate for a long time.

Hongyun glared at Zhen Yuanzi and sat down next to him.

Haotian: "Yaochi is taking people to pick peaches. The two saints will wait a moment."

Hongyun nodded casually and said nothing. Because he didn't know what Zhen Yuanzi had just said to Haotian, he couldn't speak directly, so he quietly cursed Zhen Yuanzi in his heart.

After a while, before the people from Yaochi arrived, a voice came first: "Sage Hongyun has also arrived. It's really disappointing to welcome him from afar."

"Now that the court is short of manpower, I have neglected the two saints. Please forgive me!"

Xian'e behind Yaochi placed the flat peach between Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, and she herself took a seat next to Haotian.

Hongyun: "Now that the palace is busy and short of manpower, it is inappropriate for us to come and disturb you. How can we work for the Queen Mother?"

After finishing speaking, Hongyun glared at Zhen Yuanzi again, saying it was annoying to have to do such a thing!

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Hongyun and said with a smile: "Hongyun was a little tired of the fruits of the innate spiritual roots in the meditation, so I came to the heaven for a visit. Unexpectedly, Hongyun couldn't wait and followed me."

Hongyun looked at Zhen Yuanzi with sharp eyes, but Zhen Yuanzi saw pleading in it, which was really cute.

"It happened that the ginseng fruits were ripe in the temple, so I came to bring some to share with the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother." Zhen Yuanzi turned to Haotian and the others, took out a basket of about a dozen ginseng fruits from his sleeves, and cast a spell to send them to Haotian.

"Why should Saint Zhenyuan be so polite? I have nothing else in heaven, but the flat peaches are eaten with Saint Hongyun!" Haotian still feels strange, but he can't explain why, so he can only continue to be polite. Hongyun understood. It turned out that Zhen Yuanzi said that he was greedy, so he went to heaven to ask for flat peaches.

Zhen Yuanzi, you are so kind!

To think that a saint like Hongyun actually ran away to beg for food because of his greed. What a shame!
"Jade Emperor, although the qualifications and cultivation of the disciples of the three religions are acceptable, they are still a little behind in terms of seniority. I think you are missing a highly respected person in heaven." Hongyun turned his eyes and glanced at Zhen Yuanzi with a smirk.

You can still hear what Haotian said. No matter what the reason is, it is always good to climb along the pole.

He immediately said: "What Saint Hongyun said is reasonable, but our foundation is still shallow. How can anyone with advanced cultivation and high moral standing be willing to serve in heaven!"

Before Hong Yun could speak, he said anxiously: "Does Saint Hong Yun have someone to recommend? That will really solve my urgent need!"

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes warned Hongyun not to act recklessly.

But Hongyun turned a blind eye and continued: "What does the Jade Emperor think of Zhenyuan? Is he sufficiently virtuous and respectable?"

Haotian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dare to take such a big pie when it fell.

It was Yaochi who answered: "If the saint is willing to condescend, we will naturally be overjoyed. But I don't know if the saint Zhenyuan is interested?"

"Hongyun is used to making jokes, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother must not take it seriously!" Zhen Yuanzi's face darkened when he saw that Hongyun was taking her seriously without any sense of restraint.

Hongyun still refused to end, and asked Zhen Yuanzi with a smile: "Isn't this what you said earlier?"

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